Byam Newsletter
November 12th, 2021
Byam Rainbow after today's storm
Video Message from Principal Fredette and AP Dolan
Parent Teacher Conferences
We are in the midst of parent-teacher conference season. These conferences are an important piece in ongoing home-school communication and family involvement. The Harvard Family Research Project from the Harvard School of Education highlights three themes when approaching parent-teacher conferences. Conferences should be a two-way conversation where both sides share information about the student. These conferences place an emphasis on learning. Finally conferences will most likely contain opportunities and challenges. They will include positive feedback and also areas for improvement. Home to school communication is a predictor for positive outcomes for students and schools and we at Byam look at our conference times with you as a way to strengthen our partnership. This year families had the option of an in-person or virtual conference. Please be reminded that teachers are holding several conferences in both modalities and will do their best to keep on schedule. Please note that kindergarten conferences take place in January.
New Child Vaccine Scheduling Information
Dear Parents and Guardians,
A COVID Vaccine Clinic will be offered to all students ages 5 years to 11years old on Friday November 19, 2021. Remedium Pharmacy will be on site at McCarthy Middle School (Cafeteria) at 250 North Rd on Friday November 19, 2021 from 3:00pm-7:00pm. The clinic is open to all Chelmsford residents ages 5 years to 11 years old!
An appointment will be made on November 19, 2021 for the 2nd dose COVID Vaccine Clinic to be held Friday December 10, 2021 from 3:00pm-7:00pm at McCarthy Middle School Cafeteria.
To register, please go to the website at Remedium Pharmacy at www.remediumrx.net
Here are the steps to sign up:
- Go to www.RemediumRx.net
- Click the red button in the middle of the page that reads "Chelmsford Schools Student (Ages 5-11) COVID Vaccine Clinic".
- This will bring you to a screen that has Chelmsford. If you have more than one child, please register and sign consent for each child.
- Enter the Access code. The Access Code is Chelmsford
- Select the appointment time slot and click submit and sign up at the bottom of the page.
- Enter your child's demographic information and Click Sign up Now.
- Please note:
- A parent/guardian must accompany their child to the vaccine clinic.
- Please bring a copy of your insurance card, however, no child will be denied a vaccine for lack of insurance.
- It is recommended that individuals hydrate on the day of the vaccine!
- Students will be observed for 15 minutes after the vaccine is administered.
- It is helpful to have your child wear a short-sleeve shirt!
Thank you for helping keep our school community safe!!!!
Peggy Gump, M.Ed, BSN, RN
Coordinator of Nursing Services
Picture Re-Take Day
Driving on School Grounds
Byam Cares
In order to assist our families in need we have established a program called the “Byam Cares Program”. This program will give interested Byam families, community members and staff an avenue to donate gift cards that will be distributed to Byam families throughout the year. This type of donation has traditionally been done around the holidays but we would like to maintain the program throughout the year as hardships often arise. The principal, school counselor and nurse will work with families in need to determine recipients of the gift cards.
We request that gift cards be limited to Walmart, Target, and local grocery store gift cards. Donation gift cards can be put in an envelope with "Byam Cares" written on front, and brought to our Byam office.
Families in need of assistance for the holidays should reach out to Lyndsey O'Neil, School Counselor, via email at oneill@chelmsford.k12.ma.us.
Math Night
November Calendar Dates
- Thursday November 18th Early Release / Grades 1-4 Parent Conferences
- Tuesday November 23th Picture Retake Day
- Thursday 25th and Friday 26th Thanksgiving Break
Car Pick Up at dismissal
4th Grade Pride Ambassadors Forms
Calling All Future Substitutes
First create a profile on School Spring at: https://www.schoolspring.com/login/signupmember.cfm?
To apply for this specific district posting click this link: https://www.schoolspring.com/apply/jobapply.cfm?jid=3720450
BSA News
Thank you for all who attended our November BSA meeting! Our next meeting will be January 12, 2022.
Meeting Minutes: https://bit.ly/byam-bsa-meetingminutes
Email: bsa.chelmsford@gmail.com
Website: https://byam.chelmsfordschools.org/about/pto/
Facebook: www.fb.com/byamschoolchelmsfordEnrichment in Action
Byam Families, thanks to the fundraising for the school, the BSA has been able to move forward and schedule lots of great enrichment programs for the kids. There will be more information coming about specific grade level activities, but the BSA was able to kick off the year providing pumpkins for our second grade classes and fourth grade classes. Those grade levels were able to use the pumpkins to augment skills related to their curriculum. The results were pretty fantastic! Learning about money, measurements, estimating, and arachnids sparked some pretty fabulous end results!
Join the BSA NEXT WEEK for this year’s IN-PERSON and OUTDOOR book fair! Books, posters, scavenger hunt, and more! Find us outside in front of Byam School, 11/18, 11/19, 11/22 and 11/23 from 3:30-5:30pm, and Saturday morning 11/20 from 9:00-11:00 am. Online shopping will also available!
Shop and Win! Make a book fair purchase (in person or online) and enter your child/children into the RAFFLE DRAWING for one of several Scholastic book prizes! 1 entry/child. For completed online purchases made, please email your child/childrens name and grade to BSA.Chelmsford@gmail.com with the subject line “Book fair drawing entry”!
Teacher’s Wishlists: If interested, ask us if your classroom has a Teacher’s Wishlist! Teachers will be given the opportunity to provide wishlists for Scholastic items that they wish to have in order to build up or update their classroom libraries! A printed copy of submitted wishlists will be available for parents to browse and make purchases at the book fair. Wishlist purchases are optional.
CHARLESTON WRAP Fall Fundraiser (November 1-14th):
BYAM HOOTENANNY! Sign-Up Deadline is December 5th!
Byam's got talent... so Lions, get your acts ready! Byam's All Together Now Hootenanny! Byam's Got Talent! We are ALL TOGETHER (safely), and ready to have fun! 3/25-3/26 2022! Talent show and 4th grade Emcee Sign up Link:: https://forms.gle/ecj3T9As3EQveDtJ8
Signup Deadline is December 5th!
Do you show your talent through Art, rather than on stage?
Byam Weekly Announcements
Downloadable November School Lunch Menu Below
CPS SY2122 District and Academic Calendar link below
About Us
Byam Principal and AP Email Contact:
Principal Fredette: fredettej@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Assistant Principal Dolan: dolane@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Chelmsford Public Schools Website: https://www.chelmsford.k12.ma.us/
Byam Website Page: https://www.chelmsford.k12.ma.us/Domain/8
Email: fredettej@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.chelmsford.k12.ma.us/Domain/8
Location: 25 Maple Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: (978)251-5144
Twitter: @byamprincipal