February Monthly Newsletter
Dearborn Dolphins
Dates To Remember
- Feb 3rd - 10am Lottery Drawing, on zoom, for new student enrollment
- Feb 3rd - Snack Shack is back!
- Feb 10th -Budget Needs Assessment Survey due
- Feb 14th - Happy Valentine's Day - Wear your favorite Pink or red shirt and join us for music and Kindness during recess on the quad
- Feb 15th - Parent workshop "The importance of Setting Academic Goals to Achieve Success in Life" 9am zoom and in person in the Parent's Center
- Feb 16th - PTA Meeting at Dearborn Strawn Family Library @ 6:30pm Zoom ID: 451 962 5416 Password: dearborn
- Feb 20th - No School/ President's Day
- Feb 2nd - 5th grade Panorama Picture. Wear your 5th grade class shirts!
- Feb 22nd - Coffee with Principal in the Ruch Family Science Lab @ 8:15am or zoom
- Feb 23rd - Red Robin Dine-out Fundraiser 5pm-9pm
- Feb 27th - Penny Wars begins!
Dearborn's Theme for February is Respect
Respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, even when they're different from you or you don't agree with them. Respect in your relationships builds feelings of trust, safety, and wellbeing.
Here is a great link of respectful actviities you can do with your child(ren) at home.
February is Black History Month
Black History Month happens in February for good reason. Woodson selected February in honor of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln's birth dates. Lincoln is well known for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation — declaring freedom for enslaved Americans held in the Confederacy. Douglass escaped from American slavery in 1838. He became a renowned abolitionist, speaker, and writer. He wrote several books, including A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Black History Month is also a time to recognize Black Americans who contributed to impactful growth and change in the U.S. Black History Month celebrates the accomplishments of people like Onesimus— an enslaved African who brought vaccinations to America — and Hiram Rhodes Revels the first African American elected to the U.S. Senate.
Our Monthly Family Workshop
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84867157451?pwd=aTFFbHhubjJIVjlrWHU4MVlybW1RUT09
Penny Wars Begins!
Monday, Feb 27, 2023, 08:00 AM
9240 Wish Avenue, Northridge, CA, USA
Meet Our Staff - Reyna Barbarian, Dearborn's Cafeteria Worker
"I have worked for Dearborn for 27 years. On my weekends I enjoy spending time with my family. I’m married with 2 grown kids that bring so much joy to my life. I also have two beautiful dogs, a golden retriever named Apollo and a Dalmatian named Disney. I have so much fun playing with them and taking them on long fun walks around my neighborhood. The best weekends are when I visit my daughter in Las Vegas. I try to go as often as I can because she always has surprises and something amazing planned for us. She takes me to latest concerts, dinners, and shows. We recently went to the Pitbull concert for new year’s which was a blast! some of my hobbies are working out at the gym, dancing at home, and participating in my church. I also love to shop and travel as much as possible. This past summer I was blessed enough to visit Greece and London which was stunning. I cant wait to continue to explore the world one country at a time."