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Counselor's Corner
CHS Counseling Newsletter, November 2021
Important November Dates
Military Family Appreciation Month
National Homeless Youth Awareness Month
Native American Heritage Month
11/3: Coffee with the Counselors
11/8: 3 week progress report (11/15: students may regain eligibility)
11/8: FAFSA night with Collin College
11/11: CCMR night @ CHS
11/13-11/21 American Education Week
11/-13-11/21: National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week
11/16: International Day for Tolerance
11/17: Coffee with the Counselors
11/18: Children's Grief Awareness Day
11/18: National Parental Involvement Day
11/18-11/19: Student Holidays
11/22-11/26: Thanksgiving Break
11/26: Native American Heritage Day
11/26: Random Acts of Kindness Friday
There is a meme that says, "September went by pretty slow, but October is doing 75 mph in a 35 mph zone." Can anyone else relate???? Now we are moving right into November and the start of the busy holiday season and completing our Fall semester.
It may seem like your plates are really full, but try to take this time to pause and reflect on the "good things" happening in your life and be intentional about moments of gratitude.
We are getting closer to closing out the fall semester (I can't believe it). So make sure you are checking dates, following social media, and emailing for any questions or concerns you may have. The calendar seems to fill up quickly during this time, but the counseling office is available for any needs/concerns.
We are also excited to announce that we have started our SEL curriculum, Character Strong, throughout the district. At CHS students will have an SEL lesson each Friday during homeroom advisory. Please see the information below:
Dear Families,
We are so grateful you are a part of the school community this year.
One of the aims at our school is to equip young people for all the realities of today’s world. With that in mind, we have partnered with CharacterStrong - an organization that provides training for educators and social & emotional learning curriculum for students. Their work in grades 6-12 focus on 3 main outcomes: increasing a sense of belonging for all students, improving skills that support student well-being, and deepening student engagement in their academics, in their school, and in their community.
Here’s what the data tells us:
• A sense of belonging in school is one of the most important conditions for learning and a fundamental support for social and emotional well-being. Nearly ⅓ of all students report a weak sense of belonging in their schools. Roughly half of 6th - 12th grade students say they don’t enjoy coming to school most of the time.
• Mental health challenges for teens have been increasing and 7 out of 10 teens in the U.S. (between 13 and 17 years old) have named anxiety or depression as a major problem among their peers.
• Student engagement drives learning and supports school success.
This curriculum was created to support school communities as they engage in the work of preparing young people to thrive in the 21st century. The research supports the effectiveness of social & emotional learning in schools to increase student’s academic success and college & career readiness. The lessons focus on developing skills and mindsets around building positive habits, understanding our emotions, and increasing empathy for people and communities who have lived different lives than us. The curriculum helps students think about things they want to improve in their school, their relationships, and their world and then provides tools for them to work individually and in teams to close the gaps they’ve identified.
One of the key parts of nearly every lesson is the “CharacterDare” for Middle School students and the “To Be List” for High School students. These are invitations near the end of most lessons to put the content that they are learning into action in the real world. If you ever want to play an active role in the CharacterStrong curricula, simply ask your student about the most recent CharacterDare or To Be List challenge. Maybe they’ll invite you to try one yourself!
To learn more about CharacterStrong, check out characterstrong.com to discover other resources for students and families.
Looking forward to a great year!
Estimadas familias,
Estamos muy agradecidos de que forme parte de la comunidad escolar este año.
Uno de los objetivos de nuestra escuela es preparar a los jóvenes para todas las realidades del mundo actual. Con eso en mente, nos hemos asociado con CharacterStrong, una organización que brinda capacitación para educadores y un plan de estudios de aprendizaje social y emocional para los estudiantes. Su trabajo en los grados 6-12 se enfoca en 3 resultados principales: aumentar el sentido de pertenencia para todos los estudiantes, mejorar las habilidades que apoyan el bienestar de los estudiantes y profundizar la participación de los estudiantes en sus académicos, en su escuela y en su comunidad.
Esto es lo que nos dicen los datos:
• El sentido de pertenencia a la escuela es una de las condiciones más importantes para el aprendizaje y un soporte fundamental para el bienestar social y emocional. Casi la cuarta parte de todos los estudiantes informan tener un débil sentido de pertenencia a sus escuelas. Aproximadamente la mitad de los estudiantes de sexto a duodécimo grado dicen que no les gusta ir a la escuela la mayor parte del tiempo.
• Los desafíos de salud mental para los adolescentes han ido en aumento y 7 de cada 10 adolescentes en los EE. UU. (Entre 13 y 17 años) han mencionado la ansiedad o la depresión como un problema importante entre sus compañeros.
• La participación de los estudiantes impulsa el aprendizaje y apoya el éxito escolar.
Este plan de estudios se creó para ayudar a las comunidades escolares a participar en el trabajo de preparar a los jóvenes para prosperar en el siglo XXI. La investigación respalda la efectividad del aprendizaje social y emocional en las escuelas para aumentar el éxito académico y la preparación universitaria y profesional de los estudiantes. Las lecciones se enfocan en desarrollar habilidades y mentalidades en torno a la construcción de hábitos positivos, la comprensión de nuestras emociones y el aumento de la empatía por las personas y comunidades que han vivido vidas diferentes a las nuestras. El plan de estudios ayuda a los estudiantes a pensar en las cosas que quieren mejorar en su escuela, sus relaciones y su mundo, y luego les proporciona herramientas para que trabajen individualmente y en equipo para cerrar las brechas que han identificado.
Una de las partes clave de casi todas las lecciones es el "CharacterDare" para los estudiantes de la escuela intermedia y la "Lista de ser" para los estudiantes de la escuela secundaria. Estas son invitaciones cerca del final de la mayoría de las lecciones para poner en acción el contenido que están aprendiendo en el mundo real. Si alguna vez desea desempeñar un papel activo en el plan de estudios de CharacterStrong, simplemente pregúntele a su estudiante sobre el desafío CharacterDare o To Be List más reciente. ¡Quizás lo inviten a probar uno usted mismo!
Para obtener más información sobre CharacterStrong, visite characterstrong.com para descubrir otros recursos para estudiantes y familias.
¡Esperamos tener un gran año!
Mental Health Videos/Resources for Teens
Seize the Awkward recently released four new videos containing powerful advice for teens and young adults on mental health. Each video features expert advice on practical tips on supporting a friend who may be struggling with their mental health.
- Learn the Signs (https://youtu.be/3jCCxsvYjA4)
- Have the Conversation (https://youtu.be/8evtuxohDvU)
- Tips for Better Conversations (https://youtu.be/gX0cQBL_RzU)
- Conversation Starters (https://youtu.be/H-Q6ieH_Z08)
Two Help desks for STUDENTS:
General Help Desk - applytexas@austin.utexas.edu
Account Recovery - applytexas_pw@austin.utexas.edu
Federal student aid resources (English and Spanish)
Federal Student Loans: Basics for Students (Spanish Version)
Check under Loan Information, Booklets and Brochures for more like this.
ADVI/Virtual Advising Project
A chatbot named ADVi – short for “adviser” – uses artificial intelligence to provide on-demand support to Texans looking to attend or return to higher education. Right now, any student in Texas may access ADVi by texting “COLLEGE” to 512-829-3687 or by starting a freshman application in ApplyTexas.
When students sign up to receive messages from ADVi, they receive:
- The ability to ask questions about college 24/7 via text message,
- Backup support from our virtual advisers if a student has needs or questions beyond what ADVi can provide,
- Student-friendly, accurate, and engaging messages about key college access milestones,
- Information and tips to help with their college applications, planning, and financial aid, and
- Resources to help navigate the transition to college.
Learn more at www.askADVi.org.
Check them out, here:
Post-Secondary Advising Tools (FREE)
Labor Market and Career Information- https://lmci.state.tx.us/
Texas Reality Check- https://texasrealitycheck.com/
Texas Career Check- https://texascareercheck.com/
Jobs Y'All- https://jobsyall.com/
Texas Internship Challenge- https://www.txinternshipchallenge.com...
Texas CREWS- https://txcrews.org/
State Training Inventory- https://lmci.state.tx.us/apps/STI/
Counselors and Teachers- https://lmci.state.tx.us/counselors/counselors.asp
Have you Heard of Bulb?
Using bulb students can create digital portfolios to showcase work and build resumes. bulb can also be used to create your pages to showcase virtual events or information. See examples below.
CCMR Fair Example: https://www.bulbapp.com/CCMRVirtualFair
Example student portfolio: https://www.bulbapp.com/RayneAguilar
To create a free trial account: http://bit.ly/AimeebulbTrial
Contact: Aimee Pavelock
aimee@bulbapp.com | 210.787.6046
Texas OnCourse Academy
Coffee with the Counselors
Our November Coffee with the Counselors will be Wednesday, November 3rd and Wednesday, November 17th at 830AM via Facebook Live.
We want to hear from our PARENTS as we plan our future bi-weekly events.
How to reach the counselors
Our website is being updated regularly to give you the most important information about school, future education, mental health, and all other things counseling. Please e-mail us or fill out a counseling request so that we can help!
The CHS counseling team is here for you!
Sarah McKimmey: Advanced Academics Counselor (Last names M-Z)
Tiffany Goff: Braves Support counselor
Email: tiffany.goff@communityisd.org
Website: https://www.communityisd.org/domain/879
Phone: 972-843-6500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/communityhs
Twitter: @CHScounselor3