Bubble Soccer
benefitting Shoes For Kids
There is no substitute for watching bubble soccer in action! Come bounce, laugh, roll, and score with us! All proceeds benefit Hallsville Shoes for Kids.
Event Information
Bubble Soccer Tournament
Tickets are $6 in advance from any HHS NHS or Z-Club student or at jroberts@hisd.com or sodom@hisd.com.
Tickets are $8 at the gate.
Children 4 and under get in free.
Saturday, Apr 8, 2017, 06:00 PM
Bobcat Stadium
What is Shoes for Kids?
Shoes for Kids is a program sponsored by Hallsville National Honor Society and Hallsville Z Club. We raise money through events like Bubble Soccer, and in December, we take 100 local elementary students to Chuck E Cheese for fun and food and to Payless ShoeSource for new shoes. Each student receives a $25 gift card, and a high school buddy helps them buy a new pair of shoes. Each student receives candy and a gift, and has his or her picture made with Santa. The Hallsville National Junior Honor Society donates socks for the students and many people donate their time. We've been sponsoring Shoes for Kids since 2004, and we are very proud of the over 1000 students we have been able to help.
Email: jroberts@hisd.com
Website: https://sites.google.com/a/hisd.com/nhs/
Phone: 903-668-5990 4238
Bubble Soccer
Saturday, April 8, 2017
- This year's event will consist of 8 teams that will play two 6-minute halves.
- Each team needs to have 10 members.
- The bubbles are colored, so your team doesn't need matching shirts. However, you might want matching socks!
- Each player will need to pay $5 to play, or $50 per team.
- Each player will sign a permission form/waiver.
- Two additional teams will be assembled from a raffle drawing at the door the night of the event.
Send money to Sarah Odom @ Hallsville High School. Checks payable to Shoes for Kids.