Promise Prep Weekly
February 5, 2024
Dates to Remember
February 7- Early Dismissal- 1:00PM
February 19- President's Day- SCHOOL CLOSED
February 28- Learn from Home Day- Parents In Touch Day
For a complete PLA@PromisePrep calendar, click the link below
School Closings and Delays
Your scholar should have been given a packet of work that is to be completed only if school is closed. This packet is not your normal homework. Please put this packet in a safe place and give it to your child to complete ONLY if we close school. In order for your scholar's attendance to count, the packet will have to be completed and returned to school. If the packet is NOT returned, then your child will be marked absent. If we do not get enough packets returned, we will not be allowed to count the day, and we will have to add another day at the end of the school year. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions.
Boys and Girls Club Calendar
February 19- Boys and Girls Club Closed for President's Day
State Testing
Testing Season
NWEA- January and May
WIDA- Janurary and February(This tests is for English Learners only)
IREAD- March, Grades 2 and 3, plus any 4th graders who did not pass
ILEARN- Late April, Early May- 3rd and 4th grade only
These tests are not like a classroom tests. They are standardized testing and will cover the knowledge that the scholars have learned over the year.
What can scholars do to prepare for these tests? There is nothing really to study, but they can get a good night sleep, have a protein packed breakfast, show up to school, every day, and on time. Look for specific dates and times, as we get closer to the testing dates.
Feeling Sick
It is that time of year for colds, flus, and sickness. How do you determine whether or not to send your scholar to school? Below are the some points to consider when sending your scholar to school.
1. If your scholar has a fever, vomitting, or diarehha, please keep them at home.
2. Any scholar with the above symptoms cannot return until they are symptom free for 24 hours.
3. Any scholar taking medication to reduce a fever, needs to stay home until they are fever free, without medication, for 24 hours.
4. In the event that your scholar gets sick at school or breaks a fever, parents will be called immediately and the scholar will need to be picked up from school. If they are bus riders, they will not be able to ride the bus home.
Some frequently asked questions:
1. If my scholar's only symptom is a cough, can they come to school? Yes
2. Can I send my scholar to school with cough medicine or cough drops? Yes, but they must be turned into the front office for safe keeping and distribution. A form will need to be filled out in the office.
3. If my scholar's only symptom is a runny nose, can they come to school? Yes.
4. If my scholar complains of an upset stomach, but they have not had any vomitting, can they come to school? Yes
A Thought from Principal Mayer
This weeks thought is from an article published by the Melbourne Child Psychology and School Psychology Services titled, "10 Tips for Being a Better Parent, From A School Principal." I will be sharing points 1-3, today and the rest over the next two weeks. I hope you enjoy.
The first tip this artilce shares is titled "Lead by Example." I have always believed that little children do what big children and adults do. As a father of two teenagers, the older I get the more of me I see in them, via their expressions and actions. Children copy a lot of what they see. How we act at home and in public will be seen by children and they will do the same. There are a lot of stesses in our world and how we handle them directly affects our children. Look for opportunities to show children how to react calmly to those stresses.
The second tip is "Engage With Your Children." Children thrive for adult engagement. Take time in your day to have positive engagements with your child. Engagement is more than just saying, "I Love You." Engagement can be making time, each day, to give children your undivided attention. Spend some time listening to them talk about their day. I always try to ask my children three simple questions, "How was your day? What was good/bad about your day? Who did you help or make better today?" These three simple questions can lead to some interesting dialogue, but the children will thrive knowing that they get your undivided attention.
The third tip is to "Ensure Adequate Sleep." The best thing you can do for children, especially young children is to give them a consistent schedule and routine, each night. When my children were younger, we had a start time of 8:30PM, to start the process of getting ready for bed. The normal routine was get a bath, brush teeth, and get into pajamas. They had to be in bed ready for sleeping, lights out, by 9:00PM. The earlier the bedtime routine was finished, meant the more they would get story time. Some days we read chapters, other days, we would not get to read at all. On the weekends, we keep to the same routine, but often moved back the bedtime.
I look forward to sharing the other seven points over the next two weeks.
Have a great week!!
Alec Mayer, Principal
Follow us on Social Media
Follow PLA@PromisePrep on Social Media at any or all of the following:
Instagram- PromisePrepIndy
Twitter- PLAPromisePrep
We will use Social Media to show off all the wonderful things we do here at PLA@PromisePrep. We will also use it to keep families informed of upcoming events, school delays and closings, etc. Whenever you see us on Social Media, please give us a like and share with your family and friends.
Check out our Instagram and Twitter feeds for pictures from the Ice Cream Social and the First Day of School!!
Click the Link below to the PLA@PromisePrep website.
School Uniforms
This year, in an effort to be more like our other PLA schools, PLA@PromisePrep will be changing our uniforms. The following is the uniform requirements:
Shirts- Red or Gray collared Polo shirts(long sleeve or short sleeve)
- PLA Crew neck Sweatshirts
Bottoms- Solid color pants or shorts(no shorts after 11/1 and before 4/1)
- Khaki, Navy, or Black in color
- Jeans, solid in the same colors as pants
- No holes, designs, patches, etc.
Uniform no nos- No hoodie sweatshirts, no leggings, no yoga pants, no sweat pants, no basketball shorts
Scholars will no longer be allowed to wear the Promise Prep shirts from last year.
Uniform good news- We have contracted with a uniform company called SchoolZone. They have all the unform requirements and logoed uniform shirts for purchase. They are located at 5425 N. Keystone Ave, suite 200. Any uniform purchased from School Zone, they will donate 10% of all sales back to PLA@PromisePrep. Click on the link below to reach their website.
Cost of Uniform Shirts:
Youth Sizes 4-20 $13.99.
Adult S-XL $15.99
2x & up $17.99
Sweatshirts- $21.99
Pants- $15.99-$26.99 depending on size
If you are in need of uniform assistace, contact your local trustrees office for a unifrom voucher.