Panther Talk
April 11, 2022
2022 Mart ISD Waco Rotary Outstanding Youth Citizenship Award
Mart ISD would like to congratulate Ashley Galloway on her nomination for the 42nd Annual Waco Rotary 2022 Outstanding Youth Citizenship Award. Ashley is one of 22 seniors from surrounding McLennan County Schools nominated for this award.
Junior High Girls Place 2nd in District Meet!
18AA JH District Track Meet Results
8th Grade Girls - 2nd Place in District
100 M Dash - Kami Garrett , 3rd Place
200 M Dash - Lani Heflin, 4th Place
800 M Run - Harley Desmuke, 2nd Place, Saydi Durbin, 3rd Place
1600 M Run - Saydi Durbin, 4th Place
2400 M Run - Harley Desmuke, 4th Place
4x100 Relay - Aleah Williams, Kami Garrett, Amelia Cortez, Marley Maas, 1st Place
4x200 Relay - Aleah Williams, Kami Garrett, Amelia Cortez, Marley Maas, 1st Place
4x400 Relay - Aleah Williams, Harley Desmuke, Amelia Cortez, Marley Maas, 1st Place
Long Jump - Kami Garrett, 1st Place
Triple Jump - Aleah Williams, 4th Place
7th Grade Girls - 4th Place in District
7th Grade Girls, 100 M Dash - Maddie Hamilton, 1st Place
7th Grade Girls, 200 M Dash - Abby Lederer, 4th Place, Gabby Dye, 6th Place
7th Grade Girls 400 M Dash - Maddie Hamilton, 1st Place
7th Grade Girls Long Jump - Maddie Hamilton, 1st Place, Lani Heflin, 2nd Place, Abby Lederer, 3rd Place
7th Grade Girls Discus - Kasey O'Daniel, 6th Place
7th Grade Girls Triple Jump - Maddie Hamilton, 2nd Place
8th Grade Boys - 4th Place in District
8th Grade Boys 200 M Dash - Alijha Johnson, 3rd Place
8th Grade Boys 400 M Dash - Jackson Sheffield, 4th Place
300 M Hurdles - Ethan Hocking, 2nd Place, Braden Crawford, 4th Place
4x100 Relay - Braden Crawford, Cornelius Gillaspy, Ethan Hocking, Alijha Johnson, 4th Place
4x200 Relay - Seth Carson, Caderian Franklin, Matthew O'Daniel, Ammar Skinner, 5th Place
4 x 400 Relay - Braden Crawford, Cornelius Gillaspy, Ethan Hocking, Jackson Sheffield, 4th Place
Long Jump - Braden Crawford 2nd Place, Ethan Hocking 5th Place
Shot Put - Isaiah Arjon, 3rd Place, Jackson Sheffield, 4th Place
Discus - Isaiah Arjone, 3rd Place
Triple Jump - Ethan Hocking, 4th Place
18AA HS Track Meet Results
Varsity Boys - 2nd Place in District
3200 M Run - Kegan Porterfield, 6th Place
Long Jump - Brandon Lundy, 6th Place
Shot Put - Abram Ross, 3rd Place, Caiden Arnett, 4th Place, Monte Swaner, 5th Place
Discus - Brandon Lundy, 4th Place, Caiden Arnett, 5th Place
High Jump - Micah Rhidenour, 5th Place
Pole Vault - John Ross, 3rd Place
4 x 100 Relay - JD Bell, Brandon Lundy, Michah Rhidenour, Jordan Vincent, 2nd Place
800 M Run - Trey Kalka, 3rd Place, Kegan Porterfield, 5th Place
110 M Hurdles - Bert Clater, 5th Place
100 M Dash - JD Bell, 2nd Place, Richard Green, 4th Place
4 x 200 Relay - JD Bell, Micah Rhidenour, Jonah Ross, Jordan Vincent, 2nd Place
400 M Dash - D'Angelo Rhodes, 4th Place
300 M Hurdles - Bert Clater, 4th Place
200 M Dash - Richard Green, 3rd Place, Brandon Lundy, 4th Place, DeMontrel Medlock, 5th Place
1600 M Run - Kegan Porterfield, 5th Place
4 x 400 M Relay - Brandon Lundy, Trey Kalka, Micah Rhidenour, Jonah Ross, 1st Place
Varsity Girls - 3rd Place in District
3200 M Run - Mackenzy Powell, 5th Place
Shot Put - Abby Cosper, 5th Place
High Jump - Layla Oliver, 6th Place
Pole Vault - Layla Oliver, 3rd Place
4 x 100 Relay - Kaydence Green, Abry Osburn, Tycanna Kirven, Samantha Medlock, 4th Place
800 M Run - Mackenzy Powell, 4th Place
4 x 200 M Relay - Kaydence Green, Tycanna Kirven, Samantha Medlock, K'Maira Cleveland, 4th Place
400 M Dash - Abry Osburn, 3rd Place, Emilee Powell, 4th Place
200 M Dash - Tycanna Kirven, 3rd Place
1600 M Run - Mackenzy Powell, 3rd Place
4 x 400 M Relay - Emilee Powell, Kaira Rosas, Layla Oliver, Anyssia Rhidenour, 4th Place
JV Boys
Triple Jump - Matthew Lopez, 4th Place
Shot Put - Keen Swaner, 2nd Place
Discus - Keen Swaner, 5th Place
100 M Dash - Matthew Lopez, 2nd Place, Kyler Medlock, 6th Place
400 M Dash - Matthew Lopez, 4th Place, Kylder Medlock, 6th Place
JV Girls
Long Jump - Macaria Brown, 4th Place
Triple Jump - Macaria Brown, 3rd Place
Shot Put - Haley Maas, 1st Place, Savanna Fornash, 6th Place
Discus - Haley Maas, 3rd Place, Savanna Fornash, 5th Place
100 M Dash - Macaria Brown, 2nd Place, Teagyn Stone, 4th Place, Brenkel Williams, 6th Place
200 M Dash - Macaria Brown, 2nd Place, Brenkel Williams, 6th Place
Yearbook orders are due soon!
Make sure to order your 2021-2022 yearbook today! Books are $50 each and orders are due by April 29th. Click the link below to order or go to https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1079763/Mart-High-School/
This Week
Tuesday - Kindergarten Graduation Pictures
Wednesday - ES Perot Museum Field Trip, Gear Up Trip to Texas A&M
Thursday - ES Egg Hunts, 12:30 Release, Easter Break
Friday - No School, Babe Aycock Easter Egg Hunt, 2pm
Saturday - MHS Cheer Bubbles & BBQ Fundraiser at Kubitza, 10am-5pm
Panther Athletics
Monday - Softball @ Mart vs Moody, 6pm, Baseball @ Mart vs Chilton, 5:30pm
Tuesday - Area Track @ Axtell,
Thursday - Baseball @ Mart vs Chilton, Sr. Night, 5:30pm, Softball @ Mart vs Valley Mills, 6pm
Looking Ahead
April 15 & 18 - No School
April 20 - PreK & Kindergarten Round Up
April 21 - 8th Grade Parent Meeting, 6pm @ HS Cafeteria
April 22-23 - Regional UIL Academics Meet @ Carthage
April 26 - Spring Band Concert, 6pm
April 29 - GT Wetlands Field Trip & PK-1st Zoo Field Trip
May 4 - Athletic Physicals
May 16 - HS Academic Awards, 6pm
May 19 - JH Academic Awards, 6pm
May 20 - ES Field Day, HS UIL LAIR Day
May 24 - ES Inflatable Day
May 25 - ES Trades Day
May 26 -PK/K Graduation, 9:30am, ES Talent Show
May 27 - ES 4th 9 Weeks Assemblies, Early Release 12:30
May 31 - First day of Summer School
April 5 - English 1 (9th grade)
April 7 - English 2 (10th grade)
May 10 - Algebra 1
May 11 - Biology & 8th grade Science
May 12 - US History & 8th grade Social Studies
May 17 - 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grade MathMay 18 - 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th grade Reading
May 19 - 5th grade Science
College and Career Readiness Dates:
Important College and Career Readiness Dates:
April 27th - STAAR Algebra 1 Boot Camp
TSI Testing:
The TSI test will be offered monthly beginning in September
If this is the students first attempt the test is free, if the student is retesting each test will cost $6.
Athletic Physicals May 4th
Dear Parent or Guardian,
On Wednesday, May 4, 2022 we will have doctors from Ascension Orthopedics, Sports Medicine on our High School Campus to give physicals to ALL of our returning student-athletes and incoming 7th graders. The doctors will be here at approximately 2:45 pm. This service will be provided FREE OF CHARGE. All Athletes must have a new and current physical this year on file before they will be allowed to participate next school year.
If you must use your own physician due to insurance purposes or for other reasons please schedule this a.s.a.p. as we would like to have our paperwork and everyone taken care of as we close this school year. Anyone without a physical on file at the beginning of the school year in August will have their schedule changed into a regular physical education class where the physical examination is not a state requirement.
The MISD Athletic Participation Packet is available at the MISD website: www.martisd.org, each campus front office, or from one of the Athletic coaches at each campus. All the forms will be required to be completed prior to physical exam.
Kevin Hoffman
Kevin Hoffman
Mart ISD COVID-19 Dashboard
Mart I.S.D.
Email: betsy.burnett@mymartisd.org
Website: www.martisd.org
Location: 1100 JL Davis Ave., Mart, TX, USA
Phone: (254) 876-2523
Facebook: facebook.com/MartISD
Twitter: @MartSchoolDistr