Words from LTHS Guidance & Counseling
| November 2023 |
In this edition, the following will be reviewed:
1. UPstander
2. October's Reflection
3. A Special Thank You to the Tigger Stavola Foundation
4. Challenge Day!
5. College and Future Planning Events List
6. Save The Date: Fajitas and FAFSA, January 24!
7. ASVAB Test Registration
8. Counselor Contact
1. UPstander
UPstanders (noun):
A community-engaging anti-bullying program that facilitates celebration, family togetherness and local economy stimulation.
The UPstander program recognizes students on a monthly basis for contributing to a positive school climate, aligned with positive traits, detailed in the "LION'S PRIDE" acronym.
In October, we recognized one student per grade level that was INSPIRING! Students were nominated, for the first time in UPstander history, by staff and their peers! The No Place For Hate club members collaborated and nominated deserving students.
Each UPstander was rewarded a gift card to a local restaurant. Parents will be strongly encouraged to take their whole family to this family dinner.
As our UPstander partner, we are very thankful to ANTHONY'S for their sponsorship of this month's gift cards! Click on their icon to order today.
The spirit of this program is multi-pronged and seeks to achieve the following:
1. Encourage the facilitation of a positive school climate;
2. Celebrate our youth for being contributory to a healthy community;
3. Engage our local small businesses;
4. Promote family togetherness through a meal.
As research shows, it is often through a positive family environment that students increase their overall sense of belonging— and those with a strong sense of belonging have prosocial behaviors, helping to facilitate a positive school climate.
We appreciate this community partnership, our student’s positive behaviors and our nominating staff, and are pleased to announce our first UPstanders of the 2023-2024 school year:
FRESHMAN: Daniel Toner
SOPHOMORE: Steven Hattett
JUNIOR: Haley Miller
SENIOR: Charlotte Fischer
Congratulations to these young adults, their parents and their families! Enjoy a night out celebrating this success!
No Place For Hate Pledges
Hispanic Heritage Month
Municipal Alliance Drug Free Bracelets
2. October's Reflection
In the beginning of October, we celebrated Week of Respect! During this week, our students watched a promotional video to encourage respectful behavior, and many engaged in No Place for Hate Pledge Signing. We also decorated for Hispanic Heritage Month.
In the midst of all of these happenings, we also had a whole-building test day, conducting the PSAT, SAT and NJGPA, on the morning of October 11. The following week, many students completed Accuplacer, meeting testing graduation requirements.
In the final week of October, we recognized Red Ribbon Week. Activities varied for this, and included a lunch-time drug/alcohol awareness spinwheel, thanks to the Municipal Alliance. Also courtesy of this organization, students were furnished with camoflauge bracelets that read "Be a Hero, Be Drug Free." The Municipal Alliance continues to be a foundational support for our students and community, and this was further demonstrated by their participation in the Trunk or Treat/Mental Health Resource Fair.
This event, mentioned in our prior newsletter, was a huge success and attracted thousands of Lacey family members to attend. The Trunk or Treat/Mental Health Resource Fair would not have been possible without the diligent efforts of its leaders: Principal Holly Niemiec and Student Assistance Coordinator Kelly Brown.
We also learned from a guest speaker on Friday, October 27, which will be reviewed in the next section.
3. A Special Thank You to the Tigger Stavola Foundation
Lacey Township High Schools' Guidance & Counseling Department is very pleased and honored to have a strong partnership with the Tigger Stavola Foundation. Not only have they started sponsoring college scholarships for Lacey youth, but last school year, they provided resources to allow drunk driving education to our juniors and seniors.
This year, during Red Ribbon Week, they availed drug free pledges for our high school youth. These were provided to students during lunch. Further, this organization has continued to fund guest speakers. On the final Friday of October, all LTHS students heard the meaningful life story of overcoming addiction and walking in freedom from Stephen Hill, Esq., who is now an established attorney that shares how addiction does not have to be life-ending or life-long. Mr. Hill created Speak Sobriety and travels throughout the country with his meaningful message. Mr. Hill's assemblies were funded totally by the Tigger Stavola Foundation.
To learn more about the Tigger Stavola Foundation, click on their icon!
Drug Free Pledges, sponsored by Tigger Stavola Foundation.
Stephen Hill assembly, sponsored by Tigger Stavola Foundation.
Drug Free Pledges, sponsored by Tigger Stavola Foundation.
4. Challenge Day!
Lacey Township High School will be hosting its second Challenge Day on December 6, 2023; this event will take place during the whole school day. For a snapshot of this special event, you may review this video that encapsulates the spirit of Challenge Day. Overall, the goal of Challenge Day is to unite students and provide a safe space for them to focus on their deeply-rooted similarities instead of their differences.
During Challenge Day, students work in small groups with 3-4 peers, called "families." Each "family" is led by an adult--most of whom are staff members. Many students have been invited to this event, but we are collecting names of those who may be interested for a waiting list. Any student interest for Challenge Day may be emailed to guidance@laceyschools.org by noon on November 22, 2023.
Participating students will be called down to the LTHS Gym the morning of December 6th at 7:30 AM, after reporting to their first period class. Lunch will be provided, courtesy of the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office. Very generously, the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office has paid in full for the cost of Challenge Day for Lacey.
5. College and Future Planning Events List
See below for a sampling of our upcoming college and future planning events.
Georgian Court University College Visit: 11/3
Ramapo College of NJ College Visit: 11/13
Rider University College Visit: 11/14
Kean University Instant Decision Day: 11/20
Georgian Court University Instant Decision Day: 11/27
Ramapo College of New Jersey Instant Decision Day: 12/12
Fajitas & FAFSA: 1/24
6. Save The Date: Fajitas and FAFSA, January 24!
This year, there will be substantial changes to the FAFSA form. This free application for federal student aid is part of a mandatory process for students attending most institutions after high school graduation--and as always, the Guidance & Counseling Department seeks to provide assistance to our families.
In doing so, Lacey is partnering with the Office of Financial Aid at Ocean County College. On the evening of January 24th, seniors and their parents are invited to attend our Second Annual "Fajitas and FAFSA" event. This event will not only include a free fajita meal, but also will provide hands-on assistance in a workshop format by financial aid professionals.
Click on the flyer to RSVP! We hope to see you there.
7. ASVAB Test Registration
All sophomore, juniors and seniors interested in joining the military after high school graduation should consider registering for the ASVAB test on December 4, 2023. Registration will be in Guidance; signed permission slips are necessary for all who register.
8. Counselor Contact
We are thankful for our strong counselors at Lacey Township High School. Feel free to contact a member of our team via their email address noted below!