November Newsletter
Dearborn Dolphins
Dates to Remember
Nov 1st - Monthly Attendance Contest begins
Nov 1st- 28th - See's Candies Fundraiser
Nov 4th - 2:15pm Café LA Food Services Taste Testing Event
Nov 8th - Family dine-out Pizza Cookery
Nov 10th - Makeup Picture DayNov 11th - Veteran's Day - No School
Nov 15th - SSC/DCGC Meeting @ 3:30pm
Nov 16th - Parent workshop "Parent involvement: Foundation of Student Success." In person and on zoom
Nov 17th - PTA Meeting 6pm in Strawn family Library
Nov 17th - ELAC Meeting @ 3:30pm
Nov 18th - Choices enrollment deadline
Nov 21st - 25th - Thanks Giving Break - No school
Nov 24th - Happy Thanksgiving
Nov 29th - Coffee with the Principal
Friday! Café LA Food Services Taste Testing Event - Cafeteria
Happy Veteran's Day. Today We Honor All Who Served.
Monthly Parent Workshops
Meet Our Staff
What do you enjoy doing on the weekends? I love to cook for my family, take walks with our dog, Julius and watch movies.
Do you have any hobbies? Hobbies? Work, work, work!
kid? I have 3 kids, 2boys and a girl. Ages 26, 16 and 15.
Pets? A German Shepherd named Julius.
Anything fun you can tell about yourself and a picture of whatever you'd like to share. I am originally from the eastern part of Nigeria in West Africa. My father is Nigerian and my mother, West Indian. I do not like to watch sports, but I used to play basketball, Badminton and high jump for my high school. I love to travel to new places and try new foods. I also love to Daydream😊!
Coffee With The Principal
The School Experience Survey window has officially opened. We want to get 100% participation, so we have some exciting incentives.
- A pizza party will be rewarded to the first class that gets 100% teacher, paraprofessional(s), and parent participation! The teacher, paraprofessional(s), and parents need to submit Proof of Completion (with signature and school name).
- Parents who submit their Proof of Completion (with signature and school name) will be placed in a raffle to win 4 reserved front row seats for the Holiday Show!
“Who takes the School Experience Survey?” The School Experience Survey is taken by the following individuals; Parents, Staff and Students in grades 4 through 12.
How can parents provide proof that they took the survey? If verification is needed that the online survey was completed, parents can provide their email address on the last question of their survey to receive a confirmation email. Print the confirmation email and submit it.
When is the last day to participate? The last day to participate is Friday, December 9, 2022.
Attendance is the Key to Student Success
Students with 100% for the month, November, will receive an attendance certificate.
Good attendance is correlated with students academic and social emotional wellbeing.
We appreciate your collaboration and support.