Raptor News
Back to School Newsletter for West Broad Elementary
Dear Parents & Caregivers,
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! I would like to introduce myself! I am the new principal of West Broad Elementary School, and “excited” doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel about being a part of this family! I am SO honored to have been chosen to serve you and this community. I come to you with 32 years of experience, 17 in teaching and 15 in school leadership. I am an educator because I love children and because I love learning, and as an educator, I am able to blend the two and watch amazing things happen.
As we start our new school year journey together, I hope to make connections with all of you, and the staff and I will provide many opportunities to make that happen. It is my hope that you will experience West Broad as a place that nurtures and supports you and your children in every way. Please expect to receive a monthly newsletter from me where you will find useful information and community resources for you and your families.
West Broad Elementary believes in a strong partnership between home and school, so our students will excel in all areas of life. We firmly believe in accountability so that teachers, parents/caregivers, and students are all responsible for our young learners’ academic success. It truly takes a village to ensure students’ success in school and life; and we are thankful that you have put your trust in us. Make sure to look for upcoming messages from the school via the website, Class Dojo, newsletters, emails, texts, and/or your child’s teacher.
At West Broad, we strive for excellence to ensure every student is highly educated, prepared for leadership and service, and empowered for success as a citizen in a global community. I’m excited to work with you, and if you have questions, please reach out to me.
Dr. Carey, Principal
Monday, August 29 - First Day Back to School Grades 1st - 5th
Friday, September 2 - First Day of School Kindergarten
Monday, September 5 - Labor Day, NO SCHOOL
Thursday, September 8 - First day of School Preschool
Monday, September 12 - 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Open House
Kindergarten Info
The first day of Kindergarten is Friday, September 2 at 8:30 AM. This is the first day of classes for kindergarten students. Please expect a call from your child's teacher to set up testing on either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday before their first full day.
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Schedule
School doors open at 8:30 AM every morning, students will eat breakfast in the cafeteria, and then go to their classroom.School begins at 9 AM. If your child is going to eat breakfast, please try to arrive at 8:30 so they have time to eat.
Pick-up is at 3:25.
Car-line: if you will be picking up your student(s) from your car, please join the car line in the ally between Hauge Ave. and N Harris Ave, which runs along our playground.
Walkers: If you will be walking to meet your student(s), we will be dismissing students from the Hague Ave. side of the playground.
**Please note, do not park at Walgreens, and please do not park in front of the school, on West Broad Street because that is the bus lane. Those who park in those places may be ticketed. Parking is available in the lot on the side of the school, or on the street along Harris. You may also use the lot at St. John's Church across the street.
Open House
Save the date for Monday, September 12 for West Broad's Open House
From 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Busing Info
If your child is eligible for busing and has not received their transportation information, please check your Parent Portal. If you signed up for busing already, check your email for info on your child's assigned bus.
You can contact the busing office if you have any other questions at: 614-365-5074.
Hi West Broad Families!
Welcome to the new school year! As you and your family get used to the new routines that come with the transition of back-to-school, I'd like to encourage you to take some time to set up your computer log-ins. This includes Class Dojo for staying in contact with your child's teachers, Clever (for Kindergarten only), and the Columbus City School's Parent Portal.
Taking some time now to make sure your CCS Parent Portal is active will help you save time through the school year, and all future school years, as your student's will need this throughout their entire time in CCS.
Go here to log into CCS Parent Portal --> https://www.ccsoh.us/Page/2437, scroll down, and click on either "Existing users can log in here" or "First Time User Activation."
Ms. Lizzie
West Broad Family Ambassador
Go Raptors!
Follow West Broad Elementary on
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/westbroadelementary/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westbroadelementary
What to do if your child must be absent:
Please report your student's absence to the attendance line at (380) 997-7047 or email attendance.westbroad@columbus.k12.oh.us
Email: westbroades@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: ccsoh.edu
Location: 2744 West Broad Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: 6143655964