Kennedy News
August 2022 Edition #KENNEDYBEST
Note from Mr. Rustad: Summer Update
Kennedy Families,
The calendar has turned to August and back to school sales are happening. That means that the first day of school is near!
Our first day of school is Thursday, September 8th. I am so excited to see our classrooms filled with our Kennedy BEST Cubs and their amazing teachers!
Listed below is the updated list of teachers for each grade level for the 22-23 school year.
- Kindergarten: Mrs. Harper, Mrs. Lout, and Mrs. McConkey
- First Grade: Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. Brennan, and Ms. Ladd (new to Kennedy from Monroe)
- Second Grade: Mrs. Imhoff, Mrs. Veroeven, and Mrs. Wiste
- Third Grade: Mr. Meyer, Mrs. Ward, and Mr. Wischnack
- Fourth Grade: Mrs. Schulz and Mr. Winning
- Fifth Grade: Ms. Kelly and Mrs. Uhrich
You can expect to get a back to school update from me in a couple of weeks with information including classroom assignments and conference sign up.
I hope that all Kennedy families get the chance to really enjoy the final month of summer vacation. If you have any questions about the upcoming year, feel free to email me. If not, relax and enjoy the rest of summer. I will see all of you on September 8th for the start of another amazing school year at Kennedy!
Together We Are Kennedy!
Steve Rustad
2022-23 Kennedy School Supply List
What do you need to know?
- Students will be dismissed at 12:30 PM.
- Students will be able to have breakfast and lunch at Kennedy. Under the 2 hour late start system, students did not have an option to have breakfast.
- There will be child care available for students on this day. Students will need to be signed up in advance so that we can appropriately staff the child care. Students who are not signed up will be dismissed at 12:30 and will follow their afterschool plan (bus, parent pick up, or walk). Students who are signed up will be dismissed at 2:30 and will follow their afterschool plan (ACES, parent pick up, or walk).
- The first early release day is Wednesday, 9/21. All early releases are on a Wednesday. Here are the dates for all of the early releases: 9/21/22, 10/12/22, 11/9/22, 12/14/22, 1/11/23, 2/8/23, 3/10/23, 4/12/23, and 5/10/23
Big Change #2 - School Breakfast and Lunch
It's more than a meal application...
Completing the Free and Reduced Lunch Application helps in many areas beyond free or reduced-price meals. The number of qualifying applications directly impacts the Federal funds MAPS receives which helps provide continued funding to support all students.
For more information on how to fill out the application, use this link: https://docs.google.com/.../1jwZ96EjYi0D.../edit or call 507-388-7442 for questions.
Job opportunities at Kennedy - Join the Cub family!
- Student Success Coach: This vital paraprofessional position works closely with our teachers, counselor, and principal to offer social/emotional and behavior supports to our students. Click here for more details!
- Lunchroom/Playground Supervisor: Looking for a great way to get to know all of the Kennedy Cubs? Interested in a job that is only a couple of hours each day? Join us in the lunchroom or on the playground! Check out this link for more details.
- Special Education Paraprofessionals: Our amazing special education team is looking for some additional members. if you are interested in working with some amazing Cubs and great teachers, then this is the job for you! Check out this link for more details.
- ACES: The Mankato Area Public Schools before and after school care program is looking for great people to fill the positions of site lead, childcare assistants, and student support assistants. These positions may be at Kennedy or other school sites. Click on this link for more information.
- Substitute Teachers: If you have a 4 year degree and want some flexibility in the days you work, subbing is the job for you! The district recently raised the rate of pay to $200 a day for substitutes. To learn more, click on this link or scan the QR code on the picture below.
It's a great day to be a Kennedy Cub! Join the Cub family!
Email Mr. Rustad if you have any questions about these opportunities at Kennedy
Check out the picture below to see all the PTO sponsored ways to easily raise funds for Kennedy!
Upcoming Events at Kennedy
- Tuesday, September 6th and Wednesday September 7th - Entrance Conferences
- Thursday, September 8th - First day of school!
- Wednesday, September 21st - 2 Hour Early Release
It's a Great day to be a CUB!!!
Kennedy Elementary School
Steve Rustad
Mankato Area Public Schools (MAPS) is committed to working together equitably, with families and communities, so that each learner has the knowledge and skills to be a successful and contributing citizen in a diverse global society.
Email: ke@isd77.org
Website: https://ke.isd77.org/
Location: 2600 East Main Street, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: (507) 387-2122
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ISD77MAPS/
Twitter: @ISD77MAPS