The Mesilla Message
Mesilla Elementary Newsletter: February 2023
A Word from your Instructional Leaders
Wow! Your kiddos are super smart, but we are sure you already knew that! We have completed our Middle of the Year assessments in ELA and Math. The scores are on track to meet and/or surpass the district End of Year expectation of 10% growth across the board in ELA and Math. Our numbers for Middle of the Year are listed below.
- STAR Reading Proficiency we went up 7.1%
- STAR Early Reading we went up 8.8%
- iReady Math we went up 17.4%
We celebrated these hot scores by having a popsicle party outside for 15 minutes on 1/30/23!
Way to go teachers and students! We believe in you!
Student Led Parent Teacher Conferences may begin after school the week of the 6th. Please be looking for your child's teacher to reach out to schedule soon. These meetings are very important and will be led by students so please be sure to bring your kiddo!
Car pick up numbers - all families picking up their child in the drive through pick up line must have a blue pick up number. Beginning February 1st, anyone without a number will be asked to park and use the crosswalk to pick up child. The blue number is our security check to ensure pick up clearance. Also, if you change your child's normal pick up procedure, please notify your child's teacher! We will always continue with normal dismissal procedures unless we hear directly from parents / guardians. We also ask for this notification to be made before 2:00 p.m.
Thank you for helping us keep our Mesilla students safe.
Thank you,
Amanda Castillo
Lisa Manes
Mesilla Instructional Leaders/Administration
Our Vision & Mission Statement
Our Vision & Mission Statement:
Mesilla WEBSITE!
Please use our Mesilla Website as your one stop shop for all things Mesilla! We will use to post announcements, reminders, staff contact info and all district / school events.You can download an app called "Las Cruces Public Schools." Once app has downloaded, you may select Mesilla Elementary and any other LCPS school you wish to follow.
Friday, February 17th: No School for Students / Student Led Parent Teacher Conference Day
Monday, February 20th: No School / President's Day
Tuesday, February 21st: No School for Students / Educator Planning Day
Leader in Me Habit 5
Class Picture Day
See attached flier for more information!
Book Fair Week: February 6th-10th
Our Book Fair will close on the 10th @ 11 a.m.
Here is the link to support our Book Fair online!
Two Wheel Tuesday
Meet us @ 7:20 a.m.
Mesilla Plaza
Walking Wednesday
Meet us @ 7:20 a.m.
Commemorative Park - (across from Chala's)
T-Shirt Days
Every Thursday at Mesilla, we will sport our College t-shirts!
Every Friday at Mesilla, we will sport our Mesilla Elementary swag! We do have Mesilla Elementary shirts for sale! The cost $15 cash or check. Contact the office if you would like to purchase! All funds go to Mesilla PTO.
Upcoming Events
- 2/6-2/10 - Book Fair Week (closes at 11:00 on 2/10)
- 2/6/23 Zia introduction for 5th grade students
- 2/6/23 Student Led Conferences may begin
- 2/8/23 Class picture day
- 2/10/23 Friendship Dance / Valentines Day Parties
- 2/15/23 Mesilla Cheer Team performs at Aggie Basketball Game @ 7 p.m.
- 2/20/23 NO SCHOOL / Presidents Day
- 2/21/23 NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS / Educator Planning Day
- 2/24/23 Enriched Learning Day & LIM Assembly / Habit 5: 2nd Grade presents
Contact Information
Location: 2363 Calle Del Sur, Mesilla, NM, USA
Phone: 575-527-9566