Informative Updates
Week of 1/09/2023
Local Task Force 21
The Local Task Force 21 wants you to have helpful, up-to-date information in one place. Whenever we get information from agencies, providers, the STF, districts, CLIU21, and more, we will send it to you in our weekly update.
If you would like to add any information, highlight something special, share an announcement, please email me at: localtaskforce21@gmail.com
See what is coming up below. Thank you!
Presentation: OVR and Employment Services with Kristen
Leary and Jill West
Tuesday, February 14th, 2022 at 10AM
In Person:
The Arc of NEPA 115 Meadow Ave Scranton PA
Zoom Meeting:
ID: 874 8881 1884
Passcode: 364196
Mary Olsen, BCBA: Managing Challenging Behaviors
Monday, March 13, 2023
Snow Date - March 14, 2023
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 935 305 1899
Password: 8GV3Fc
Join Us on January 25th, 2023 at 10AM
"Transitioning to Adulthood" with Diane Perry from The PEAL Center, Kendyle Mills Education Consultant from CLIU#21 and Seth Hoderewski from Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living (LVCIL).
Join Zoom Meetings at:
Meeting ID: 537 878 6005
Passcode: CLIU21
Contact localtaskforce21@gmail.com for more information
Executive Education Academy Charter School
On behalf of Carole Clancy, Director, Bureau of Special Education (BSE), the official notification letter for compliance monitoring to be conducted by the BSE in your region, is attached.
BSE is not hosting in-person monitoring trainings this year. The monitoring training videos, CMCI handouts and manuals are all available at the link below for your review.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and continued interest in complying with this federally mandated requirement. Should you have questions regarding the 2022-23 monitoring, please contact your monitoring Chairperson at localtaskforce21@gmail.com.
Lincoln Leadership Charter School
On behalf of Carole Clancy, Director, Bureau of Special Education (BSE), the official notification letter for compliance monitoring to be conducted by the BSE in your region, is attached.
BSE is not hosting in-person monitoring trainings this year. The monitoring training videos, CMCI handouts and manuals are all available at the link below for your review.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and continued interest in complying with this federally mandated requirement. Should you have questions regarding the 2022-23 monitoring, please contact your monitoring Chairperson at localtaskforce21@gmail.com.
Seven Generations Charter School
On behalf of Carole Clancy, Director, Bureau of Special Education (BSE), the official notification letter for compliance monitoring to be conducted by the BSE in your region, is attached.
BSE is not hosting in-person monitoring trainings this year. The monitoring training videos, CMCI handouts and manuals are all available at the link below for your review.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and continued interest in complying with this federally mandated requirement. Should you have questions regarding the 2022-23 monitoring, please contact your monitoring Chairperson at localtaskforce21@gmail.com.
Bi-County Observer
PEAL's Virtual Winter 2023 Family Leadership Institute
Virtual sessions will be held on Zoom every Tuesday evening, from 5PM-6:30PM, for 7 weeks between January 10th, 2023 and February 21st, 2023. PEAL's FLI is offered at no cost to families by the PEAL Center and our partners.
Participants MUST COMMIT to attending all live virtual sessions, in addition to completing "Learning On Your Own" (LOYO) assignments in between.
Parent Education & Advocacy Leadership Center:
Serving Families and Youth across PA, with offices in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia
Please let me know if you need information in a language other than English and/or ADA accommodations to participate with us!
Youth & Families: 21 and Able
For more information visit The PEAL Center at:
Website to Register:
Registration for Events:
Starting with the End In Mind
A 4-part series on building an inclusive life for students with disabilities
Dan and Samuel Habib will present. This 4-part series focuses on how an inclusive education, starting in the earliest grades, prepares students with disabilities for transition to higher education and integrated employment as adults.
Register here: https://bit.ly/PEALPAICEndInMind
2/1/23: Including Samuel Virtual Film Screening and Self-Advocate Panel Discussion;
2/8/23: Disabling Segregation and My Disability Roadmap for an Inclusive Life;
2/15/23: Starting Early: Creating a Roadmap for Inclusive IEPs and Transition Plans
2/22/23: Action! Effective Practices in Transition to Adulthood
Is It Sensory or Is It Behavior?
January 18th, 2023 from 6:30-8PM
Presenter Allison Cole, MS OTR/L with Good Shepherd Rehabilitation
This webinar will cover:
-Review what sensory processing disorder is and what this may look like in individuals with developmental disabilities;
-Review subcategories of sensory regulation and how they may be used to help individuals with sensory processing difficulties;
-Review how to determine if an individual is exhibiting difficulty with regulating sensory needs versus what is a behavior.
Questions? Contact Kodi Berry at: kberry@arcoflehighnorthampton.org
visit the Arc at:
The 17th Annual Celebration Awards
Date: March 22, 2023
Time: 11:30AM
Location: The Lehigh Valley Hotel & Conference Center
300 Gateway Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18017 (wheelchair accessible)
This event was developed to recognize March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in Pennsylvania. Just about every day, individuals with disabilities accomplish amazing things, and this is our chance to honor their achievements!
Want to nominate someone to receive an award?
To be eligible for a Celebration Award, a person must meet the following 2 criteria:
Currently diagnosed with an Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability (I/DD);
Must receive a disability-related service in either Northampton or Lehigh County. This may include Support Coordination, Waiver funding, FD/FSS funding, Special Education, etc.
Click below to learn more about the awards and submit a nomination at:
All nominations are due by January 31, 2023.
This event is open to the public. Tickets are $25 each and include salad, bread, a selected lunch entree, dessert, coffee, and tea, as well as the Celebration Award presentation.
To register online: https://e.givesmart.com/events/tNa/. Please register by March 15, 2023.
If you prefer to submit your registration via mail, please download the registration form and send it with your check, payable to The Arc of Lehigh and Northampton Counties, to:
The Arc of Lehigh and Northampton Counties
Celebration Awards
2289 Avenue A
Bethlehem, PA 18049
*Registration forms must be received by March 15, 2023
The Arc's Sparc Program
SPARC Program Overview
The SPARC program is both a community-based program and a State-licensed adult training facility that serves adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in Lehigh, Northampton and surrounding Counties. The SPARC program operates Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. and strives to provide person-centered services, utilizing a wide variety of service modalities including both individualized and group activities.
The SPARC program is designed to provide opportunities for people with IDD to explore interests, develop skills, and participate in their communities in a supportive, inclusive environment. SPARC addresses each person’s unique needs through a person-centered approach and helps program participants to develop daily living skills through communication, socialization, habilitation, and community integration.
The SPARC program delivers Community Participation Supports (CPS), which offers opportunities for personal growth, in integrated community settings. The SPARC program also delivers adult training facility services, which provides an accessible environment with adaptive equipment, to support individuals with ambulation challenges.
For more information visit: https://arcoflehighnorthampton.org/sparc/
Teen Wellness Program
For reservations or any questions contact Mari or Holly at 570/207-0825
The Arc’s staff is not responsible for the supervision of program participants
Parents/staff must stay with each participant.
The Arc of NEPA Brochure:
Bullying In Schools: Know Your Rights to Protect Your Child
Tuesday, January 24th at 11AM via Zoom
Join The Arc of NEPA for our next virtual Advocacy Series presentation with Heather Hulse, J.D., M.S., M.A., from the Law Firm McAndrews, Mehalick, Connolly, Hulse, and Ryan P.C.for an in-depth discussion on bullying, discipline for students with disabilities, and school safety.
Registration Link:
Any Questions, Contact:
Mandy Colville: MColville@thearcnepa.org
Roseann Polishan: RPolishan@thearcnepa.org
Katie Foley: KFoley@thearcnepa.org
How To Be A More Effective Parent Advocate
Wednesday, January 18th, 2023
The PEAL Center and Arc of Northeastern PA present Skills for Effective Educational Advocacy
Register at:
Book Studies
It is a really fun time.
After-School Hang-out
We have a monthly After School Hang Out. The After School Hangout is a 10 and up group that plays games and discusses different topics like Friendships and Boundaries. Please check out https://thearcpa.org/includeme/after-school-hangout-series/for the after-school hangout info. It is a really fun time.
We are excited to announce that the recordings from our two webinars, with Katie Yost, on understanding disability voter rights and Pennsylvania’s voting rules are available.
The recordings and slides are below.
Include Me Introduction and Include Me Professional Guide are below.
CMP Regional Collaborative
Our goal and mission as a group of stakeholders from professionals to community members, families, and individuals, is to create and locate inclusive opportunities, spread awareness, and provide advocacy and support. We meet on a quarterly basis, via video conferencing, and also in person starting in the new year!. If you know of any families, individuals, or providers who you feel would like to be a part of what we do—please feel free to forward this to them.
Wed, Jan 11, 2023 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM (EST)
Please join from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://meet.goto.com/install
CMP Mental Health Supports
Public Hearing Information
Carbon-Monroe-Pike Mental Health and Developmental Services; Carbon-Monroe-Pike Drug and Alcohol Commission; Carbon County Homeless Assistance Program; Carbon County Human Service Development Fund; and Monroe County Homeless Assistance Program and Human Service Development Fund held a Public Hearing to present and receive comments on the FY 2022-23 County Human Service Plan
To view a recording of this meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone, please see below:
Schedule Update
All Carbon Lehigh Transition Coordinating Council (CLTCC) meetings for the remainder of the year are virtual only. It seems like most people are unable to attend in person at this time. I look forward to next week’s meeting, as well as our presentation from NEPA Inclusive. They have two new programs that will be shared for both Carbon and Lehigh county students.
Please use this zoom link:
Weis Markets Virtual Cook Along
February 15th at 1PM:
Heart Health
RECIPE: Tomato Avocado Egg Salad
ZOOM LINK: https://zoom.us/j/97914667752?pwd=ckdWQkkvS3AvMWhGaEdxSmV1a2xlQT09#success PASSCODE: E1C90FCF4B
Project Search
Zoom Option:
January 12, 2023 from 6:00-7:30 PM
In-Person Option:
February 9, 2023 from 6:00 - 7:30 PM
St. Luke’s Hospital
801 Ostrum Street, Bethlehem, PA
Education Center (Lecture Room 2)
Click on the following link to RSVP:
Email Melissa Johnson at: johnsonmelissa@cliu.org
or call/text (484) 735-2007
Check Out Transition Options: Click The Buttons Below!
Section 511
Section 511 requires that individuals with disabilities who are age 24 or younger (youth) complete requirements designed to improve their access to competitive integrated employment, including transition services, vocational rehabilitation, and career counseling services, before they are employed at SMWs.
For more Information: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/39H-Limitations-on-the-Payment-of-Subminimum-Wages#:~:text=Section%20511%20requires%20that%20individuals,they%20are%20employed%20at%20SMWs.
OVR website with links to YouTube, Twitter and Facebook :
Social Skills/ Employment Group
For more information and RSVP, please contact
Early Reach Coordinator:
Kaitlynn Tretter
Social Skills/ Employment Group
For more information and RSVP, please contact Early
Reach Coordinator:
Kaitlynn Tretter
Events and Opportunities
LVCIL School To Life
Goals of the Program:
Learning independent living skills, advocacy,
leadership, teamwork, and communication skills
Engaging in social and recreational activities with
Working together to learn self-advocacy and systems
advocacy skills
Giving back. S2L includes community involvement
such as volunteer opportunities
Developing employment skills through facilitation of
a micro-business, called T2L or TreatS2Love. This
involves business planning, inventory control,
production, marketing, and selling the products.
TreatS2Love is LVCIL's S2L Micro-business Program
where participants create and sell various types of
recipe jars. This business allows us to fund the S2L program at no cost to families or consumers.
TreatS2Love independently made by S2L
For more information, please email
phone: (610) 770-9781
ASLV Climbing Event
Autism Society Lehigh Valley has joined with North Summit Climbing Gym to host events on Saturdays from 10AM - 12PM.
Dates include: 1/21/23; 1/28/23; 2/4/23; 2/11/23
(bad weather makeup day: 2/18/23)
For teens between 12-20
Registration (10 slots):
Questions, email: autismsocietylv@gmail.com
LCCC Movie Marathon
New Date Announced: Saturday January 28th!
You are invited to a FREE sensory friendly movie marathon at LCCC! The movies will begin at 1PM on January 28th, 2023!
To RSVP and get event details follow this link: https://forms.gle/nH55axcKxtv6NwkF6
If you have any questions before the event please contact Everett Deibler at: edeibler@lccc.edu
The Parent Empowerment Group
Wednesday, January 18th, 2023
6PM - 8PM
We will meet monthly on the first and third Wednesday nights
from January through June The first Wednesday of each
month will be in person at LVCIL
713 N 13th St. Allentown PA 18102
The third Wednesday of each month will be on Zoom: 6-7PM
Hosted by Kari Reardon, at LVCIL, these ongoing sessions are from January-June with in-person and zoom options. The Parent Empowerment Group, is for caregivers with children 14-21 years old, who have an IEP and have questions about transition planning.
For more information and to register, please contact Kari Reardon:
Cell: 610-533-5092
Email: Karireardon42@gmail.com
The Parent Empowerment Group Schedule
First Meeting!!
January 18th @ LVCIL 6-8PM
Introduction to Transition Plans and their importance Programs focus- Increase in OVR or other agency attendance at IEP meetings
Basic Concepts in Overview - Get signatures for accepting
participation in Study Celebration
Just SO Speech Services
Short Term Online Speech Services
This is NOT ongoing speech therapy or communication specialist services.
The Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) funds these services for ODP consumers and their families/teams.
SLPs are on staff at TechOWL at the Institute on Disabilities
at Temple University.
If you are interested in this new, free program go to:
Questions? Contact TechOwl:
McAndrews Law Firm
McAndrews Articles:
(Access this link for the full article in the picture)
*Some articles are in both English and Spanish
McAndrews YouTube Channel:
PDE Conference
The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education is pleased to announce this important event:
2023 Pennsylvania Department of Education Conference, Making a Difference: Educational Practices That Work!
Locations: Hershey Lodge and Convention Center OR Virtual Webinar
Dates: March 1-3, 2023
Questions about General Information, Registration, and Continuing Education Credit: Contact pdeconferenceregistration@pattankop.net
For additional conference information visit: https://www.pattan.net/Training/Conferences/Pennsylvania-Department-of-Education-Conference
CHOP Workshop
ECHO Autism at CHOP: While You Wait
Every 1st and 3rd Thursday
January - June 2023
10:15-11:30 AM
ECHO Autism at CHOP: While You Wait is an evidence-based virtual community that allows family members of a child awaiting an autism evaluation or access to developmental services to learn about what they can do while they wait for those appointments. A multidisciplinary group of autism and developmental experts will lead the discussion and encourage family participation with questions, suggestions, and polls. Topics will include: what is autism, what to expect during an autism evaluation, how to access important services (e.g. early intervention, special education), and parenting skills for children with developmental differences.
For more information, visit:
PA ABLE Savings Program for Disability-Related Expenses
A PA ABLE account gives individuals with qualified disabilities (Eligible Individuals), and their families and friends, a tax-free way to save for disability-related expenses, while maintaining government benefits. Federal and state law authorized the creation of PA ABLE accounts.
For more information:
Adaptive Skating
Bethlehem Municipal Ice Rink offers a wide variety of opportunities to get on the ice!
Please visit their website to see what they have to offer:
For specific questions of adaptive skating:
Bethlehem Bureau of Recreation Staff:
- Jodi Evans, Recreation Director
- Brandon Hibbler, Recreation Coordinator
- Judith Stiles, Recreation Secretary
Address: 10 E. Church Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018
Phone: 610-865-7081
Email: recreation@bethlehem-pa.gov
LCCC Seed Information
Office of Educational Support Services and Disability Support Services at Lehigh Carbon Community College event for SEED!
Information Session: 1/18/2023 at 7PM
Please be sure to register for online events: https://www.lccc.edu/student-experience/disability-services/seed-program/seed-virtual-open-house
Understanding The Basics of OVR
January 18th, 2023 at 10AM
Are you a person with a disability who is interested in knowing more about college or working? Would you like to know how to tap into available resources from OVR? If so, this presentation is for you! Join Jill Seus Starr and her colleagues from OVR as they explain the OVR process.
The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation will present information to us on the following topics:
General OVR services
Transitioning Services
Supported Employment
Paid Work Experience
Register at:
Effective PD for Paras
What: a FREE 1-hour webinar for administrators hosted by Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and Dr. Julie Causton
When: January 20, 2023 at either 9:00AM or 2:00PM
Where: ZOOM and we’ll record the session
In this FREE webinar we will:
- Share several practical and highly effective strategies for supporting those irreplaceable paraprofessionals (30 minutes)
- Introduce our on-demand training for paras called ParaBytes (15 minutes)
- Answer any and all your burning questions about how to leverage the power of paras (15 minutes)
Register for the FREE webinar here and you will receive a ZOOM link in your email: https://inclusiveschooling.activehosted.com/f/63
Disney On Ice
Autism Society Lehigh Valley presents:
Disney On Ice
January 20th, 2023 at 7PM
Register at: https://forms.gle/NPExTwTv11Q2BgcTA
Family Forum Updates
Wednesday, January 18, 2023 at 6:30PM
Register for the the Zoom Meeting at:
(Free Workshop- Registration is Required)
Sibling Good Life Group
Monday, January 23, 2022 at 6:30PM
Join the meeting at:
Meeting ID: 933 0888 1902
Passcode: 766751
Emergency Preparedness: Re-Engagement and Readiness
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
12PM - 2PM
6:30PM- 8:30PM
CHOP: Autism Town Hall
Huddle Up For Autism
Sunday, April 2nd, 2023 11:30am-3:oopm Lincoln Financial Field
1 Lincoln Financial Field Way, Philadelphia, PA 19147
Get directions
Additional Information
Contact Us
Youth Ambassador Program Webinar
PDE's Bureau of Special Education Announcement: Youth Ambassadors Program Webinar
With shared enthusiasm, the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Bureau of Special Education (BSE) and the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) now offers an initiative to hire students as Youth Ambassadors (YAs) at Intermediate Units (IU), Local Education Agencies (LEAs), school districts, educational or advocacy non-profits, or special education technical assistance networks across PA.
This program is a product of ongoing collaboration between both agencies to strengthen agency partnership and enhance transition outcomes for students with disabilities.
We would like to extend an invitation to you to hear more about this exciting opportunity first-hand from the Youth Ambassador and his IU Supervisor!
Please join us Tuesday, January 31st, 2023, at 1PM to learn more about the program!
Microsoft Teams meeting Information:
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Meeting ID: 261 240 662 800
Passcode: 6jpFzK
Our Disability Roadmap
Friday, January 13th, 2023 at 1:30PM to 3PM
Join us by registering at:
Watch and Share; "My Disability Roadmap":
Donate to the project:
(Westchester Institute for Human Development)
National Autism Society Big Red Safety Box
Big Red Safety Box Includes:
Educational materials and tools, including
Two (2) GE Door/Window Alarms including batteries
One (1) RoadID Bracelet or Shoe ID tag. You will receive instructions in the box to submit your custom personalization order at http://roadid.com/naa
Four (4) Adhesive Stop Sign Visual Prompts for doors and windows
One (1) Safety Alert Window Cling for car or home windows
One (1) Child ID Kit from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
View Qualifying Information and Apply at: https://nationalautismassociation.org/big-red-safety-boxes-now-available/
Pacer Center
Striving to help families enhance the quality of life of their children and young adult with disabilities for 45 years!
Pacer Center information and events can be found at:
Support Groups
Support Group for Fathers
The AJ Drexel Autism Institute is excited to offer a support group for fathers of autistic people in partnership with Dr. Robert Naseef, clinical psychologist at Alternative Choices and Dr. Michael Hannon of Montclair State University and GETAC.
Meetings Schedule for 11AM
Dates include:
1/21, 2/18, 3/18/4/15, 6/17
Email : AutismInstitute@drexel.edu
for further information
Caregiver Support Groups
PA Mentor Caregiver Support Group
The next meeting is:
January 18th, 2023 from 10AM -11:30AM
Located at: Pa Mentor
3450 High Point Blvd.
Suite 160
Bethlehem, PA 18017
For more information email: sefcik.amyjo@gmail.com
Child care is available with advanced notice
Easton Area Support Group
January 21st, 2023 from 2PM-4PM
Our presenter for this months meeting will be NeurAbilities Healthcare.Sandra Lewis, MSS, MLSP, VP, Marketing & Communications, Kathleen McCauley & Allison Herbert, Practice Managers from the ABA clinic in our Lehigh Valley, will be joining us to present on an overview of services and an interdisciplinary and innovative approach to care.
Please RSVP to Leslie at: leslie.mckelvey@yahoo.com
Caregiver Support Group
Parent/Caregiver Support Group
February 16th, 2023 meeting:
We have put together a panel of "experts" in the area of financial planning, including work. The panel will consist of representatives from Benefits Counseling, Work Incentives Planning and Assistance, Medical Assistance and PA Able.
For More Information Contact:
Roseann Polishan
Advocate - The Arc of NEPA
570-209-4180 or rpolishan@thearcnepa.org
ASLV: School Age Support Group
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 873 9236 8443
Passcode: 304837
Questions? Contact:
Anissa Telle at: telleanissa@gmail.com
Right To Education: Local Task Force 21
Email: localtaskforce21@gmail.com
Location: Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21, Independence Drive, Schnecksville, PA, USA
Phone: (610)533-0344
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/localtaskforce21