The STEM Weekly Stream
STEM Academy Family Newsletter
Week of February 7
Day of Service
Following their service, our students were able to interact with special guests who provided inspiring and informative words of wisdom. Recent graduates, Miyah Tull (STEM Class of '17), Danae Johnson (STEM Class of '18), and Markasia Costen (CHS Class of '17) spoke with students about what they have done to become successful college students.
Also, Ms. Jacqueline Goode, Director of Admissions for Cheyney University, was on hand to provide students with valuable advice on preparing for the college admissions process.
Many thanks to Coach Karen Miah for helping to organize the event, and for recruiting many of her cheerleaders to participate. Additionally, Coach Val Freeman and Ms. Charmaine Richardson were on hand to assist as well. Finally, thanks as well to the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority for sponsoring breakfast for all the volunteers!
Day of Service Student Volunteers:
Janiyah Spady (STEM 10th Grade)
Ta'sier Karen-Walls (STEM 10th Grade)
Tanyia Alexander (STEM 9th Grade)
Briana Walker (STEM 11th Grade)
Deja Simpkins (STEM 10th Grade)
Janylah Bishop (STEM 12th Grade)
Rnae Burton (STEM 11th Grade)
Jazlynn Jones (STEM 10th Grade)
Leah Warren (STEM 12th Grade)
Ahmiyah Horsey (STEM 11th Grade)
Naj'Zhay Todd (STEM 11th Grade)
La'Nya Bell (STEM 12th Grade)
Quamirah Yates (STEM 11th Grade)
Ja'Vayah Green (STEM 10th Grade)
Jahan Minter (STEM 8th Grade)
London Mosley (Toby Farms 6th Grade)
Alina LaForest (STEM 12th Grade)
Lamyiah Atkinson (Chester High 10th Grade)
World History - Fable Writing
Cafeteria Mural
Mural Project Team
Vanya Snyder (10th Grade)
Mya Edwards (9th Grade)
Israel Nieves (9th Grade)
La'Tye Jordan (7th Grade)
Zionna Stansbury (10th Grade)
Jasmine McDowell (10th Grade)
DeYonah Young (9th Grade)
Nicole Blake (9th Grade)
Kimaura Parker (9th Grade)
Aah'Shid Brown (11th Grade)
Tracell Hill (7th Grade)
Lerah Rodriguez (8th Grade)
Andreka Dennis (12th Grade)
ID STEM - Increasing Diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
During the week of June 27, students have the opportunity to get up close experience with medical professions by attending the program at Crozer. Families, please contact Mr. Bell for more information. There are limited spots, so please reserve soon!
Aviation Career Fair
We will be hosting an Aviation Career Fair on February 23 & 24 right here at STEM. All 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students will have the opportunity to interact with professional air traffic controllers, learn about career opportunities, and build connections with possible future employers.
Air traffic controllers receive outstanding pay and benefits, are in high demand, and have opportunities for advancement. We are extremely excited for this event and the potential benefit for our students!
STEM Showcase and Awards Ceremony
More information will be coming soon about tickets to attend in person, and ways to watch the Showcase if you can't join us in the building.
Report Cards
Also included on the report card is the student's updated GPA and credit total (for high school students), and whether they made the Honor Roll this quarter. If your student is in high school, they should know their GPA. Ask them today!!!
If you would like a paper copy of the report card, please call the office at 610-447-3650 or email (yjones@chesteruplandsd.org or ldixon@chesteruplandsd.org).
Home Access Center (HAC) Sign-Up
If you do not have your HAC set up yet, email Ms. Misha Memon (mmemon@chesteruplandsd.org). She will reply with your username, password and a link to the log in page.
Vaccination Clinics
In order to help increase vaccination rates, CUSD has arranged a series of free vaccination clinics for the community at our schools. Upcoming dates are listed below. The vaccinations are free for all, and you can receive first shots, second shots, and boosters. Sign up using this link: Vaccination Sign-Up
Thursday, February 10: Chester High 2:00-6:00 PM
Friday, February 11: STEM 2:00-6:00 PM
You can also check out the CUSD Vaccination Calendar for more information on available vaccination. I hope to see you at a vaccination event soon!!
Health and Safety Protocols
Please make sure your student comes to school with a mask - N95/KN95 if possible. We will continue to supply masks to those who forget them, however we want to ensure we continue to have plenty of extra on hand.
The Omicron variant of Covid-19 is extremely contagious. If your student is feeling unwell or displaying symptoms of Covid, they must be kept home. You can contact our office by phone or email (yjones@chesteruplandsd.org ldixon@chesteruplandsd.org) to inform us of the absence.
Admissions Season is Coming...
New student applicants will be evaluated based primarily on their report card grades from this year (2021-22). Other considerations include transcript history (for applicants already in high school), attendance, teacher recommendations, essay, and discipline. Make sure to remind prospective students to ensure their application is top-notch.
In the coming weeks, we will be visiting elementary schools to speak with students about the benefits of attending STEM Academy. If you have students at CCCS Aston, Widener Partnership, or Toby Farms, we will be coming to visit soon. We also hope to hold an in-person Prospective Student Night this Spring.
Finally, please be aware that current STEM 8th Graders must re-apply for admission into 9th Grade. Application requirements and criteria are the same as for students applying from other schools.
Upcoming Games
Girls Basketball Senior Night
Boys Basketball Senior Night
Contact STEM
Email: bbell@chesteruplandsd.org
Website: https://www.chesteruplandsd.org/sas
Location: 1100 West 10th Street, Chester, PA, USA
Phone: 610-447-3650