Welcome Back Class of 2024!
The start of 2024
Dear Students and Families,
The start of a new year and graduating are two significant milestones that can bring about a lot of excitement and anticipation. Starting a new year can be a great opportunity to reflect on the past year, set new goals, and make positive changes in your life.
Graduating, on the other hand, is a major achievement that marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. We are excited to be celebrating both of these events with you. Celebrating your hard work and accomplishments and to looking forward to the future with optimism.
It is important to remember that while we are excited for all upcoming celebrations we still have work to do to meet all our requirements for graduation.
To stay up to date on information:
Please be sure to join our Class of 2024 Google Classroom. This is where information is being shared regularly.
Class code: gqzzwfy.
New this year is our High School Articulation Google Classroom. This will have updates on everything you need to know regarding admissions, acceptances etc.
Class Code: pewgl4h
NYCSA is the official parent/school communication platform. If you are having any difficulties registering, please contact our parent coordinator, Mrs. Turano, she can be reached at (718)982-4700 (option 1) or at jturano2@schools.nyc.gov.
Mr. Simione
8th Grade Events
May 17th- Great Adventure
May 23rd- Awards Ceremony 9am (Invite-Only)
June 6th- 8th Grade Dance 5pm (Nicotra's Ballroom)
June 10th- 8th Grade ARISTA 9am (IS24 Auditorium)
June 21st- Graduation at St. George Theater (2 tickets per student ONLY)
More Info To Come
Complete Online Permission Slip
2 Tickets Per Student
February Dates to Remember
Thursday, 1st- PTA Valentines Gram flier distribution
Friday, 2nd- Greaser Da
Wednesday, 7th- PTA Ice Cream (Attendance)
Wednesday, 7th- IS24 Production of Grease
Thursday, 8th- IS24 Production of Grease
Friday, 9th- Wear Red for Lunar New Yea
Mon-Friday, 12-16- Respect For All Week
Wednesday, 14th- Perfect Attendance Award Movie
Wednesday, 14th- PTA Meeting (9:00am)
Thursday, 15th- NAPE Exams
Friday, 16th- 8th Grade Student Staff Volleyball Game
Monday, 19th-23rd- Mid Winter Recess School Closed
Thursday, 29th- Marking Period 2 Ends
Great Adventure
We are happy to announce that this year’s 8th Grade Trip will be to Great Adventure.
Trip Details:
Date - Friday, May 17th, 2024
Time - Students should report to school at the regular time. We will depart the school at approximately 9:00 am. We are scheduled to return at approximately 4:30-5:00 pm.
The permission slip to attend the trip is online only. At the end of the permission slip you will be able to choose to submit your payment online or to submit cash or money order. Cash or money orders must be sent in through a student and will be collected by Mrs. Corio during homeroom only. **You must fill out the online permission slip regardless of the payment method you choose.
Click here or scan below to view the online permission slip and to choose your payment option.
The cost of the trip is $125.00 per student, which includes:
- Roundtrip transportation via deluxe modern motor coach
- Admission to Six Flags Great Adventure with unlimited rides
- Meal Voucher, 2 snacks & one drink (This was a change from the original paper sent out. Great Adventure changed the package from unlimited drinks to 2 snack and one drink)
- All fees, taxes & gratuities
- Bus parking pass
- School Trip T-Shirt
Please Note:
*This is a complete package deal. Season Passes can not be used.
*This purchase is non-refundable. In the event you are unable to attend the trip, you will receive your ticket and lunch voucher. Payment for buses, taxes and gratuity cannot be refunded.
Payment Information:
Due Date: Friday, March 15th, 2023 In the event you are unable to meet the payment deadline, please contact Mrs. Corio @mzulferino@schools.nyc.gov IN ADVANCE.
Senior Dues
Eighth grade is an exciting time of your child’s life as they begin their journey to move onto high school. It is our goal to work hard in making this a successful academic and memorable year. The Senior Dues payment is the driving force that allows our school to successfully plan the 8th grade year. Senior Dues are a complete package and include the following items:
2024 Yearbook
Senior T-Shirt
Graduation Gown
Diploma Case
Graduation Ceremony Venue
Printing Costs
Commemorative Bag
Video Yearbook
***Items cannot be purchased individually.
This year the cost of the Senior Dues is $150 and can be paid online via credit card through our school’s website (www.barnes24.org) or by using the link below.
Senior Dues must be paid in order to attend 8th grade events. We are still collecting late dues. You can pay online or pay cash to Mrs. Corio in room 422 during homeroom. If you have financial difficulties or questions regarding payment, please contact our Parent Coordinator to assist with this matter. Mrs. Turano can be reached at (718) 982-4700 ext 2402 or JTurano2@schools.nyc.gov. Your cooperation and timely payment is appreciated.
Class of 2024 Senior Store!
For the first time we have opened a Class of 2024 store. Place your orders HERE for your class of 2024 gear. Store will close on February 19th. ALL students who have paid their senior dues will be receiving the t-shirt within in the next 2 weeks. We have opened the store for you to be able to order the same design on other items such as hoodies and jerseys.
IS24 Shoot-A-Thon
Our First Annual Shoot-a-Thon will be happening during March Madness. This is going to be a great event for the kids to participate in. You can make a donation HERE
ALL PROCEEDS will go DIRECTLY towards supporting school beautification & technology upgrades.
The concept is simple, EVERY Staff member and Student will take 30 shots from the basketball court.
Participants are SPONSORED with a PLEDGE for each made basket OR... SPONSORS can simply make a ONE TIME DONATION in ANY Participants Name.
Sponsors can pledge a minimum of $1 a shot or make a one time donation in any denomination ($5, $10, $100).
-Any Student that raises at least $25 will receive Community Service of 4 hours.
-3rd place - $25 Amazon Gift Card
-2nd Place - $50 Amazon Gift Card
-1st Place - $100 Amazon Gift Card
-The Top fundraising HOMEROOM – on EACH GRADE will receive a Class Pizza Party
-The Grade (6th, 7th, or 8th) that raises the most money will receive Free Pretzels during their lunch period
Box Tops
An easy and FREE way to earn money for our school.
- Download the Box Tops for Education App
- Scan your receipts
- Earn cash for our school!
Report Card Awards
Attendance Incentive
Attendance in school increases your chances of academic success. Because of this, we would like to reward the classes that maintain a high attendance rate.
- Ice cream to the 1st place class of 8th grade every month
- Special Trip to those who maintain 100% attendance in June
- Those students who have had perfect attendance through January will be receiving a special afternoon surprise in February!
IS24 Recycling Committee
Help IS24 in our Climate Action Plan!
By signing up for the Recycling Committee you will be monitoring the recycling can in the cafeteria during your lunch period. Making sure students ONLY dispose of recyclable plastic bottles & cans.
Eat during your scheduled time and man the can during your outside/auditorium time.
You will sign-up for 1 week at a time. This will qualify for a school sanctioned event as well as 2 hours of community service.
Once we collect enough bottles, student government representatives will be cashing them in as a school fundraiser!
8th Grade Promotional Criteria
- Schools do promotion portfolios for students who may not be ready for the next grade level
- This is based on student work and assessments from throughout the school year.
- Principals make promotion decisions based on the English language arts and math skills shown in the student’s portfolio.
- Students in grade 8 must also pass the following courses in order to be promoted:
- Math
- Social studies
- Science
Summer Youth Employment Program
SYEP provides NYC youth ages 14-21 with in-person and remote job opportunities for 6 weeks during the summer. Younger Youth (14-15) are immersed in Project Based Learning for 12.5 hours a week for a stipend total of $700. There are a great many opportunities for Younger Youth to be engaged in SYEP at NYCID. This summer, we are incorporating a hybrid PBL model which will consist of virtual and in-person programming centered around community development. Youth must be 14 by July 1, 2024. SYEP applications have already launched and there are a few updates to the application this year.
We have an SYEP hotline and email address where we have specialists readily available to answer any questions that participants may have and to assist them with the application process.
Please feel free to disperse the email syep@nycid.org or phone number (347) 378-9578 to your students.
At the end of the application:
1. Choose SYEP Community
2. Click on Primary Provider
3. Search for New York Center for Interpersonal Development
4. Select New York Center for Interpersonal Development under the map.
5. Submit Application
All applications will be sent to New York Center for Interpersonal Development until we reach capacity.
Jack Fruchtman
Class President
Ava Deliz
Class Vice President
Robert Fasulo
Class Treasurer
Mr. Simione
Email: jsimion2@schools.nyc.gov
Website: www.barnes24.org
Phone: 718-982-4700
Mrs. Rucci
Email: jrucci@schools.nyc.gov
Website: barnes24.org
Phone: 718-982-4700
Mrs. Kiefer
Email: ckiefer@schools.nyc.gov
Website: barnes24.org
Phone: 718-982-4700
Mrs. Corio
Email: mzulferino@schools.nyc.gov
Website: barnes24.org
Phone: 718-982-4700