The Wilmot Word
February 2, 2024
Wilmot Elementary School is holding a Read-a-thon
this year during I Love to Read Month (February)
Read-a-thons get your reader excited about reading and it gives friends and family the opportunity to encourage your child to read even more.
Our Read-a-thon starts Monday February 12, 2024 and ends Friday, February 23, 2024. We will have many fun activities and visitors during those two weeks to celebrate our love of reading while raising money for the book bins in the “Everybody” reading section of the library and a substantial book purchase for the LMC collection. We will also have a Family Reading Night on February 22, 2024 from 4:30-6:00 at Wilmot (more information to follow) to celebrate our Read-a-thon and our love of reading.
Last week, we sent home instructions on how to activate your reader's personal page. This is where you will be able to view and record their progress as well as send emails to family and friends.
We encourage you to activate your reader’s account by clicking on https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/3537373931/1 and following the simple instructions OR following the directions that were sent home last week.
We've chosen Read-a-thon because it will not take much of your time, gives your child a reason to read and helps in the development of stronger reading skills. We hope EVERYONE participates and enjoys our fun activities! Thank you to the 256 students that have already joined and started fundraising! What an amazing start we are off to!
Happy Reading!
Ms. Schaper
Wilmot Librarian
Schedule of Events for the two Readathon Weeks:
Monday 2/12:
9:00-9:45 Kindergarten and 1st grade: Michael Rosenblum Author Visit in the GMA- click here for ordering information for his books
10:50-11:40: 2nd and 3rd grades: Lowey Bundy Sichol Author Visit in the GMA- click here for ordering information for her books.
Thursday 2/15:
Ms. Kary Henry joins us in the afternoon for book talks for all grade levels!
1:00-1:20- Kindergarten and 1st grade: (Reading and Library themed books)
1:30-1:50- 2nd and 3rd grades: (Movement and Funny book)
2:00-2:230- 4th and 5th grades: (Book talks on amazing but lesser known books)
Wednesday 2/21:
- Dress Up As Your Favorite Characters
Thursday, 2/22:
- Family Reading Night 4:30 pm-6 pm- More details to follow but a fun night for the whole family to celebrate our love for reading, books, and our library!
Valentine's Day Activities-2024
We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Wednesday, February 14 with a philanthropy project and classroom parties. If you are making or purchasing cards please note that these may not include any type of food or candy (due to our food allergy guidelines).
All Wilmot students will participate in a school-wide philanthropy project in collaboration with Fill a Heart 4 Kids, to provide at-risk, homeless, and foster children with Spring Break Food Boxes.
Fill a Heart 4 Kids provides over 500 Spring Break Food Boxes for at-risk and homeless youth who rely heavily on the food provided at school. When school is out of session for the Spring Break week, many kids struggle and worry about where to get their next meal. With our support, FAH4K will provide over 20,000 servings of food for the kids to get through the week-long break.
These breakfast bags are part of a larger box- by providing 7 microwave oatmeal packets, 7 Nutrigran Granola Bars, and 4 cocoa packets- we are providing nourishment for the children to get through the morning!
Working with buddy classes our students will make and pack about 250 breakfast bags.
All volunteers helping with classroom parties or the philanthropy project will need to stop in the office and bring their driver's licenses.
Illinois 5Essentials Survey
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Again this year, parents across Illinois have an opportunity to participate in the annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. This survey is designed to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your child’s school. As a parent, it allows you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness. Your responses also help guide district improvement.
The Illinois 5Essentials Survey is administered online by UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago on behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education. The survey gathers data related to five indicators that can predict important student outcomes, including improved attendance and larger test score gains. These five indicators that affect and predict school success are:
Effective Leaders
Collaborative Teachers
Involved Families
Supportive Environments
Ambitious Instruction
To take the Parent Survey, please visit https://survey.5-essentials.org/Illinois/ and select the appropriate survey to begin. Your identity and responses will be kept completely confidential and will not be connected to you or your child. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.
In addition to parents, 4th through 8th grade students will also be responding to this survey. Per school board policy 7:15, you may opt your child out of any survey. If you would not like your child to participate in the 5Essentials Survey, please contact me and your child's classroom teacher, by February 7, 2024.
Kindergarten Registration for 2024-2025
If you missed our in-person kindergarten registration, don’t worry! It’s not too late to register your kiddo for Kindergarten! Our online form is available on our registration page. Please reach out to our front office at 847-945-1075, if you have any questions.
If you have an incoming kindergartener (or a new to Wilmot 1st-5th grader) for the 2023-2024 school year it is important that you complete the registration process as soon as possible. Please note that only those students who are fully registered will receive an invitation for our spring Kindergarten Round-Up. Please spread the word. Kindergarten staffing decisions are based on the number of FULLY enrolled students.
Active K-5 students currently enrolled are NOT required to re-register annually. Early Learners Pre-K students ARE required to register for Kindergarten.
Wilmot Yearbook Cover Contest
Wilmot Talent Show 2024
Please join us for the Wilmot Talent Show.
Friday, February 9 at 5:30 pm
Wilmot Gym
Concessions will be sold before the show
!st Graders Sharing Their Nonfiction Animal Research Projects
2023-2024 Wilmot Student Council Wacky Fun And Special Spirit Dates
Special Spirit Days All Next Week!
Hi Wilmot Families,
We are so excited to offer these special fun days to celebrate our Wilmot community. Thursdays will be an optional flannel day from November to March. Flannels are cozy shirts, pants, and other items that keep you warm in the winter months. Students should not feel that they need to buy anything. Instead, they can get creative with items already in their homes. Below you will find our wacky fun Wednesdays and special spirit dates.
Thank you,
Wilmot Student Council
Wacky Fun Wednesdays
- 2/7 - Super Bowl Day (Support one of the teams)
- 2/14 - Valentine’s Day (Red, Pink and White/Hearts)
- 2/21 - Dress as a book character (e.g. Dress like Waldo or Harry Potter)
- 3/20 - March Madness Day (Wear a college basketball team shirt or colors)
- 4/17 - Crazy Hair Day (e.g. 4 ponytails, or a slicked-back hair)
- 5/15 - Beach Day (Beachwear -No bathing suits)
Save the Date - Grade Level Music Concerts and Art Share
As we did last year, we will combine our grade level in-person music concert with an art share. Below are the dates for all music concerts and art share events. The Art Share will begin at 5:45 pm and the music concert will begin at 6:00 pm.
- 5th grade - Tuesday, February 6
- 3rd grade - Wednesday, February 28
- 4th grade - Tuesday, March 19
- 1st grade - Thursday, April 4
- Kindergarten - THIS DATE HAS BEEN CHANGED- to Wednesday, May 1.
PTO Corner
Click the link below to see our New PTO Newsletter. Learn about:
Calendar and Important Dates
Important Dates
Tuesday, February 6
5th Grade Music Concert and Art Share
5:45 pm - Art Share
6:00 - Evening show for parents
Thursday, February 8
5th-grade Candor Health (Human Growth)
Mandatory talent show dress rehearsal after school
Friday, February 9
Talent Show - A daytime show for staff and students only and 5:30 pm
Wednesday, February 14
All school philanthropy event
Valentine's Day celebrations
Friday, February 16
Teacher institute - no school for students
Monday, February 19
No School - Legal Holiday
Tuesday, February 20
Team Give - 3rd lunch recess in the LMC and 5th lunch recess in the GMA
PTO meeting at 1:30
Wednesday, February 21
Team Give - 4th lunch recess in the GMA
Wednesday, Feb. 28
3rd grade Music Concert and Art Share
5:45 pm - Art Share
6:00 - Evening show for parents