Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 3rd February 2023
Preparing for Candlemas
Year 3 Blue Cross Worship
Courageous Advocates for the Blue Cross
A fabulous worship Year 3. Well done.
Chinese new year
Dragons in Nursery
Question of the Week
'We dream of a world that doesn't use any fossil fuels and makes better use of alternative fuel sources.' Year 6
'We dream of equality for all and no people being homeless. We can make this happening by all helping those in need.' Year 6
'Keep the world tidy and make it look better. We can put all our rubbish in the bin and be courageous by telling others to do the same.' Reception
'We dream of a world with no racism, sexism or discrimination by making sure people treat people kindly.' Year 5
'No fighting and for everyone to love each other.' Year 1
'We dream that everyone has a good home to live in.' Year 4
'Jesus trusts us to be a good neighbour and if we follow his example we would have a friendly world.' Year 4
'We dream that all wars will end so everyone is safe and happy. We can do this by everyone saying no to war.' Year 2
'We think the oceans should be free of plastic and we should recycle our waste.' Year 2
Stars of the Week
Charlie for being super kind.
Cleo for the amazing effort she is putting into her handwriting and presentation and for super writing at length.
Year 1
Ella for enthusiasm with her writing. Ella always challenges herself to include success criteria.
Year 2
Esme for gaining in confidence every week with her swimming and supporting and encouraging her friends.
Year 3
Millie for making a super effort with her handwriting. Keep up the lovely work Millie.
Year 4
Owethu for trying hard to improve handwriting and for producing some fantastic metaphors in English. Well done!
Year 5
Sebastian for a drastic improvement in his focus towards all work; resulting in better quality and quantity.
Year 6
Erin for working hard in English to write a narrative, making sure to consider feedback.
Dates for Diaries
Tuesday 7th February at 5.30pm - Parents meeting for London
Wednesday 8th February at 9am - Year 5 Class Worship
Friday 10th February - School closes for the half term break
Monday 20th February - School opens
Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd February - Book look after school
Wednesday 22nd February at 9am- Year 2 Class Worship
Thursday 23rd February - Spring Reports to be sent home
Tuesday 28th February - Parent Consultations
Wednesday 1st March - Parent Consultations
Wednesday 1st March at 9am - Year 1 Class Worship
Thursday 7th March - Year 4 visit Jorvik and Dig
Tuesday 14th March - Year 3 visit Murton Park for a Roman day
Wednesday 15th March at 9am - Reception Class Worship
Wednesday 22nd to Friday 24th March - Year 6 London visit
Tuesday 28th March - Easter Service in the Cathedral (TBC)
Friday 31st March - Music Concert
Friday 31st March - School closes for the Easter holidays
Oscar's Easter Holiday Club - dates to be confirmed
Monday 16th April - School opens for the summer term
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