Senior Countdown
Fife High School Class of 2022 Info
January 2022
Scholarship and Financial Aid Info
Dear Seniors and Senior Families!
Do you need help completing your Financial Aid application? Our FHS Career & College Specialist, Mrs. Thomas, is a great resource to help walk you through the application. She can be reached at cthomas@fifeschools.com or by stopping by her office in the library either during FLEX, lunch, or before/after school. More information can also be found on her website at tinyurl.com/fhsaid.
Completing financial aid early is an important step in your college readiness journey. Applying early increases your chances of receiving aid and for qualifying for scholarships. Many scholarships, including the FHS Scholarship Foundation, require students to complete financial aid for eligibility. Contact Mrs. Thomas at cthomas@fifeschools.com for more information.
WSAC Financial Aid Workshops
Interested in the Healthcare Industry? Checkout this GREAT opportunity!
Checkout COPE Scholars in partnership with Multicare & Swedish Medical Centers through the Puget Sound. Go to https://copehealthscholars.org/, @westwahealthscholars, or contact Kylei.Harrison@multicare.org for more information. Mrs. Thomas at FHS can also help answer questions.
Get Money for College or Job Training With Washington College Grant
Washington College Grant (WCG) gives more money to more people for more kinds of education and training beyond high school. WCG is not reserved for valedictorians or athletes—it is available to all eligible Washington residents, including undocumented students. If you meet the residency and income requirements, you have money waiting for you.
Washington College Grant can help you access many types of education and training:
- Public and private colleges and universities
- Workforce and training programs
- Approved apprenticeship programs
WCG amounts vary based on income, family size, and program cost. An eligible student from a family of four with income of $56,000 or less per year would get a full award. What does that mean? For example, public college tuition would likely be free for a family with three children and a single parent making $25 per hour. For middle-income families, grant amounts are lower. But even someone from a family of four making up to $102,000 per year can get some money to help pay for college or training.
Students and families can use the financial aid calculator to estimate their potential WCG award, but the only way to know for sure whether you qualify is to apply for financial aid. Applications for the 2022-23 academic year are now open.
Washington College Grant helps make college or job training affordable. Learn more at wsac.wa.gov/WCG.
Passport to Careers Supports Students Who Have Been Homeless or in Foster Care
Have you been in foster care? Or were you homeless without a parent or guardian? The Passport to Careers program helps Washington students who have been homeless or in foster care prepare for careers.
Eligible students can get money to put toward the costs of earning a college certificate or degree, or to help pay for job training through a pre-apprenticeship or apprenticeship program. Passport also connects you with experts to help answer questions and navigate your pathway.
Visit the online Passport Guide to learn more about Passport to Careers, including eligibility information, details of how to apply, answers to frequently asked questions, and links to additional resources.
Preparing for college or career training on your own can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! There are people and programs available to help. Learn more and get support.
Fife High School
Email: tgieck@fifeschools.com
Website: https://fhs.fifeschools.com/
Location: 5616 20th St E, Fife, WA, USA
Phone: 253-517-1100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fifehigh/
Twitter: @fifeHSTrojans