LODL Newsletter
el 6 de , enero 2023
Welcome to our Winter Wonderland at LODL! Happy 2023!
Note from Sr. Kucinski
Welcome to a snowy 2023! Wow...what a start to the year with two snow days, followed by a two day week. We were all so excited and eager to welcome our students back this week and to be able to get back into the routines of teaching and learning and continuing to build our positive school communities.
I hope everyone reading this message had a restful and rejuvenating Winter Break. Our students grow up very quickly, and it's very healthy to take the time to slow down a bit to appreciate them for where they are at.
A few highlights coming up in the month of January is that we will be having our Quarter 2 All School Meeting on Friday 1/13. These are always very special times where we gather to celebrate our school. Please wear LODL gear or blue and gold!
We are also very fortunate to welcome MN Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan as a guest speaker on Wednesday, January 18. She had originally hoped to come during Native American Heritage Month in November, but she was quite busy with the election. We will be excited to give her a warm LODL welcome!
We had our first of two Kindergarten 2023-24 Registration Informational Meetings. Last night we had a district level presentation on what Kindergarten offers at Jeffers Pond, which you would be able to find the recorded version on our district website. On Monday, January 9 at 6:30 we have a LODL specific event. This will be an opportunity to for incoming Kindergarten parents to ask current LODL K parents their experience.
Finally, our first cohort of LODL Spanish Immersion students is currently in the 8th grade. As you may well be aware, our district has provided a middle school Spanish Immersion track for grades 6-8. We are thrilled that our oldest (the originals!) will now be registering for Spanish immersion programming for 9th grade! Please see this note from the PLHS Administrative Team:
8th Grade Families,
We are excited to welcome your students to Prior Lake High School for the 2023-2024 school year. You are receiving this message because your student is currently in our Spanish Immersion Program. To help you and your students understand the registration choices for Spanish Immersion at PLHS, we will be holding an informational meeting on Monday, January 16th at 5:15pm in the PLHS Media Center. The session will go over the courses that students may register for. Descriptions of the courses are below. We look forward to meeting with you all on the 16th.
Spanish for Heritage Speakers and Immersion Students I
This course is designed for heritage Spanish speakers or students that have come from the Spanish Immersion program through PLSAS or another qualified immersion program, entering high school. This course focuses on enhanced literacy, pronunciation, writing skills, grammar, and cultural awareness of Spanish speaking countries. This course will be instructed with a content-based learning approach. This course will prepare students to continue on to Spanish for Heritage Speakers and Immersion Students 2.
Spanish Immersion Physical Science
The 9th grade physical science Spanish Immersion course is a survey of several geophysical areas that is taught completely in Spanish. Students will learn about Earth's formation as well as internal processes like plate tectonics. They will also learn about Earth's surface by studying atmosphere and climate, soil, and natural disasters. Throughout the year, students will examine how humans impact natural processes and how that impact can be mitigated. 9th Grade Science Standards will be met while students simultaneously build their fluency in Spanish as writers, readers, and collaborators. The course will be open to Spanish Immersion students as well as heritage Spanish speaking students.
Spanish Immersion Human Geography
This course is intended as a survey of human geography and its contributions to an understanding of the world in which we live. The emphasis will include cartographic skills, population, migration, cultural patterns and processes, political organization of space, agriculture and rural land use, industrialization and development, and cities and urban land use. This course will be open to Spanish Immersion students as well as heritage Spanish speaking students. Students will have the opportunity to independently study and self-register for the AP Human Geography test. This course is a year long course and students will be registered for each quarter.
Thank you,
Prior Lake High School Administration Team
As always, don't ever hesitate to reach out with any questions! I can be reached directly at 952-226-0303 or rkucinski@plsas.org.
Thank you!
Getting in touch with the LODL Office! New emails for staff
Attendance Line- 952-226-0301
Principal- Sr. Kucinski- rkucinski@plsas.org
Secretary: Jodi Anderson- janderson@plsas.org
Secretary: Twila Irvine- tirvine@plsas.org
Social Worker- Nicole Boyles- nboyles@plsas.org
Nurse- Michelle Glaser- mglaser@plsas.org
Dean- Jen Maloney- jmaloney@plsas.org
Fiesta De Los Padres
Tickets are only $35 per person until Feb 1st- then they will increase to $40. Tickets can be purchased here: https://givebutter.com/LODLFiesta2023
Incoming Kindergarten Information Sessions coming up- class of 2036
Save the Date....
Monday, January 9th at La ola del lago at 6:30p.m.
Are you willing to be on our Parent Panel on January 9th? Contact the office at: 952-226-0300
Looking ahead....
January 10th- Cogat testing for 2nd grade- 9:45 a.m.
January 13th- 5th grade to Middle School for Music performance (10:15)
January 13th - LODL All School Meeting
January 16th- No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 19th- Mancia/Campbell Field Trip to Cahill House
January 20th- Mendoza/Gamboa Field Trip to Cahill House
January 24th- 2nd Grade Choir Concert- Pajama Party Concert
January 24th- TJ Hooligans Restaurant Night 4-10 p.m.
January 27th- No School
January 31- PTC meeting
February 3 Camino al exito- 1st grade 2:30 p.m.
February 8th- Early Release- Intern event
February 7, 9th and 16th- Conferences
February 13-24th LODL Read a thon starts-
February 13th- Family Game Night 6:30 p.m.
February 20th- No School Presidents Day
February 24th- Family Fun Night
March 16th- Early Release
March 31-April 7th- Spring Break
April 24th- 5th Grade Biztown Field Trip
May 4th- LODL ESTEM Day
May 23rd- LODL at MN Twins Game
June 6th- K graduation 2:00 p.m. at LODL gym
Coming up for Community Ed
Get in touch with the LODL Office
Attendance Line: 952-226-0301
Health Office: 952-226-0306
Social Worker: 052-226-0302
Reminder: emails have changed to plsas.org