RTMS Review
June 2023 - Summer Edition
Important Dates
Open Hours for the RTMS Learning Center
(see below for more info)
- June 13 (8:00-10:00)
- June 15 (11:00-1:00)
- June 20 (8:00-10:00)
- June 22 (11:00-1:00)
- July 11 (8:00-10:00)
- July 13 (11:00-1:00)
- July 18 (8:00-10:00)
- July 20 (11:00-1:00)
Camp Raven (9:00-12:00)
- 6/12-6/23
- 7/10-7/20
Kitchen & Gardening Camp (9:00-12:00)
- 6/12-6/23
Wrestling Camp (3:00-5:00)
- 7/17-7/20
2023-23 Schedule Pick-up/Locker Practice (9:00-12:00 and/or 5:30-7:30)
- August 7 - 6th Graders/New Students
- August 8 - 7th & 8th Graders/New Students
First Day of School
- August 18 (Early Release Day - 1:00 Dismissal)
Please click on this link to see the 2023-24 District Calendar.
Dear RTMS Families,
And just like that, the 2022-23 school year is over. While students are on break, teachers and administrators will be recharging and making plans for the Fall. We know that we can only be better than we were yesterday, so we are working on plans to make the 2023-24 school year even better than the school year that just ended.
We know that summer will be busy, but there are many opportunities for students to stay connected until we meet again in August. Our learning center (LRC) will have dates available for students to check out books, socialize with friends, and make some progress on their summer reading goals (everybody should read at LEAST one book of their choosing). We have three camps going on this summer to keep our students energized and focused during the off months, as well, and we will be welcoming new students to the district and incoming 6th graders in for tours in late July/early August.
I wish you all a peaceful and safe summer. My son and I started working on a bucket list so that the time (and nice weather!) does not slip away from us... I hope that you enjoy these summer months with your students!
In partnership,
Mary Krall-Meske
Advanced/Accelerated Placement
Parents may complete this form to appeal an accelerated placement decision. An appeal review is completed by a committee to determine if the appeal is approved, denied, or if more information needs to be collected. Middle School Accelerated Programming reviews will occur in early August. Committee decisions are final. All review requests must be submitted no later than July 31.
If you have a current middle school student in AELA or Accelerated Math there will be no change to their placement on the Fall schedule, unless you have already been notified by their previous year's teacher or administrator.
May Students of the Month
We were very excited to present our final Students of the Month of this school year with their medals during lunch times last week! Congratulations to:
6th Grade
Academic (Core) - Jessica K.
Academic (Encore) - Sara G.
Character - Joseline E.
School Pride/Spirit - Sophia C.
7th Grade
Academic (Core) - Marian J.
Academic (Encore) - Emily P.
Character - Lena M.
School Pride/Spirit - Colin B.
8th Grade
Academic (Core) - Bridget K.
Academic (Encore) - Gina S.
Character - Eric K.
School Pride/Spirit - Ciara B.
Sophia, Joseline, Sarah, & Jessica
Colin, Emily, Lena, & Marian
Eric, Ciara, Gina, & Bridget
Camp Raven 2023
Building Tours
Please use the SignUp Genius below to select a day/time to come in and walk the building with an administrator. Please only sign up for one slot; one slot is intended for one student/family. Again, these tours are optional.
Schedules and locker assignments will not be given during tours, but will be available on August 7th for 6th graders, and August 8th for 7th/8th graders. The building will be open to students and parents from 9:00 a.m.-12:00p.m. and/or from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. on these two days to walk their schedule, practice their locker combination, and to drop off supplies in their locker. If you are unable to pick up your schedule on the dates noted, please reach out to Mrs. Krall-Meske (mkrall@rtsd26.org) to set up an appointment.
Summer Reading
Summer Literacy Connections & Support
Research has shown that reading over the summer prevents summer reading loss. Studies also indicate students who read for enjoyment outperformed those who don't. Students read more when they can choose materials based on their own interests (Terry, 2022).
River Trails School District 26 is committed to preparing Life Ready Learners. Literacy and relationships are necessary life skills. Summer vacation typically has a negative impact on literacy skills as many students read less frequently, or don’t read at all over the summer months. Students can also feel isolated and lonely during summer months and lack peer interaction.
We want to help!
Historically we have offered summer reading lists to students to encourage summer engagement with text. This strategy, while well intended, has inconsistent results. We have decided to try a new approach! This summer we will be opening our library to RTMS students. Students are welcome and encouraged to pop-in, check out a book, and stay to read for a bit! RTMS students can come alone or with family members. They are also more than welcome to meet friends in the LRC to talk about what they are reading, and make recommendations to their peers. Staff members will be available to help locate, recommend, and check-out books.
When will we be open?
June: (Beginning June 12-June 23)
Tuesdays: 8AM-10AM
Thursdays: 11AM-1PM
July: (Beginning July 10-July 20)
Tuesdays: 8AM-10AM
Thursdays: 11AM-1PM
When we are NOT open, we encourage students to also check out the great summer reading program at the Mount Prospect Public Library. We had MPPL librarians visit our ELA classes at the end of the school year to talk about this program.
Other options are checking out audiobooks, or e-books through the public libraries, purchasing a book at a bookstore or online, and/or borrowing a book from a friend/neighbor.
We encourage you to engage with your children in their reading adventures. Ask them what they are reading. Check out the same book and read along. Read aloud with your child; no one is too old to hear a good story. The best part about the resources we are recommending this year is that they are free to you and to your child. Take us up on the opportunity, come to the LRC and read.
All the best for a happy summer,
The River Trails Middle School ELA Department
Summer Technology Support
School Supplies
Please click on this link for ordering information, using code RIV085.
Late orders will be accepted through June 19th.
EPI offers a convenient service, and is also a fundraiser for the Parent Teacher Council (PTC) that helps to fund many programs and supplies for students that go beyond the school budget. The PTC receives 12% back from each school supply kit that is purchased.
If you prefer to buy supplies on your own, this link will take you to the grade level supply lists.
Link Together Message to Graduating Families
River Trails Middle School has provided numerous prevention efforts to your student, some through Link Together Coalition, empowering them to make healthy choices. Link Together Coalition partners with D214 and will continue to strive to empower youth to be substance free and strive to be their best self. You, their parent/guardian, are their greatest influence! Thank you for taking the time to read through the Parent Prevention Toolkit.
Please click here Parent Prevention Toolkit - Link Together Coalition to read more.
Summer Track/Field & Cross Country at JHHS
Please use the links below to check out some summer running and track & field opportunities for our students over at John Hersey High School.
For boys and girls, grades 4th-12th:
Cross Country CampFor incoming 9th grade girls:
Summer Events w/the MPPD
Summer Events w/the MPPD (español)
How to Contact Us (Summer Hours)
Mrs. Krall-Meske is available for much of the summer, and checks her email regularly. Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. Our secretaries return full time on August 3rd.
You may contact our district office (847-297-4120) if you have questions when our office is not open. RTMS will have limited office hours this summer with our school secretaries if you have any questions regarding registration, work permits, etc.
6/12 8:30-12:00
6/13 7:45-12:00
6/14 8:30-12:00
6/15 8:30-1:00
6/20 7:45-12:00
6/21 8:30-12:00
6/22 8:30-1:00
6/23 8:30-12:00
7/10 8:30-12:00
7/12 8:30-12:00
7/13 8:30-1:00
7/17 8:30-12:00
7/18 7:45-12:00
7/19 8:30-12:00
7/20 8:30-1:00
Principal, Mary Krall-Meske:
mkrall@rtsd26.org or 224-612-7600
Assistant Principal, Kyle Henkel:
khenkel@rtsd26.org or 224-612-7601
River Trails Middle School
Email: rtmsinfo@rtsd26.org
Website: http://rtms.rtsd26.org/
Location: 1000 North Wolf Road, Mount Prospect, IL, USA
Phone: 847-298-1750
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverTrailsMiddleSchool
Twitter: @RiverTrailsMS