Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 02 - 20 February 2023
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
REACH Goal: Be kind and caring, show respect to others, ourselves and the environment.
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Talofa, Faʻafeiloaiga, Bula, Talitali fiefia
Tena koutou Whānau,
Today marks the last official day of our IPS #WeekofAwhi in support of those struggling communities that have been devastated by the recent Cyclone Gabrielle. Our mission this past week has been to show that, although we have not experienced the same level of devastation as these communities, we still care greatly. I would like to thank all of those that have contributed in some way to the relief effort, it's not always just about physical support, it's the messages, cards, and drawings that express our thoughts and aroha. I am humbled by the sheer outpouring of this beautiful Inglewood whānau community towards our friends in affected areas. Along with the amazing donations of essential items we have raised $846.50!
With so much happening around our driveway and other property works in place at school, I am thankful to everyone that is using the footpath rather than the driveway as a walking path. I would remind our parent community that the speed limit for our school driveway is 5km.
At IPS we use the App EDGE which is available on the AppStore and Google Store. We encourage you to download and install this app so that you can receive information and communication from the school as well as the class teacher. It is also a place where you can record absences. If you have any questions or difficulties with this, please do not hesitate to come to school and we can support you with this process.
I wish you all a wonderful and safe weekend
Phillip Reade
Acting Principal
It's been great to have had conversations recently around e-safety and helping our children understand and navigate the risks and opportunities using digital tools present. It can be tricky, to say the least.
Here are 4 excellent places to start. The Google resources as well as the net safe and "be internet awesome" ones are child friendly, interactive, and very supportive of teachers who may be thinking about what is appropriate and how to get started. There's sample class treaties in there too. Have a crack!
ParentLink Gala Meeting
Last weeks postponed ParentLink Gala meeting will now be held Monday 27 February at 7pm in the school staffroom.
ParentLink need help over the next month with organising stalls and running stalls on the day. They need two or three people per stall and have between 15 to 20 stalls to cover.
Thank you to the parents who have indicated by email to the school office their intention to help.
Please contact the school office for further information.
We look forward to seeing everyone who has offered to help at Monday nights meeting.
Wheels Afternoon
Scholastic Book Club
Students of the Week - Term 1 Week 3
Panitahi Whanau Naki Plumbing & Gas
For settling so well into classroom routines and working hard in all her subjects, always with a lovely smile! Ka pai!
Pouākai Whanau Be Natural Soap
Vanessa Wellstood
For being a REACH role model and always being enthusiastic about her learning. Kia pai mai hoki e hoa!Tokomaru Whanau RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Connor Catlin-Maybury
For emonstrating REACH. Showing kindness and being willing to help others and having a growth mindset towards him self and his learning. Kā rawe Connor
Waiongana Iti Whanau Drain Master Ltd
For always helping other students and teachers, and showing amazing REACH values inside and outside of school! Ka Rawe Isabella!!
Puke Haupapa Whanau Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages
For his enthusiastic energy he brings to the class, eager to complete all work and be a helping hand to those around him. Well done Jax!
Students of the Week - Term 1 Week 4
Panitahi Whanau Naki Plumbing & Gas
Theo Northcott
For always being kind, helpful and enthusiastic about your learning. You are a Super REACH model. Thank you!
Pouākai Whanau Be Natural Soap
For always showing kindness to her school whānau, always smiling as well as demonstrating amazing REACH values. Hinemaurea is also always modelling how our IPS REACH values should be used.
Tokomaru Whanau RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Charlotte Curtain
For always being kind and helpful when working with others in our class. Ka Pai Charlotte, you are an awesome friend and we love having you in our class!
Waiongana Iti Whanau Drain Master Ltd
Asimina Fruean
For her outstanding attitude and effort in and outside the classroom. Always willing to lend a helpful hand and being an excellent REACH role model! Mīharo Asimina!
Puke Haupapa Whanau Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages
David West
For demonstrating leadership qualities during group activities. You are a REACH role model. Ka pai!
School Roll
Pending Enrolments
Term 1 School Lunch Menu for Weeks 5 and 6
Term 1 Upcoming Events
Monday 27 February
School Assembly 10.30am
Tuesday 28 March
Wednesday 1 March
IHS Tech Pouakai Suter & Waiongana Iti Boyd
Thursday 2 March
He Awhi Taonga Trip
Friday 3 March
IHS Tech Puke Haupapa White & Tokomaru O'Carroll-Makiri
Monday 6 March
Forest Lakes Camp Intermediates
School Assembly 10.30am
Tuesday 7 March
Forest Lakes Camp Intermediates
Wednesday 8 March
Forest Lakes Camp Intermediates
Thursday 9 March
Forest Lakes Camp Intermediates
He Awhi Taonga Trip
Friday 10 March
Forest Lakes Camp Intermediates
Monday 13 March
Taranaki Anniversary Day - School Closed
Tuesday 14 March
Wednesday 15 March
IHS Tech Pouakai Suter & Waiongana Iti Boyd
Thursday 16 March
He Awhi Taonga Trip
Friday 17 March
IHS Tech Puke Haupapa White & Tokomaru O'Carroll-Makiri
Monday 20 March
School Assembly 10.30am
Tuesday 21 March
Wednesday 22 March
IHS Tech Pouakai Suter & Waiongana Iti Boyd
Thursday 23 March
He Awhi Taonga Trip
Kahui Ako Town v Country Swimming - Stratford Pools
Friday 24 March
IHS Tech Puke Haupapa White & Tokomaru O'Carroll-Makiri
Saturday 25 March
IPS School Gala
Monday 27 March
School Assembly 10.30am
Tuesday 28 March
Wednesday 29 March
IHS Tech Pouakai Suter & Waiongana Iti Boyd
Thursday 30 March
He Awhi Taonga Trip
Friday 31 March
IHS Tech Puke Haupapa White & Tokomaru O'Carroll-Makiri
Monday 3 April
School Assembly 10.30am
Year 7 & 8 Immunisations
Tuesday 4 April
Wednesday 5 April
IHS Tech Pouakai Suter & Waiongana Iti Boyd
Thursday 6 April
He Awhi Taonga Trip
Last Day of Term 1
Monday 24 April
First Day of Term 2 - School Closed Staff Only Day
Tuesday 25 April
School Closed Anzac Day
2023 Dates
Monday 30 January - Learning Partnership Day
Tuesday 31 January - Full classes resume
Monday 6 Feb - Waitangi Day
Monday 13 March - Taranaki Anniversary Day
Thursday 6 April - Last day of Term 1
Term 2
Monday 24 April - First day of Term 2 - School Closed Staff Only Day
Tuesday 25 April - Anzac Day
Monday 5 June - King's Birthday
Friday 30 June - Last day of Term 2
Term 3
Monday 17 July - First day of Term 3
Monday 28 August - Spring Break School Closed
Tuesday 29 August - Staff Only Day School Closed
Friday 22 September - Last day of Term 3
Term 4
Monday 9 October - First day of Term 4
Monday 23 October - Labour Day
Last day of Term 4 to be confirmed
Inglewood Junior Cricket
Americarna Inglewood
Date and period of closure: from 1pm to 9.30pm on Thursday 23 February 2023.
Roads to be closed:
Matai St from Brookes to Rata streets
Cutfield Street from Brookes to Carrington streets
Kelly Street from Matai – Brown streets
Richmond Street from Rata to Carrington (Fire Stations) streets
Rata Street from Brown to Moa streets.
During the above road closure, emergency vehicles will have unrestricted access and the footpaths within the road closure area must remain clear for pedestrians.
Mums Coffee Group For all mums- pregnant mums, mums of littlies, mums with angel babies or children, and mums of school kids and adult children. Babies and kids welcome. We will have toys to play with but this group is especially for YOU Mum. We acknowledge that you are so important to your family and society as a whole.
Come and join us for a coffee, tea or cold drink and something yummy or perhaps a little healthy. Let’s talk about whatever’s on your mind. Share knowledge, advice and friendship.
We’re in this together. Let’s support each other on the journey
Every Tuesday 9:45-10:45 term time
The Catholic Church Hall- 23 Standish Street, Inglewood
Free to all
Plenty of parking in the church car park
Toilets and change table and on site
All enquires text Megan Boyde on 0278580729
Before and After School Care
IPS Clothing
IPS Zip Front Hoodie
IPS Jacket & Trousers
Trousers $20