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Clear Creek High School Updates
September 8, 2023
Meet the Wildcat Staff
Mrs. Brittany Norflis
Mrs. Brittany Norflis is the counselor who supports students with the last names Hf-Mg. Mrs. Norflis is an alumni of Texas Southern University, St. Thomas University, and North Central University. Prior to becoming a Wildcat, Mrs. Norflis worked in Galena Park ISD and Angleton ISD. When she's not supporting the students of CCHS, Mrs. Norflis enjoys reading, hosting game night, traveling, and trying new cuisines. She chose to become an educator because she was blessed to have amazing educators who taught in a way that made her love school.
Mrs. Stacey Adian
Mrs. Stacey Adian is the counselor who supports students with last names Mh-Sa. She is an alumni of Sam Houston State University and Lamar University. Prior to becoming a Wildcat, Mrs. Adian worked as an APUSH teacher at Cypress Ranch HS and as a counselor at Sam Houston HS. When she's not supporting the students of CCHS, Mrs. Adian enjoys hanging out with family and friends at the pool or beach. She loves helping students navigate life after high school and helping them become successful adults.
Mrs. Traci Mills
Mrs. Traci Mills is the counselor who supports students with the last names Sb-Z. Mrs. Mills is an alumni of the University of Houston and St. Thomas University. Prior to becoming a Wildcat, Mrs. Mills was a drill team director in Dickinson ISD for 20+ years. When she's not supporting the students of CCHS, Mrs. Mills loves walking, cycling, and spending time with family. She enjoys helping students find their path to becoming a successful and responsible adult.
3-Week Progress Report
Friday, September 8th marks the end of the 3-week grading period. Grades will be finalized by Tuesday, September 12th, and progress reports will be available in Skyward Family Access by Friday, September 15th.
Counseling Center Updates
Honors and AP course Level Down window #1 will be available September 11th through September 15th. An online form will be posted in Canvas. Only classes with an on-level option will be eligible for a level down. A list of courses that do not have a level down option can be found on page 61 of the CCISD Educational Planning Guide found HERE.
Pep Rally: September 15, 2023
We will have our first pep rally on Friday, September 15th. The bell schedule is attached below.
A few other points to mention:
- Students will be released to the pep rally from their 3rd period classes and will leave their belongings in the classroom.
- An alternate location for students who do not wish to attend the pep rally will be provided.
- Outside visitors will not be permitted at this pep rally.
Open House
Monday, September 18, 2023
6:00 p.m. -- Parent Safety Meeting & Bond/VATRE Presentation
6:30-8:00 p.m. -- Teacher Meet & Greet
Please see the attached flier for additional information.
Attendance & Absence Notes
Student attendance in every class every day is crucial to their academic success. Compulsory attendance laws require a student to attend each class at least 90 percent of the days it is offered in order to receive credit or a final grade in a class.
If a student is absent, a parent/guardian must provide a note showing the dates and an explanation for any absence within three (3) days after the student’s arrival or return to school. If this note is not sent within the allocated three (3) days, the absence will be unexcused.
Absence notifications can also be submitted through Skyward Family Access under Attendance and Absence Requests. These notifications are still required to be submitted within three days after the student's arrival or return to campus, but they can also be submitted in advance.
Tardy Policy
Students are expected to be in class on time each and every period. Beginning this year, we have a tardy chime that rings one minute before the tardy bell to help students keep track of time during the passing periods. Tardies reset each nine-weeks. Below are our tardy consequences. You can track your student's tardies in Skyward Family Access under the attendance tab.
Tardy Consequences -- Tardies are reported in Skyward each class period. Consequences are issued for tardies to as a whole not per class:
- 5 tardies = Warning email to student and parent
- 10 tardies = After-school detention
- 15 tardies = ISS or Saturday Detention
- 20+ tardies = ISS and possible behavior contract
CCISD Superintendent Student Advisory Council
CCISD is looking for students who are vocal, supportive, team players to give feedback on the Superintendent Student Advisory Council. Interested CCHS students should complete the application by scanning the QR code below by Friday, September 22nd.
All CCHS teachers offer tutorials on Tuesday & Thursday from 2:35-3:15 p.m. Practice for extracurricular activities is not permitted to begin until after 3:15 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. CCHS does not provide transportation after tutorials.
Course Fees
Course fees for the 2023-24 school year are now posted in Skyward Family Access. Payments can be made through Skyward under the Fee Management tab, or they can be paid by cash or check with our bookkeeper. Fines and fees must be paid before students are eligible for many things on campus, including: a parking pass, a VOE, school dance ticket, etc.
SAT/PSAT Information
PSAT/NMSQT®- Administered to ALL Sophomores October 11th and ALL Juniors October 18th
- The preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) is a College Board Exam and is also used by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation to identify top academic students for scholarships.
- CCISD administers this test to ALL sophomores and juniors at no cost. No pre-registration is necessary.
SAT®- Seniors who Pre-pay October 11th
- The SAT® provides seniors the opportunity to take the SAT® during regular school hours as opposed to a weekend administration.
- All seniors who would like to take this opportunity must Click Here to Register in advance. Registration ends September 11, 2023. You MUST add the fee to Skyward and make the payment of $39 by October 5, 2023.
All Students not testing will follow their regular schedule on testing days.
Maul the Mavericks
Wear Animal Print!
Friday, September 15, 2023
Follow Us!
Follow us on X and Instagram for important announcements, meetings, celebrations, etc!
Wildcat Families -- Did you know that our school has a Parent, Teacher, and Student Association (PTSA)? We are not the PTA you remember from elementary school but do have a large impact on the students and staff at Creek. We encourage you, your student(s), your friends, and families in our community to join us in our mission "To make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children" by becoming a member of our PTSA.
Please go to www.joinPTA.org to join. If you would like more information about what the Clear Creek PTSA is doing at the school you can also find us on Facebook at Clear Creek High School PTSA or email us at CCHSPTSA01@gmail.com.
Reflections Contest
Reflections has been a staple arts program in many schools for over 50 years. Through the efforts of our Local PTAs, millions of students have found a creative outlet in the areas of dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts.
With positive recognition as the focus of this program, rather than competition, students of all ages and abilities can experience the benefits of creative expression and help in finding their own voice in telling their unique story.
Click Here for more information. Physical entries are also available in the Creek library. The student or at least one person from their primary household must be a current member of the Local PTA/PTSA where the student is participating. The deadline to turn in entries to the library is November 6th.
Community Service Hours Award
Beginning Fall, 2023, CCHS PTSA is sponsoring an opportunity for students to receive a varsity letter/letter jacket based on community service hours. Please see the attached application for details. Questions, contact: cchsptsa01@gmail.com
Clubs & Organizations
We are off and moving with our clubs and organizations. We want every student to be involved in something in which they are interested. Please see the update club list. It will be updated on the first of each month. It will continue to be available in Canvas for both teachers and students.
Student IDs
As a safety measure, student IDs must be worn and visible each day. Students were issued one ID at the beginning of the school year.
- IDs must be worn on the student's person and visible at all times during the school day.
- If a student needs a new ID, they can be purchased in the main office for $5. The fee will be added to the student's Skyward account. There is a fee management tab in each parent's Skyward Family access account. The district also a Fee Management Balance email out on the first Thursday of each month.
If a student arrives to class without an ID, either the student or the teacher will complete the ID Request form that is located on the Canvas homepage. Our goal is to check that form within the first 15 minutes of each period and deliver ID's to the classroom. We will still be asking students to go to the front desk to get an ID if we notice they don't have one prior to first period, but we are trying to reduce the amount of time that students spend out of class when they need a new ID.
Clear Creek High School is a closed campus. Students can purchase a lunch in the school cafeteria or bring a lunch from home, but they are not permitted to leave during lunches. Additionally, lunches are not permitted to be dropped off, nor do we allow lunch delivery services such as Door Dash or Uber Eats. If a student forgets their lunch, they should communicate with their assistant principal for assistance. If your student is planning to purchase food in the cafeteria, please ensure funds are available in their School Café account. Click Here for additional information about CCISD child nutrition and to access your child's School Café account.
CCISD offers free and reduced meal options for families that qualify. Free and reduced lunch status also qualifies students for other cost-saving measures. Click here for additional information and to see if you qualify.