Hixson Happenings
175th Issue, February 9, 2024
Important Dates
February 13 - Orchestra Pops Concert @WGHS, 6:30 pm
February 16 - District PD day, no school for students
February 19 - President's Day, no school
February 23 - 8th grade party!
February 26 - Late Start Day
March 7 - PTO Meeting, 6pm
March 8 - 3rd quarter ends
March 11 - Late start day
March 12 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 4-8 pm, in person
March 13 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 4-8 pm, virtual
March 15 - 22: Spring Break, no school
March 25 - Late Start Day
School Resource Officer Appreciation Day, February 15
We all appreciate our School Resource Officer, Cameron McCullough! Take some time to send him a positive email or note as well! He is so good at building relationships with students and supporting our school with a variety of needs. Thank you O.C. for all you do!
From the office of our Technology Specialist
If your child has any difficulties with their school issued Chromebook, please remind them to visit our library to submit a Student Technology Request for assistance with their device. Our librarians will guide them through the process of submitting the ticket.
Whether something is not functioning correctly or they have lost their charger, the Student Technology Request system is the way for them to report any technology issue/concern and get it repaired/replaced.
Yearbooks are on Sale!
Yearbooks are on sale until March 4, 2024 for $20 each. Online purchases only.
Math Placement for 24-25 School Year
Students in Math 6 and Math 7 will be assessed to determine course placement for next school year. Tests are administered during math class and take one class period to complete.
These end-of-year assessments will be administered on February 28. Sixth grade students are not expected to know Math 7 content and seventh grade students are not expected to know Math 8 content. The majority of students will continue on to the next level of math.
If you believe your child would not benefit from taking the end-of-year test for the next course and you prefer for your child to continue with their math program and be placed in the grade level math course next year, please contact your child’s math teacher prior to the scheduled testing date.
Sixth grade students currently enrolled in Math 7 with a grade of 75% or higher will be placed in Math 8 next year. Seventh grade students in Math 8 with a grade of 75% or higher will be placed in Algebra next year. Seventh grade students in Algebra 1 with a grade of 75% or higher will be placed in Honors Geometry next year.
More information regarding course placement may be found at the link below.
Hixson PTO Student Mini Grants 2023-2024
One of the ways the Hixson PTO is committed to encouraging creativity, educational excellence, and innovation in our school community is through grants. For the first time, the PTO will be opening our grant program to Hixson students!
We invite all current students to submit ideas for projects in the spring that could make a difference at Hixson. We hope to award several grants from the funds available and ask that applicants carefully consider the guidelines listed below when creating their proposals. Please submit your student grant request online using our Student Grant Form by February 23, 2024.
Students are encouraged to submit grant requests for projects they feel could enrich our school community. For our spring cycle, the Hixson PTO will award two student grants of $100 per grade level for grades 6 through 8. All student applications must be co-sponsored by a teacher or staff member at Hixson Middle School.
All grant proposals should be for programs, projects, or materials that enhance Hixson Middle School. Dr. Mayes will do a first review of grant applications for content and appropriateness, and to determine if alternate forms of funding are available. The PTO will then review all forwarded requests for approval. Priority will be given to grant requests that:
address a specific need or inequity (unfairness) in the Hixson community
encourage student-driven learning or activism (working for a cause)
promote a school culture of inclusion and diversity (acceptance/celebration of differences)
build avenues of communication and social expression (sharing ideas about our society/community)
benefit a large number of students.
Eligible projects may include field trips, cultural and arts programs, classroom materials or supplies, or funding for student clubs and/or activities.
All applicants will be notified of the status of their grant within one week of the PTO’s final approval meeting on March 7. We look forward to hearing about your project!
Volunteers and Donations Needed for 8th grade Party!
Please visit the Amazon Wish List to purchase items for the party and the Sign Up Genius to donate bottled water and to sign up to chaperone the party.
Transitioning the Class of 2031!
Save the Date: Hixson STEM + The Arts Academy! June 3-June 28, 2024
Save the Date for “Rising Together: Family Work for Racial Equity”
Join the WGSD PTO equity committees on Monday, Feb. 12, from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Givens Elementary School Auditorium for “Rising Together: Family Work for Racial Equity.”
It’s been 10 years since Michael Brown was killed and the Ferguson Uprising inspired commitments to racial justice. Come hear where that work stands now, how high school students who came of age in a post-Ferguson world assess their landscape and the work that lies ahead, and how you can lead your family to ensure our community's children have the opportunity to rise together.
Childcare will be provided in the Givens cafeteria. If you plan to use childcare, please let us know in advance by filling out the form at bit.ly/RisingTogetherChildcare. Questions? Contact WGSDRisingTogether@gmail.com.
Team & Department Newsletters
updated every 2 weeks
Contact Us
Email: mayes.shenita@wgmail.org
Website: https://www.webster.k12.mo.us/Hixson
Location: 630 South Elm Avenue, Webster Groves, MO, USA
Phone: 314-963-6450
Facebook: facebook.com/HixsonMiddleSchool