Easley Weekly Update
Everything You Need to Know for the coming week.
January 23, 2021
a note from the principal
I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and found some time to play in the snow!
Monday Remote Learning Day
Classroom teachers will be sending out a Bloomz message with the Zoom links for class and the schedule for the day. You can expect to hear from your child's teacher this evening. All classes will have a Morning Meeting starting at 8:00 AM and there will be live instruction throughout the morning with screen breaks built into the schedule. The afternoon will be asynchronous work from the teacher and specials teachers. Some teachers may pull students for small groups in the afternoon but that depends on the teacher, students, and grade level. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to either your child's teacher or admin.
Easley Literacy Night
We hope you can join us for our literacy night on January 27th from 6:00-7:15 PM on Zoom. Cozy up in your pajamas for a night of reading with some of your favorite Easley teachers. More information will come home on Bloomz.
The DPS Magnet Lottery is Open
If you have younger siblings starting kindergarten next year and you are a lottery family, now is the time to complete the lottery process. Please click here to view the magnet and lottery information. The application period closes on February 4th.
SIT Meetings @ 5:30 PM
January 24 via Zoom
February 21
March 7
April 18
May 16
June 6
PTA Meetings @ 6:30 PM
January 24 via Zoom
February 21
March 7
April 18
May 16
June 6
COVID Information
Register your child for weekly testing at school
Links to community testing sites
Covid -19 information and resources
Easley Numbers
Last week Easley reported 19 positive COVID cases,12 close contacts were identified, and there were 0 class closures. Communication to families whose students were identified as close contacts were completed. If you have not already been personally contacted, it means your student was NOT in close contact with any of the COVID-19 cases. Instead of doing daily calls, the district will send out daily emails and the weekly numbers will be reported in this Weekly Update.
We had several pools test positive last Wednesday and Mako will be back out to test those students this week. Those individual test results should ten be available within 48 hours. Your child may come to school unless they are feeling sick or exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19. Please know we continue to take all precautions necessary to protect the health and safety of our students and staff.
Covid Exposure
If a student is directly exposed to a Covid positive individual they must quarantine for five days from the date of exposure. The only exception is if they are fully vaccinated. Fully vaccinated students may return to school after an exposure as long as they are not showing symptoms.
We will continue to eat lunch outside when weather permits. Our cutoff temperature is forty degrees. On days colder than 40 degrees students will be eating inside. Please be sure to send your child with appropriate cold weather clothing as forty degrees in the shade while eating can feel very cold. If you need help with getting a warm winter coat, please don't hesitate to reach out and let me know as we can help make that happen.
Breakfast and Snacks
Students are still eating breakfast in the classroom but are at least six feet apart to the extent possible. Many classrooms are eating snack outside but that isn't always an option. Teachers are being very mindful of the exposure students have to one another when unmasked and students are not talking when eating indoors.
Just a reminder if one child in a household is home due to experiencing COVID symptoms, then all the siblings in that household should stay home until the child with the symptoms has a negative Covid test.
Communicating a Positive Result
If your child has tested positive for Covid or needs to be out due to an exposure, please be sure to let the classroom teacher and school administration now. We will need the following information:
- a screenshot of positive test result
- the date symptoms started
Accessing School While on Quarantine
Students who are out for mandatory quarantine will be provided with asynchronous work from their classroom teachers. There will not be live Zoom for students who are out for those five days. On occasion, a teacher maybe able to Zoom them in for a small group or morning meeting but that is always a case-by-case situation and is not the expectation.
Students who are being kept home out of an abundance of caution will be considered unexcused and we will not be sending home asynchronous work for them. While I understand the concern, it is important that students are in school when they are healthy so they can benefit from the direct instruction and peer interactions.
PTA News: Update/Membership
To purchase PTA memberships or make a donation, please visit: https://easleypta.memberhub.com/store
Easley Spirit Wear
Spirit wear Store. Get all your Easley gear here.