March 25, 2021
March 26 * Friday <> Deadline to order 5th Grade T-shirt (see below for details)
March 29 * April 5 <> Schools Closed - Spring Break
March 30 * Tuesday <> Spring Break Food Distribution @ BES <> 11am - 1pm
April 1 * Thursday <> Spring Break Food Distribution @ BES <> 11am - 1pm
April 6 * Tuesday <> General Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten Registration Opens - 2021-22 School Year (more information coming soon!)
April 9 * Friday <> End of Term 3
April 9 * Friday <> Deadline for Inclusive Pre-K Program Applications prior to Lottery Selection (see below for more details)
April 12 * Monday <> Schools Closed for Students - Teacher Work Day
April 13 * Tuesday <> Start of Term 4
April 26 * Monday <> Spring Picture Day - Students attending in-person Cohort A
April 26 * Monday <> Spring Picture Day - 2:30 - 4:30 - Appointments available for full virtual students
April 29 * Thursday <> Spring Picture Day - Students attending in-person Cohort B
April 29 * Thursday <> Spring Picture Day - 2:30 - 4:30 - Appointments available for full virtual students
May 14 * Friday <> Mid-Term for Term 4
May 19 * Wednesday <> 2-Hr Early Dismissal for Elementary School (instruction ends @ 2pm)
May 31 * Monday <> Schools and Offices Closed - Memorial Day
Klecan Recognized for Outstanding School Counseling Program @ BES
BES Extended Learning Opportunities - Term 4
We are very excited to be able to offer to BES students a variety of Extended Learning Opportunities/ELO beginning Tuesday, April 13th. The goal of the ELO program is to provide a wide array of in-person and virtual learning experiences. Please note that there are only a specific number of openings per activity. We will be offering the activities in 4-week cycles to ensure that many students have the opportunity to participate. Dates for each experience will be specified in the description. A few clubs will require an additional material pick-up, student pick up/drop off at school, or require students to have their own instruments. Club offerings will fill up fast! If your child happens to miss out on an ELO opportunity this round, there will be another opportunity.
At this time, we are asking families to sign up for only one activity per child. Once registered, the teacher leading the ELO activity will be in contact with the family. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact Jason Rubeling/Assistant Principal via email- thomas.rubeling@fcps.org .
Click HERE to view ELO offerings.
Click HERE to Sign-Up
Spring Pictures Coming Soon!
Appointment Sign-Up for Fully Virtual Students
Monday, April 26
- During school hours for students attending in-person Cohort A
- 2:30 - 4:30 available for students attending all-virtual instruction (location: BES gymnasium)
Thursday, April 29
- During school hours for students attending in-person Cohort B
- 2:30 - 4:30 available for students attending all-virtual instruction (location: BES gymnasium)
1. Visit <> http://mylifetouch.com
2. Enter your Picture Day ID <> EVTHT3VJZ
3. Order your perfect package - and don't worry about returning anything on picture day!
Electronic Community Flyers
Frederick Children's Chorus: options for ages 3-18: The Frederick Children's Chorus, for ages 8-18, will be returning to in-person rehearsals and performances during the 2021-2022 season. Little Music Makers, for ages 3-8, is also available. Please see flier for more information.
Fort Detrick GEMS program - The Gains in the Education of Mathematics and Science (GEMS) program at Fort Detrick brings local students to the cutting-edge world of science for the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC). The program is designed for current 4th through 12th grade students of all academic abilities in the 2020-2021 school calendar. GEMS promises a hands-on experience that will excite. Applications for students are due April 1, 2021. Please see flier for more information.
Delaplaine Spring Brochure: Enjoy the spring issue of Delaplaine Arts magazine from the Delaplaine Art Center—YOUR community arts center! It’s chock full of upcoming art opportunities for the whole family, including: summer art camps for kids and teens, art classes in a variety of media for all ages, exhibitions in seven galleries with free admission, free educational online programs, and much more.
City of Frederick Parks & Recreation Spring 2021 Program Brochure
How Positive COVID-19 Cases are Communicated
Important Definitions
Confirmed Case of COVID-19 - Cases of COVID-19 that are lab confirmed positive results of a PCR test.
Probable Case of COVID-19 - COVID-19-like symptomatic individual who has had close contact with another individual with a laboratory confirmed positive result within the past 14 days.
Close Contact - Close and prolonged contact within 6 feet of a cumulative 15 minutes in a 24 hour period.
Confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19 in the school prompt a case investigation to determine if anyone has been in close contact with the confirmed or probable case of COVID-19. A joint effort between FCPS administrators and the Frederick County Health Department identifies all close contacts. All close contacts are contacted individually and advised to quarantine at home, monitor their health, and to contact their healthcare provider for any health concerns.
The health and safety of our community is our highest priority. Brunswick Elementary follows all COVID-19 related health and safety guidelines, including requiring face coverings for staff and students, encouraging frequent hand washing, maintaining social distance, and following all cleaning and disinfection protocols.
The FCPS Health Metrics Dashboard reports the number of positive COVID-19 cases for staff and students that are in-person attendance at all FCPS schools. The cases are reported two different ways: (1) total number for all of FCPS; and (2) by each school. The dashboard is updated every Monday morning to report the number of cases from the previous week.
Interested in a 5th Grade T-Shirt?
Please fill out this google form ensure your child will get a shirt, forms are due back by 3/26/2021.
If you’d like to purchase shirts for family members the link is listed on the google form.
Any questions please contact brunswickpto@gmail.com
Visitor Screening Protocol
FCPS is committed to minimizing the number of visitors to a school building to ensure the safety of students and staff. We have instituted a contactless drop-off and pick-up area inside our security vestibule. This area is accessible during school hours. We also have an outside contactless pick-up option for families requiring access to picking up materials after school hours.
Upon arrival, our Front office staff are required to follow a new screening protocol consistent across all FCPS buildings. The following 5 screening questions will be reviewed with each visitor. (Note: A “close contact” is defined as being within 6 feet of someone with or suspected of having COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes over a cumulative 24 hour period.)
Have you tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 10-days?
Have you had close contact with anyone who is either confirmed or suspected of being infected with COVID-19?
On the sign, there are two lists of symptoms labeled A and B. Do you have any of these symptoms? (see links below as reference)
What is the purpose of your visit? Do you have an appointment with <staff member>?
If a visitor answers yes to any of the above questions, they may not enter the building. They will be asked to wait outside and a staff member will provide assistance by means other than through entering the building.
Visitor Screening Door Sign - English
Bus Route Information
Please check this information frequently as routing information could change with the addition / removal of students to routes.
Inclusive PK Program Information & Application
Frederick County Public Schools is offering a unique pre-kindergarten educational program. The Inclusive Pre-K program is in addition to, and different from our regular pre-kindergarten class. These classes are available at 15 FCPS locations and educate all students using pre-academic standards with an emphasis on social emotional skills and communication. Participation in this program is based on a random peer lottery.
Inclusive Pre-K Classrooms are available for 3 and 4-year old students who will attend ½ day sessions. Students must be 3 or 4 by September 1st. Applying for a student to participate as a peer in this program does not guarantee enrollment and students must reapply every year. Parents must provide transportation to and from school and may apply to any location, regardless of home school location. The application process is now open and students will be selected via a lottery process. All applications must be submitted to Lauren Perry for consideration for the peer lottery by April 9, 2021. Applications submitted past this date will not be included in the initial lottery any may be waitlisted pending student enrollment numbers.
Inclusive Pre-Kindergarten Program Information and Application
Please note the application process for the 2021-2022 school year for our General Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten will be announced at a later date. Watch for the FindOutFirst Communication in March 2021.
The ABCs of Hybrid Learning
Please visit www.BESPTO.org for school news or you can visit PTO Facebook Page- Brunswick The PTO can also be contacted at brunswickpto@gmail.com with any questions.
Always Do Your Best
Work Hard.Be Kind.
Email: justin.mcconnaughey@fcps.org
Website: http://education.fcps.org/bes/
Location: 400 Central Avenue, Brunswick, MD, United States
Phone: 240.236.2900
Twitter: @BrunswickES