The Cardinal's Nest
Volume 82 * Isssue 6
A Message From The Principal
Dear CKS Families,
This week we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with a dress down day. All of the students had fun wearing green and festive attire. Our Middle School students celebrated Pi Day with pizza provided by Mrs. Limanek. We continue our Lenten practice by focusing on saying “hello, good morning and good afternoon” to other students, faculty and staff we may not know. A simple acknowledgement of waving to another in our eyesight and greeting another in our ear shot makes us open to meeting new people in our school community. A friendly greeting can transform someone’s day and help us to live out Christ’s message.
Best Regards,
Dr. Dwyer
Saturday, March 26th - Father/Daughter Dance and Mother/Son Bowling
Friday, April 8th - Sunday, April 10 - Cabaret & Online Auction
Tuesday, April 12th - Easter Dress-up day
Thursday, April 14th - Holy Thursday and Stations of the Cross
Friday, April 15th - Good Friday NO SCHOOL
Monday, April 18th - Friday, April 22nd - Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
Monday, May 2 - Friday, May 6th - Teacher Appreciation Week
Monday, May 2 - Friday, May 6th - Terra Nova Testing
Friday, May 27th - Spring Challenge
March Lunch Menu - Updated menu for the month
School Lunch Volunteers - We need volunteers to help serve lunch to the over 100 kids that get hot lunch each day. Look over the available time slots and consider joining us for lunch one day! Here is the sign-up.
Volunteers needed! We need volunteers 1-4 days a week for receptionists, lunch servers, and classroom assistants. We also are looking for afterschool staff to assist in the afterschool program, which runs from 2:40 pm-5:30 pm all week. If you are available to help with any of these positions please contact me at
Mother-Son Bowling - will take place on Saturday, March 26 from 11 AM - 1:00 PM at Spare Time in Colchester. The cost will be $22/bowler and will include two hours of bowling, pizza, and a $5 arcade credit. The cost will be billed to FACTS. This event is open to not just moms but aunts, grandmothers, etc. Please RSVP by March 16th. Sign up for Mother-Son Bowling HERE!
CKS Golf Tournament - We are excited to announce that the annual tradition will return this fall (tentatively Friday, October 7 but that is subject to change) and we need your help to decide which course will have the honor of hosting the triumphant return! Let us know your choice here! You can also let us know if you might be interested in playing! We need some help planning the event. Reach out here if you are interested.
Welcome back Mrs. Cadrecha!
Welcome back Mrs. Cadrecha!
Mrs. Cadrecha is a pillar of the CKS community. “Mrs. C” as she is affectionately known has been a part of our community for over 30 years. Mrs. C is volunteering by greeting students at the front desk and as a teacher’s assistant in the kindergarten classroom. We are so happy to have you back in the school building!
Questions? Reach out to Mr. Hughes.
Spring Challenge Event Co-Chair and Volunteers Needed - Ready, Set, Go!! Let’s run, jump, walk and skip our way around a ¼ mile course at Callahan Park. Enjoy games in the morning, a delicious lunch, and additional activities in the afternoon of Friday, May 27th. PTO needs your help. This event needs a chair or co-chair. For more details, please email
2022 Cabaret Online Talent and Donations Needed!!
It is time to submit your “individual acts” (two minutes or less) for the online Cabaret! Does your child (or family!) have a special talent? Dance? Piano? Yodeling? Record it and load it at the link below!
We will be posting your video on the 2022 Cabaret and online Auction site as well as sharing it via social media. Just like Cabaret, this is the time for your child/children to show their hard work and unique talents with all our friends and supporters.
Post your video HERE. Please post your original files and do not load to YouTube. Send submissions by April 1st!
ONLINE AUCTION - New this year: Theme baskets!
As we start to think of Spring, our school community is gearing up for one of our biggest fundraisers of the year- the Silent Auction! During the “Covid Years” we have moved to an online auction format and will continue that way for Auction 2022.
This year, we are looking to create theme baskets for bidding. You will find a link to a google doc with 12 different basket themes below where you can sign up to bring either items listed or add your own item ideas- We welcome your creativity!
Please turn in all basket items to the front office (marked with the basket theme) by 3/31. Baskets will be put together, photographed and added to the auction in April.
A link to the basket themes can be found HERE.
We also welcome your donation of gift cards to area businesses. If you would like to support your favorite local business AND support CKS at the same time consider purchasing a gift card and donating it to the auction.
Got a question about gift cards? Reach out to Jon at
If you have any questions about this event, please reach out to us at!
Teacher Feature: Mrs.Meghan Cade, Religious Education
Who or what inspired you to become an educator?
I began teaching Religious Education for our parish community when I moved to Vermont in 2013. I found joy in teaching that I had never felt before in any other job--God made clear His vocation for me. In addition, my mother is a retired educator. When it comes to teaching, the apple didn't fall far from our family tree!
How many years have you taught? How many years at CKS?
I am in my ninth year as an educator. I have been at CKS for two years--the first as a substitute and this year as a faculty member.
What is one word to describe CKS?
What is your favorite subject to teach?
My favorite lessons are teaching about the lives of the saints.
What aspect of CKS do you enjoy the most?
I enjoy seeing how creative our students get with their assignments. The way they illustrate God's love for us and their love for God makes my own faith stronger.
What have you learned from your colleagues and students over the years?
If you're enthusiastic about your lesson, your students will be too! Also, learning with food always makes a lesson more memorable.
What hobbies or interests do you have that students & parents may not know about?
Everyone knows that I'm a huge Disney fan and pirate enthusiast. But what you may not know is how much I love to travel. I've been to Ireland, Japan, Mexico, The Caribbean, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, and 48 out of 50 states. One of my favorite things is tasting new food when I'm traveling and then figuring out how to make it myself when I get home!
What would you like for parents to know about your program/grade level?
I'd like parents to know that my first priority when it comes to teaching religion is forging a relationship with God. Everything else I teach is rooted in that love between God and us. When my students treat each other in a reflection of that divine love, they fill my heart and I know they have learned.
Classroom Snapshot: 6th & 7th Grade Science, Mrs. Studdard
Click here for the recent bulletin
Stations Of The Cross - Fr. Justin will be leading Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent. They will start at 6:30 pm at St. Anthony.
Girl Scout Information Night On March 22nd
See for yourself what Girl scouts has to offer. Come check out GirI Scouts of the Green and White Mountains. GirI Scout Information Night Fletcher Library 235 College St. Burlington, VT 3/22/22 4:3opm S. Burlington Library 180 Market St. S. Burlington, Parents & Caregivers, you're invited, too. Get more information at or contact Customer Care at or 888-474-9686. This is not a school-sponsored event.
Baseball Sign-ups: CKS Students can join
TRIVIA OF THE WEEK: March Maddness Edition
Student Riddle: When can you put things in a basket and never fill it up?
Trivia Question of the Week: What team won the first NCAA basketball national championship tournament?
Send your best guesses to and please include the name /grade of the person(s) submitting the answer [for parent answers, include the grade(s) of your student(s)]. For student responses, please indicate whether you helped your student with the answer, so we can recognize both assist and w/o assist categories. As always, no Googling, just noodling! Good luck, CKS!
Student Riddle: What goes around the world and stays in a corner?
ANSWER: A stamp
Correct Answers: No correct answers this week. Thanks for all the guesses.
Trivia Question of the Week: What is the most ordered food in America?
ANSWER: Chicken wings
Correct Answers: We had a lot of guesses of pizza but Harper was the only one that got it right. Harper Peet, 1st grade
Congratulations Harper!!
Deadline for submissions to The Cardinal's Nest: Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. to Dr. Dwyer
Location: 136 Locust Street, Burlington, VT 05401, USA
Phone: (802) 862-6696
"May grace and peace be yours in abundance.”
(1 Peter 1:3)