BK Bulletin
Week at a Glance
Did You Know?
September, 4-8
Monday, September 4 - NO CLASSES - Labour Day
Tuesday, September 5 - Feast of the Blessed Mother Teresa (Patron Saint of BK school)
Wednesday, September 6 - Exciting Day of Learning
Thursday, September 7- Exciting Day of Learning
Friday, September 8 - New Student Luncheon With Mrs.Giacobbo & Mrs. Michael
September 14 - School Council Meeting @6:30pm
September 19 - Gr. 6 Drug Awareness Class
September 21 - Opening Mass & Grade 4 Bible Presentation @10:00am - St. Albert Parish (all are welcome)
September 21 - (PM)- Terry Fox Run
September 21 - Welcome Back Event (evening) - put on by School Council
September 22 - PD/Staff Meeting - No Classes
September 25 - (PM) Terry Fox Run Rainout Day (if needed)
September 28 - Picture Day
September 29 - Orange Shirt Day
October 2 - Recognition of National Indigenous Peoples Day - No Classes
October 5 - World Teacher's Day!
October 6 - No Kindergarten Classes Today
October 9 - Thanksgiving Monday - No Classes
October 10 - Thanksgiving Liturgy @1:15pm
October 13 - No Kindergarten Classes Today
Welcome Back Assembly!
GSACRD Faith Theme: Growing in the Trinity: Love, Mercy & Grace
"Growing in the Trinity” provides a framework within which we meditate on the mystery of the Trinity. We grow in our understanding of, and relationship with each person of the Holy Trinity.
Our district faith theme is a three year theme with each year focusing on one part. Our theme progression is as follows:
2023-24 Growing in Love, with the Father
2024-25 Growing in Mercy, with the Son
2025-26 Growing in Grace, with the Spirit
This year we will focus on the first theme, growing in love, with the Father. The Father, our loving Creator, is the origin of love, and we are inspired to share that love with one another.
Parents are asked to notify the school using the SAFE ARRIVALS system when a child will be absent. Please visit our website for more info!
With the passing of Bill 201 – Protection of Students with Life Threatening Allergies Act, all students with a serious or life -threatening medical condition must have a form on file in the school office indicating the condition and procedure in case of emergency.
To provide a safe and caring school for our students who have allergies, we require the cooperation of our families. We have students with severe life -threatening food allergies (anaphylaxis) to peanuts and all nut products. Please DO NOT send any items containing peanut butter or nut products in your child’s lunch or for classroom treats.
Children with allergies requiring an epi-pen MUST carry it with them at all times. It is the parents’ responsibility to inform school of allergies and ensure that their child’s epi-pen has not expired.
Parking at BK
School Picture Day is THURSDAY, September 28.
After Picture Day, we will receive proofs and you will be able to order pictures on mylifetouch.ca using your Portrait ID and Access Code.
Our class photos will take place in the Spring.
School Picture Retake Day is Thursday, October 26.
School Council News
Welcome Back!
We want to take this opportunity to welcome back all our BK Families and Students and
welcome to the families and students that are new to our BK Community. We are looking
forward to planning fun events this year that allow us to come together and celebrate how
wonderful this community is.
We are planning a Welcome Back to BK event scheduled for September 21, 2023. Keep an eye
out for a call out for volunteers so we can make this event a success!
We are always Recruiting!
We need your help! In order to make this a great year we need more parents to get involved.
Please reach out with any questions that you have regarding joining our School Council or if you are interested in being contacted to help out with volunteer opportunities.
Join Us!
Our Annual General Meeting for School Council will take place September 14, 2023. Agenda
suggestions for the next meeting will be accepted until September 11, 2023.
Keep up to date and in touch with School council by heading over to our Facebook page
(https://www.facebook.com/bkbobkats) and give us a like and follow!
BK School Council
Adopt a Bertha Kennedy Catholic School Flower Box Program
Thank you again to those who donated money to support our flower boxes again this year!
Addison Neill
Callum and Kyle Howse
Darlene Whittaker
Jaden Cuthbertson
Ken Hakes
A HUGE thank you to the volunteers that donated their time watering the flower beds, garden, shrubs, and trees throughout the summer!
Andrea Eberhardt
Beth deBruyne
Kristina Dover
Lisa Kolodziej
Melissa Roach
BK Gardening Committee
School Council Meeting
Bertha Kennedy Catholic Community School
Email: lgiacobbo@gsacrd.ab.ca
Website: https://www.berthakennedy.com/
Location: 175 Larose Drive, St. Albert, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-458-6101
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BKBOBKATS1/