Hall's Corner
November 18, 2022
Dear BHS Families and Students,
As we start the second quarter, I find it is a great time to reflect on the year so far and provide reminders on a few items. This is what I shared with students on Wednesday.
Good Morning BHS!
We started Quarter 2 on Wednesday, 11/16. How did you do academically? If you not only passed your courses and feel you did the best possible work you could do, wonderful… continue that hard work and your plan for success!
However, if you did not have the academic quarter you were hoping for, 2nd Quarter is a new start for you! You have to do something different though and reflect on why you didn’t have the best of quarters. Talk to you teachers, counselors, and administrators about what you can do this quarter to make a positive change! If you don’t, you may get the exact same results you got this past quarter. We are here to help, you just need to reach out and we can make a plan to turn things around quarter 2.
FRESHMEN, Class of 2026 – REMEMBER, if you don’t pass your courses for the year, you don’t earn credits, and you don’t move on to the next grade level. Unlike middles school, there is no social promotion to the next grade. You must earn at least 5.5 credits to be a 10th grader! Again, if you need help, this is the time to make a change and QT 2 can be your new start!!!!
CELL PHONES and EARBUDS – PUT them away! 😊
Students must silence their phone and put their phones away upon entering a classroom and an instructional setting. Earbuds and phones are in the same category if a teacher wants to have them put away for the class. Students may be instructed by teachers to put their phones/earbuds in their backpack, on a teacher’s desk, or in individual student classroom cell phone pouches. If classrooms have individual cell phone pouches, you may be asked to put your phone into the pouch for the entire class period on a daily basis.
Thanksgiving Recess will be next week. There will be no classes Wednesday, November 23 through Friday, November 25.
Thank you!
The following information is contained in this week’s Hall’s Corner.
- A Message from the District on Thanksgiving
- Attention Seniors!
- Students in the News
FEV Tutoring, free online tutoring is back!
- Parent Square Communication
- OPEN/CLOSED Campus & Main Entrance and Exits
- Cell Phone Reminders
- Calendar of Events for September
- Counseling News
- Athletics
A Message from the District on Thanksgiving
Celebrating Thanksgiving
As part of our work around Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education we are taking a thoughtful look at different parts of our curriculum and instruction with our students including holidays such as Thanksgiving. As you may know, many Native American images found on Thanksgiving cards, decorations, and some school materials are very stereotypic. They are often based on a "composite" view of Native Americans rather than on accurate and diverse Native American lifestyles and traditions. As a consequence, Thanksgiving imagery serves to teach and reinforce children's misinformation and stereotypic thinking about Native Americans. Moreover, the story of Thanksgiving is usually told from only one side -- that of the European pilgrims who came to America. Rarely is it told from the perspective of the people who were already here.
Through our work with students our hope is to help children understand that Thanksgiving means different things to different people. Some families celebrate Thanksgiving and others do not. As we talk about Thanksgiving, we hope to help students understand it as part of a larger effort to learn accurate information about Native Americans of the past and present. Additionally, it offers a chance to talk about gratitude in light of the Native Americans who provided food and resources to the colonists. As we give thanks this season, we hope you will find ways within your family to reinforce these lessons and help instill in our children an appreciation and accurate understanding of all cultures.
If you are interested in more resources, please see the list below.
Additional resources:
- Book list with books written from the Native perspective: https://coolmompicks.com/blog/2015/11/21/childrens-books-about-thanksgiving-from-native-perspective/
- Native American contributions to the US: http://blog.nativepartnership.org/history-of-native-american-day-part-2/
- American Indian perspectives on Thanksgiving: https://americanindian.si.edu/sites/1/files/pdf/education/thanksgiving_poster.pdf
ATTENTION Seniors and Families. Graduation Cap & Gown ORDER ONLINE NOW!
View timely information in your Senior class Newsletter! Click here for the latest Senior newsletter.
Graduation Cap & Gown ORDER ONLINE by November 28! Order information and a short video has been sent through Parent Square. This is a condensed version.
Click here to order your Cap & Gown and other graduation keepsake items today!
Click here for the essential cap/gown and tassel needed for BHS graduation
Cap, Gown and Tassel direct link (jostens.com)
Financial Assistance is Available
If you are your family need financial assistance with purchasing a cap and gown, please see your counselor for a PTSA Hardship Grant Application. We can help you!
Please call or email us with questions - 585-377-4778 or scott.fitch@jostens.com - or to place your order over the phone. Looking for a catalog? A complete packet can be found in the main office.
Thank you and we look forward to helping you make it a great senior year!
Jostens - Fitch Office
Phone: (585) 377-4778
E-Mail: scott.fitch@jostens.com
Mail: PO Box 162, Fairport NY 14450
Students in the News, Making BHS Proud!
Congratulations to the Brighton Model UN team which won the "Best Delegation" at the Hilton Model UN Conference over the weekend. BHS was so very well represented by more than 70 delegates and pages who seem to solve global issues better than our political leaders. Special congratulations for winning either an "Outstanding" or "Best" Delegate Award goes to:
Saniya Bhagwat, Nolan Condon, Colin Schmitt, David Jiang, Gaurang Khetan, Sophie Thrall, David Lusignan, Elizabeth Stewart, Shreya Sanjay, Clara Milosevic, Ivy Bergin, Quentin Parks
Parent Square is Brighton’s new tool for all K-12 communication!
Click here for a PDF including QR codes for easy registration and Parent Square tips.
We are proud to maintain our tradition of open campus. This is a privilege granted to Brighton High School students and should be respected. It can be revoked and/or restricted by administration and/or by parent request. The District’s K-12 Safety Committee has recommended that we implement additional sign in/out procedures along with one point of entry during the school day. Students will be required to sign/swipe out when leaving the building during regular school hours at DOOR #1.
BHS will continue to have an OPEN CAMPUS periods 5,6,7 (11:35-1:58) for ALL students.
- Students with free periods during this time are welcome to leave campus. Students may lose this privilege for academic and/or behavioral reasons. Students are not allowed to transport other students in cars during the school day.
- ONLY seniors will be allowed to leave campus periods 2 and 3 if they have a free this year.
- During closed periods 2 and 3, students in grades 9-12 may sign out of the building, go to the back TK9 field area, and MUST remain ON CAMPUS to study, eat, or socialize, unless campus is closed for security reasons.
- Campus is closed periods 1, 4, and 8, and ALL students must remain in school unless leaving for an appointment or signing out for an early dismissal.
- From November 28th – April 15th each school year, students will not be allowed to leave the building except during OPEN CAMPUS periods.
- Students will be able to continue to go outside during FLEX from 11:01-11:31 to eat, socialize, study, or use the field area for sports.
- Students will continue to sign in/out from the attendance office if arriving late to school or leaving early for appointments and exit through DOOR #1.
FAMILIES – if you DO NOT want your child to have OPEN CAMPUS privileges, please notify their assistant principal.
New Cell Phone Policy
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
In Counseling
9-12 November Newsletter
Senior Newsletter and Rep Schedule
2022-2023 School Tool Parent Portal
Check the portal for student grades, missing assignments, or attendance.
SchoolTool Portal link
BHS Counselor Assignments 242-5000 ext. 4803
Administrator and Counselor Information
Click here for names and contact information.