September 25th Newsletter
Vote for Sarai & FIERY!
Our very own Global Business & Entrepreneurship Magnet Senior, Sarai Umansor-Morales, has made it through many rounds of competition to the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) National Competition in NYC! She will be competing on October 1-3! Please open the link below and scroll down to vote for FIERY! This is her "fast pitch" for her business plan, but she will be pitching a 7 minute presentation to judges "Shark Tank" style for $10,000! You don't even have to watch the 1 - minute video to vote but I recommend watching it - Sarai is AWESOME! It is as easy as clicking the thumbs up icon! Also, you can vote as many times as you like (more is better - LOL)! If you can ask your students to vote, that would be much appreciated as well!!
Sarai will get recognized at the awards ceremony for having the most "popular" votes among the competitors (however, it has nothing to do with how the actual judging for the competition will go). You can vote through October 1st!
https://my.reviewr.com/s2/showcase//%20NFTE_National23(Contributed by Mrs. Kummerlen)
Order Your Pictures!
School pictures are ready to be viewed! If you did not purchase a package on or prior to underclass picture day, you can log in at http://cady.com/orderphotos to view and order your 2023-2024 school pictures today!
College Tour - UF
College Tour - UCF
College Tour - FSU
College Tour - UNF
Get Ready for Homecoming!
Staff Snapshots
Volunteer Opportunities
Are You Registered for SIS Gateway?
Palm Beach Gardens High School
Website: https://pbgh.palmbeachschools.org/
Location: 4245 Holly Drive, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA
Phone: 5616947300
Facebook: facebook.com/PBGHSofficial
Twitter: @PBGHSofficial