CB West High School
West Times Newsletter 12.18.17
Happy Holidays to our CB West families. Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2018. December 22nd is an early dismissal day and school resumes on January 2nd.
News from the Guidance Office
Junior Students and Parents – mark your calendars for a Junior House Information Session, to be held on Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at 6:30 pm in the CB West Auditorium. More information about topics will be shared by Junior counselors in future newsletters, in email blasts and on the Guidance Website.
Program Planning:
The Program Planning Season will begin as soon as students return from winter break. The timeline is posted on the Guidance Program Planning Webpage, and more detailed information and links will be posted in the near future.
Peer Tutoring for West students:
The West Tutoring Academy is available to assist students who need extra help. Peer tutoring is available every Tuesday from 2:30pm to 3:30pm in the school library. During these times, any student who needs assistance with any course can come to the library and meet with a peer tutor. Students must arrive at 2:30pm, but can leave whenever they are finished with their work. If you have questions about this program, please call the Guidance Office at 267-893-2512.
Free SAT and ACT Preparation:
The Princeton Review is offering a Free Practice ACT at West on December 16 at 9am and a Free Practice SAT at West on January 6th. If you are interested you must register on their website: www.princetonreview.com/offer/free-practice-tests.
PSAT Results: Students who took the October 15th PSAT’s can view their scores. Students will receive an email alerting them to log into their College Board account to see their scores online. Paper copies of students’ score reports, together with their actual test booklet, will be distributed in Advisory in late December or early January (depending on when we receive the reports). You can watch this brief VIDEO from College Board which reviews the basics of the score report.
MBIT Open House
Below is important information about Keystone Assessments for the 2017-18 school year:
Regarding Winter Testing in January 2018:
Students currently enrolled in Algebra 1 or Biology will be administered the corresponding Keystone Assessment(s) during the month of January for Algebra 1 and Biology. Our testing schedule will be available on the CBW Keystone Assessment Webpage at http://www.cbsd.org/Page/25869. This webpage also includes resources to help students prepare for the assessments. After-school help sessions for Algebra and Biology are also posted under “Testing Supports at CB West.” Students enrolled in English 10, Algebra 1, or Biology during 2nd Semester will test in May.
State Assessment Proficiency Requirements:
Currently, PDE requires students in the class of 2020 and beyond to have reached proficiency on each of the three Keystone Exams prior to graduation. Students are encouraged to retake the test if proficiency is not reached on the first attempt.
Keystone Retake Procedures:
If proficiency is not met on a Keystone exam, students are encouraged to retest. Typically, students are invited to retest the following school year when scheduled for their next math, English, or science course. However, if students who tested in December or January would like to schedule a May retest, please contact Mr. Hoffman at dhoffman@cbsd.org.
The Central Bucks School District offers a standardized testing prep system, ePrep, to all its students. This free web-based program helps students prepare for the PSAT, SAT and ACT. There are practice tests, test-taking tips, and instructional videos that explain how to do the problem(s) that may have been answered incorrectly during the practice session. The link is http://www.eprep.com.
All CB West sophomores have been registered with accounts. They should log in with their CBSD student email and the password eprep2017. Juniors and seniors, who are interested in accessing ePrep but do not have an account, should contact Ms. Graney in the CB West Library for an account.
There is still time to order the Senior Class Panoramic Photo. Please call C&C Photo Studios at 215-345-1851 to place your order.
Attention all Juniors and Sophomores!
PA mandate requires that every 11th grade student provide a copy of a physical, completed by a physician, to the School Nurse. The physical can be dated anytime from the first day of 10th grade through 11th grade. Please send in a copy of a physical as it is available. You can find an official form here: PHYSICAL FORM
CB Cares Backpack Newsflash
miniTHON Gift Wrapping
Wouldn't it be nice if after all that holiday shopping, someone else could wrap your gifts? Just think of the time it would save! Well, you're in luck, thanks to our CB West miniTHON students. On Wednesday, December 20th from 4-8 PM, students from CB East and CB West will be teaming up in the East cafeteria - just bring your presents and the wrapping paper of your choice, and our skilled wrappers will handle the rest! Donations are greatly appreciated, and all proceeds go to the Four Diamonds Foundation to aid the fight against pediatric cancer. We hope to see you on December 20th between 4-8 PM in the East cafeteria, and happy holidays from the miniTHON team.
Once again, FEAST is offering meals to families in need during the winter holidays.
The distribution date is:
12/23, 3 pm-6 pm.
Pick up will be at:
Warrington Firehouse
2310 Freedoms Way
Warrington, PA
If you are interested in receiving a meal, please register online:
or E-mail: feastcharitableorg@gmail.com
or Call: (267) 225-8589
Online registration is preferred. Winter coats may also be available.
Bucks County Teen Peace and Social Justice Summit
High School Computer Fair
Click on flyer at left for details.
Support the Mike Pettine Foundation
The Mike Pettine Foundation was established to support philanthropic causes benefiting the Central Bucks Community.
The Law Offices of Benstead, Mabon & Mitsch, P.C. are providing legal services at greatly reduced fees with 100% of all payments being directly donated to the Mike Pettine Foundation.
If you do not have a Will or if your Will has not been up-dated for some time,
call James P. Benstead, Esquire NOW at (215) 345-9100 in order to obtain:
- Husband and Wife: Wills, Durable General Powers of Attorney and Healthcare Powers of Attorney for $595.00;
- Individual: Will, Durable General Power of Attorney and Healthcare Power of Attorney for $395.00;
WIN - You get your estate plan in order for the New Year;
WIN - You save more than 50% on legal fees; and
WIN - Your legal fees are 100% donated directly to the Mike Pettine Foundation.
Support for Rusty
On Saturday, the District 1 community supported Lynn Russell, a C.B. West cheerleading coach of over 30 years, after undergoing brain surgery Thursday. Our hearts are with you Rusty.
United Soccer Coaches Announce 2017 High School All-American Teams
Key Club
Future Healthcare Workers Club
The future healthcare workers club met to hear Lola Cooley speak about her rare mitochondrial disease, her experience with the disease and the innovations that have improved her quality of life.
PMEA District Orchestra
Three CB West musicians, Anna Winters and Eddie Kim, cello and Drew Insley, trumpet were selected to the PMEA District 11 Orchestra festival after a rigorous audition process with students from schools from all over Bucks and Montgomery Counties.
They will participate in the PMEA District 11 Orchestra festival in February with hopes of moving on to the Regional Orchestra festival in March.
On Sunday, December 10th, CB West’s Bringing Animals Relief Club (BARC) organized the 6th annual Santa Paws event. Students set up a holiday backdrop, crafted handmade ornaments, and baked goods to raise money for animals within our community. Students raised over $400 which will be donated to Last Chance Ranch animal rescue. BARC leader, senior Amanda Ernst, is featured as Mrs. Claus. Great job to all students involved!
About Us
Website: http://www.cbsd.org/Domain/30
Location: 375 West Court Street, Doylestown, PA, United States
Phone: 267.893.2500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschools
Twitter: @CBWestHS