What's Up, Westy Academy!
Week of February 27th-March 3rd 2023
What's Up, Westy Academy?
We are rounding out February this week, and March is right around the corner. For us, this means that Parent Teacher Conferences are also on the horizon!
Conferences will start this coming week, on Thursday March 2nd, and again on Monday March 6th. Conferences are being held from 4:00pm-8:00pm on both nights, and sign up forms went home with students last week. Please make sure to ask your student for their slip and return it as soon as possible, or contact your student's teacher to schedule if needed.
Not much else to report on this week, have a fabulous weekend.
FREE After school Art Club for 3rd-5th graders! Fresh Fibers Street Arts Club!
Street Wise Arts presents Fresh Fibers with Alexandria Jimenez!
Explore art activism through fiber art. Students will explore the use of color, typography, textiles and texture while creating flags, wearable art and other 3D objects. Participants will learn about artists from Keith Haring to Nick Cave and their impact on art and society. Final artworks will highlight the youths interests, perspectives and personal voice.
Join us! Classes start next Tuesday, February 28th @ 3:40pm!
Space is LIMITED! Make sure to complete the paperwork today!
2023-24 School Year Registration is OPEN!
Give yourself one less thing to worry about for next school year and re-register your students today!
All students will need a re-enrollment registration for the 2023-24 school year.
To re-enroll, please visit your Parent Portal account through Infinite Campus.
Log in as Parent
On gray left side bar, click “MORE” button
Then click the “Online Registration” button
Ensure ALL your WPS students are highlighted in green
Click “Begin Registration”
**Parents should complete ONE registration application for ALL students living in the household, regardless of the WPS school they attend.
Clothes To Kids of Denver
Clothes To Kids of Denver provides FREE school clothing to kids who are in need or in crisis. To shop, students must be age 3 - 21, enrolled in school or working toward a GED.
Our wardrobe includes 5 outfits, 1 coat, 1 pair of shoes, 1 bra (optional) and 5 pairs each of new underwear and new socks. Students are invited to select clothing every four months in a welcoming, store-like setting.
No Referral Required! We have in-person appointments and also offer wardrobes for curbside pick-up. Families needing clothing should call us at 720-379-4630 or email us for an appointment.
Calendar of Events
- February 27th: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm
- March 1st: Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) @ 5:00pm
- March 2nd: Spring Parent Teacher Conferences; 4:00pm-8:00pm
- March 6th: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm
- March 6th: Spring Parent Teacher Conferences; 4:00pm-8:00pm
- March 10th: Cap and Gown Photos; Preschool, Kindergarten, 8th graders
- March 13th: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm
- March 13th: After School Skate Party @ Skate City Arvada; 2:00pm-4:00pm
- March 11th-18th: 8th grade International Trip to Costa Rica
- March 20th-24th: Spring Break
- March 27th: Early Dismissal @ 1:40pm
- March 30th: Community Engagement Night--Discipline and Children; Exploring Love and Logic @ 4:30pm
- March 31st: Coffee with the Principals @8:15am