DVE Newsletter

Principal Message
We are so excited to welcome our new and returning Dolphins to Daffodil. We are ready for a fantastic year and want to ensure you have all the communication and information you need to make it a great year for your Dolphin. Please feel free to reach out to us in the office for questions, or concerns we want to be your partner this school year and are here to help. Welcome to our pod - we can't wait to see you! Go Dolphins!
Mrs. Woods - Principal
Mrs. Jackson - Assistant Principal
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Character Trait of the Month: Respect
This month, we are talking about R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Respect means seeing the good in people and things & treating them with care. Seeing good in others can mean that you look for things you like or appreciate in people - whether they are similar or different from you. Treating others with care can mean listening quietly when others are speaking and responding with Kindness. It can also mean helping out when you see a need or standing up for others. Think about how you can show Respect today!
DVE Afternoon Dismissal
Early Pick Up:
Parents/guardians who wish to have their child dismissed early for an appointment will need to call in advance and let us know and then call upon arrival. They may pull into the main parking lot and we will escort each child to their car.
We will not be able to dismiss students after 2:45pm. Beginning at 2:45pm students will need to be picked up as part of the school wide dismissal procedure.
Regular Dismissal:
We will be using Silent Dismissal. Each family should have a car tag with a number. Please have this displayed in your car window or available as you walk up.
It is extremely important that families have this tag at pick up.
Staff will enter your number, which then notifies the teacher to dismiss your student to the appropriate location.
Families with multiple children will just need one tag, your students are linked in the system.
If a replacement is needed, call the office and we can get a new one.
At the beginning of the year, communicate with families to find out about the pick up location (i.e., car pick up, walking back area, walking front of school pick-up, bus) and we will log that as the usual way that student is dismissed.
Please email your teacher in the morning/ or call the front office at (253)891-4600 if there is a pick up location change.
Students in 3rd-5th grade may be dismissed to walk home without an adult, with parent permission. Please notify the front office if this is the case. They may also pick up younger siblings and walk home.
Parents/guardians walking to meet their students will need to have the Silent Dismissal Number and come to the front of the school or to the back pick up location. The code will be entered and the student will know to come to that location.
Walking pick up locations are: Front of school and back area by the gym door.
Car Pick-Up
We will have 2 car pick up lanes on the playground behind the school. We ask that families follow all signs and pull their car forward. We will be loading 2 lanes at a time and releasing those lanes once all cars are loaded, allowing the next group to stage for loading of students. Please follow staff directions to help ensure safety of the students as they load into cars. We ask that you have patience as parents/families learn the system. It generally takes about a week for everything to begin to run smoothly.
Please do not arrive before 3pm to pick up your child using the car line. We will not be able to open the gates to form a line until that time and would love to avoid a long line on Valley Ave. One friendly tip - the earlier you come the longer you wait - our process once underway takes 15 minutes start to finish. Families who arrive around 3:15 spend less time waiting.
DVE Morning Arrival
As we begin the school year safety is our top priority. In order to ensure we meet health guidelines we ask that you look over this document and familiarize yourself with the procedures around morning arrival. Parents/Guardians will not be allowed to enter the school building to walk students to class. All entrances will be locked and monitored. Please ring the doorbell if you'd like to talk to the office staff and we will let you in. Students will enter the school grounds according to their arrival method. Car drop off will enter through the front door and buses through the side door. Walkers will need to come to the front entrance.
Arriving by Car
Enter the car drop off area in the front parking lot. Cars will pull to the end of the drop off zone in the drop off lane. Students will exit and enter through the main entry doors to the school.
Arriving by Foot
Students walking to school must enter through the front of the school. We ask that they come through the main doors. Parents/Guardians are not permitted to walk students to the classrooms. We are sorry for this inconvenience and will work to help your child adjust and have a great start to their day.
Arriving by Bus
Bus Riders will enter the school building near the library and then move on to their classroom.
*No early drop-offs- Doors open at 8:10am
September is National Attendance Month!
Did you know? Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school - and themselves. Start building this habit in elementary school so that they learn right away that going to school on time, every day is important. Eventually good attendance will be a skill that will help them succeed in high school and college.
September meal menus; meals no longer free
Get prepared for school by taking a look at the breakfast and lunch menus for September.
Elementary School Lunch Menu- September
This school year, there are some important changes to meal prices. A national school meal waiver that provided free meals for all students due to the pandemic expired over the summer. This means that meals are no longer free for everyone.
We encourage families who may be eligible to apply for free meals. Applications can be found at sumnersd.org/meals.
YEARBOOKS are on sale now!
Some of the highlights this year:
1. Early Bird Pricing: 10% off if purchased by September 30
2. Families can create (2) custom pages for FREE that will be featured inside their student's yearbook
3. NEW! Pay-it-forward option, families can purchase an additional yearbook that can be gifted to other DVE students to ensure every Dolphin has a keepsake of the fun had this year!
4. We are giving back to our planet! For every yearbook sold, TreeRing will plant a tree. Last year DVE planted over 250 trees - let's see if we can top it this year!
Purchase Link: https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=1016328544124737