Weyerhaeuser Elementary News
Putting Our Best Paw Forward
Principal: Linn Ames
November 15, 2022
Contact us:
Phone: 360-879-1650
Fax: 360-879-1662
Early Release November 18th at 11:30
Cereal Box Dominoes
Early Release
Lunch Money
Highly Capable Dates
New Early Release Day
Holiday Break
Report Cards
Volunteer Info
Upcoming Late Starts
Military Verify
What to do if you or your student have COVID Symptoms:
Students and staff who have Covid-19 symptoms (cough: productive or non-productive, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever (above 100.4) or chills, new loss of taste or smell, headache, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle/body aches, congestion/runny nose, fatigue) are required to stay home and should get tested and/or see a healthcare provider and follow the return to school guidelines accordingly.
Options for return to work/school:
Provide negative test results from one of the following options:
a healthcare provider.
a certified testing facility (Testing Locations) or by visiting the “WA DOH Covid Testing Locations” website.
provide proof of a negative home test that has been registered with the WA State Dept of Health (WA DOH Covid Home Test Registration ) or by visiting the “Say Yes! To Covid Test: Home” website.
After a 5 day isolation (the first day of symptoms is considered Day 0) with improvement of symptoms and resolution of fever.
What to do if you or your student test positive for COVID:
Students and staff who test positive for Covid-19 must isolate at home for a minimum of 5 days. If symptoms improve and there has been no fever for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications, students and staff may return to school after 5 days. It is recommended (not required) that when students and staff return to school after the 5 day isolation period they wear a well fitted mask on days 6-10.
Please provide proof of all test results to office staff as soon as possible.
For more information, please visit our website at Eatonville School District Covid Information
Free and Reduced Meal Forms
- Free and Reduced Meal Applications are now available in Skyward Family Access.
- CCA Families do not submit Free and Reduced forms this year.
- An application (one per household) must be completed each year (or if a student transfers into this district from another district) by the parent/guardian living in household one--the student's primary residence.
- School meal prices have increased. Please note the changes on the attached graphic.
- New this year: Students who qualify for “reduced meals” will receive a free breakfast and lunch.
After School Destination Changes
Bus Route Information
This year, we will not send robocalls when bus routes are canceled. Instead, we are encouraging families to sign up for Ride 360 to receive push notifications when routes are impacted. Additionally, families may view the status of each bus route on our website at any time as it is updated daily. Finally, an email will be sent to families when a route is impacted.
Unfortunately, we do not have any substitute bus drivers and will need to cancel routes when a driver is out. If you or someone you know would like to apply to become a driver please visit our website for information.- 22-23 route information is available on Ride360. This is the best way to learn if your child's route will be impacted.
- Register for Ride360 today on the website.
- When you register you will need your student’s 7 digit Student ID number that typically begins with 2 zeros. Please access Skyward Family Access for your child’s ID number.
- Once you've registered on the site you may download the app. Traversa Ride 360™ is a mobile app for Apple® and Android® devices.
- You can expect to receive direct messages regarding changes, delays and notifications specific to your child's route and stop. You may also directly message the Eatonville School District Transportation Office.
Updates on Calendar
The following dates are now school days. Please note there are changes to:
- November 23 (half day)
- December 19 (half day)
- June 20-21
- June 22-23 (half days)
Non Discrimination Statement
Eatonville School District #404 will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged, veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. The district will provide equal access to school facilities to the Boy Scouts of America and all other designated youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code as a patriotic society. District programs shall be free from sexual harassment. Auxiliary aids and services will be provided upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Address: 200 Lynch St. W., Eatonville, WA 98328; Telephone: 360-879-1000
Title IX Coordinator, Section 504/ADA Coordinator & Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Cristin Blaskowitz, Executive Student Services. Email: c.blaskowitz@eatonville.wednet.edu
Child Find Notice
Are you worried about your child's development?
-Does your child have a medical disorder or birth defect that interferes with their development?
-Does the child seem to have hearing or vision issues?
-Does your child have difficulty communicating with people outside the family?
-Does your child have difficulty keep up with other children their age?
-Does your child have concerning behaviors?
Any child, birth to five, whose family or caregivers would like more information about their child's development can contact the Eatonville School District to receive a FREE Child Find Screening.
What happens during a Child Find Screening?
-The purpose of a Child Find Screening is to identify issues that may affect your child's learning, growth and development and to help parents identify their child's strengths and weaknesses.
-During the screening, your child may stack small blocks, cut with scissors, draw, count, name colors, jump and have fun!
-After the screening, someone will talk with you about the results and you may be given suggestions, a referral for more testing or scheduled to have the skills rechecked at a later time. You will have the chance to ask any questions about your child's development. The whole process will take one hour.
Where can I get my child screened?
For more information and to schedule a screening in your school district, please contact:
Eatonville School District, Student Services Office at 360-879-1800.
If your family is living in a temporary situation, you may contact the district where you are currently staying for a screening.
WAC 393-172A-02040 School Districts shall conduct Child Find activities calculated to reach all students with a suspected disability for the purpose of locating, evaluating and identifying students who are in need of special education and/or related services, regardless of the severity of their disability