Shorian Nation eNews
February 2, 2025
Cup of Joe
Featured Story
Campus Monitors
We often hear people introduce themselves with the line "I'm just a...". At Lake Shore, we believe in the collective importance of our employees and we will continue to work together for the greater good and toward common goals.
A campus monitor is responsible for ensuring safety, maintaining order, and sometimes assisting with student concerns. Julie Cook, Jenna DeLong, Leslie Houston, Tanner Konal, Shannon Palmer, Mary Skropski, Jeff Valken, Bailey Winters, and Stacey Zelenak patrol Lake Shore High School and Deb Bonello, Bob Kubiak, Jenny McGhee, and Chris Peterman watch over Kennedy Middle School to ensure safety, monitor surveillance cameras, respond to incidents, assist with emergency situations, and enforce building rules.
LSHS Class of 2018 graduate Jenna DeLong is serving her first year as a Campus Monitor and has enjoyed her experience. She said, "I loved my teachers and learning here when I was a student. Helping kids and giving advice now are great ways to pay it forward."
Jeff Valken spent almost 29 years in law enforcement before becoming a Campus Monitor. Now he uses his skills to keep on eye on things at the high school. Mr. Jeff remembers many success stories in his 7 years in this role and went on to share one. He said, "A student who struggled academically went into the military after high school, flying drones across the world. He returned to LSHS and sought me out to share this update. I am so proud of his determination."
Our KMS Campus Monitors love their job, too. Bob Kubiak enjoys the simple smiles and light conversations he receives. Deb Bonello admits that she's a crier, but enjoys watching students grow up. Jenny McGhee remembers being a middle schooler herself and loves helping kids through the emotional mess of being a teenager. Chris Peterman summarized their purpose best. She said, "It's all about the connections."
Each person's job involves some form of observation, management, or surveillance to ensure smooth operations inside our secondary buildings and we are grateful to have them.
Stay Updated
Now Hiring: Sub Bus Drivers
Raise your if you’d like to join our Lake Shore Family?
We are now hiring skilled, passionate, culturally and academically diverse individuals of the highest caliber to join our team.
- Substitute Bus Drivers @ $19 per hour & paid training
Call our Transportation Supervisor Val Harvey at (586) 285-8557 to test drive a bus and/or for more information.
Apply for positions at https://hr.applicantcentral.com/LSPS/Login.aspx.
Make A Difference Award
The MISD is once again looking for nominations for the annual Make A Difference Award sponsored by the MISD Parent Advisory Committee. Please use this form if you would like to nominate teachers, related service providers, paraprofessionals, administrative assistants, bus drivers, cafeteria staff or administrators. who is involved in your child's education: https://www.misd.net/separents/files/Final-MADA-Fillable-Form-2024.pdf
-Nomination Deadline: All forms must be submitted by February 14, 2025 to Laura Miskelly's email at lmiskelly@misd.net or faxed to (586) 263-6240.
-Award Ceremony: The recognition will be held on Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 6:00 p.m. at the MISD.
-Forms are fillable and may be submitted electronically.
Please help us in recognizing the outstanding individuals who make a meaningful difference in the lives of our students with special needs.
Bond Update
Lake Shore has a strong legacy of being excellent stewards of the community’s resources. We are committed to provide you with bond updates as we continue to prioritize our students' future.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Together, we are building a bright future for all LSPS students.
To learn more about the bond, please visit the Lake Shore Public Schools' website.
Care Solace
Black History Month is a time to celebrate African Americans' achievements and contributions throughout history. This year's theme highlights the vital contributions of African Americans to labor, emphasizing the profound impact their hard work has had on shaping our nation's history. It sheds light on the diverse and significant roles that labor—whether voluntary or forced, skilled or unskilled—has played in defining the Black American experience.
To this day, inequalities in our community persist. Black Americans are more likely to live below the poverty line than their white counterparts. They are less likely to have health insurance coverage leading to many not receiving necessary physical and mental health care.
Every day, the Black community continues to work diligently toward a brighter future for the next generations.
At Lake Shore Public Schools, we believe every person has the right to equitable access to care. We partnered with Care Solace to support the well-being of our students, staff, and family members, regardless of circumstances.
If you or someone you know needs help with mental health or substance use challenges, Care Solace will help you navigate the process and find the best options. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:
- Call 888-515-0595. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365.
- Visit caresolace.com/lsps and either search on your own OR click "Book Appointment" for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential service provided by Lake Shore Public Schools.
Through discussion and action, let's shine a light on the multiple facets of Black resistance and perseverance against all odds.
Stay Informed
Upcoming Events
Count Day
Midwinter Break
Little Shop of Horrors
Little Shop of Horrors captured guests with its blend of comedy, doo-wop infused tunes, and of course, the scene-stealing talking plant. Thank you for joining us for our 2025 musical Little Shop of Horrors.
The following LSHS students have spent long hours in preparation of their musical debut: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14rqz4Nqog3buXj8baToADgBS5Cxrui-z4791xwAgbDk/edit?fbclid=IwY2xjawH_M-tleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHUX78AF-cvwvaswVgktLluXOXRpxpOeA191Fy5Xe5eP0p5slQfVvYDlN9w_aem_ngadTDjxyayQYG7AAkb-dg&tab=t.0
Special Education teacher Mrs. Schornak shared feedback from the show. She wrote, "Harrison Higgins a 5th grader was unexpectedly, really taken by the show. He came back to school and I shared with his parents that he loved the show. He surprised us with drawings of the plant "Audrey" in various stages as it gets bigger as the play goes on. I have a small Audrey plant in my classroom I received as a gift, years ago and he made sure to put it on display."
Thank you Theatre Director Raymond Flipek for all of the hard work to make this production a success!
Rodgers Elementary
The Lion King Jr. - Drama Club Show
April 10th-11th at 7pm
Lake Shore High School Auditorium
Lake Shore High School
The Little Mermaid Musical
May 15th-17th at 7pm
May 17th matinee at 1pm
Lake Shore High School Auditorium
Enrichment Classes Now Available
Chase away those winter wiggles with after-school, evening, and Saturday youth enrichment classes! From karate to Crayola Art classes, we have something for everyone. Check out our course catalog at https://lsps.ce.eleyo.com/.
Adult enrichment classes and travel opportunities are also available! Take advantage of cooking, estate planning, and exercise classes right here in your backyard!
Shorian Testimonials
Positivity Project
P2 Calendar
Under the guiding principles of our districtwide initiative, the Positivity Project, the #PositivityInAction mindset is our top priority. Because of our goal to inspire students to build positive relationships and become their best selves, we invite you to follow this Positivity Project Calendar. Note: We have made a few changes to this calendar; All adjustments are located on our District Events Calendar.
This calendar outlines all 24 character strengths, 1 highlighted per week. Our teachers create engaging and impactful lessons — differentiated by grade-level — and share through presentations, student recognitions, classroom discussions, and building-specific displays.
People with the character strength of perseverance complete what they start despite obstacles. They never give up.
Meet Ethan Moore.
As a freshman ands sophomore at Lake Shore High School, Ethan became credit deficient which led to his decision to switch to North Lake High School, our alternative school that provides an education tailored to meet individual student needs, supports a sense of belonging, and develops a positive self image.
Ethan admits that he wasn't present and couldn't focus in the traditional high school setting. He would stare at a piece of paper, reread it, but wasn't able to process the words. He explained, "My eyes would be heavy, but I just couldn't sleep. I was 16 credits behind and worried that I wouldn't ever be able to catch up." Later, he would be diagnosed with insomnia, a common sleep disorder that makes it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get quality sleep.
Although change wasn't immediate, Ethan connected with School Social Worker Melissa Oliver and his peers at North Lake. He enjoyed the online work and limited homework. He even earned Student of the Month. "Mrs. Oliver is a great listener and she gives pep talks to help me stay on track", Ethan said. Veronica Robinson also helped to secure Ethan with Uber gift cards through the McKinney-Vento program to assist with transportation. Ethan is a School of Choice student who uses his bike to ride 1.5 hours to get to school. The Uber assistance has been extremely beneficial for him. Mrs. Oliver described Ethan as open and vulnerable. She wrote, " The best word I would use to describe Ethan is determined because despite all the challenges in his life, he has decided to make a change and set his goals. I am so proud of his level of accountability for his age. He is overcoming things most of us as adults would struggle with!"
His advice to his former freshman self is to do things differently. He self reflects by sharing, "Focus on smaller goals. Take it one day, one assignment at a time."
Thank you, Ethan, for your vulnerability through sharing this story of growth and perseverance.
People with the character strength of social intelligence are aware of other people’s thoughts and feelings. They understand why they do things.
We continue to be appreciative of our business partners.
In Mrs. Fain's MiCI class at Lake Shore High School, students have the opportunity to participate in Career Based Instruction (CBI).
Students are placed at ACE Hardware, the Saint Clair Shores Library, EOS Cafe, Lake Shore Early Childhood Center, and American House for the purpose of providing work experience and career exploration and given work of instructional value.
Every Tuesday Layla, Jaylen, and Josephine work at the Saint Clair Shores Library. Their responsibilities include straightening, organizing, and shelving books.
Josephine enjoys making sure books are alphabetized. With the assistance of Paraprofessional Mrs. Sue, everything looks great. "Mrs. Sue is so nice and helpful," Josephine complimented.
The team spends roughly 1.5 hours shelving roughly 60 books each week. Mrs. Sue shared, "These kids are very responsible. They want to be here." The desire to help was clearly displayed by Layla when she bolted to a cart to gather books, merely minutes after the bus dropped her off. She was ready and self-directed.
Youth Services Librarian Liz Drewek spoke highly of this program. She said, "The kids are a huge benefit to the library. They are so happy to do the work and display kindness in the process. They make the library run more efficiently."
Establishing this site partner nearly 15 years ago has been one of the best decisions for both Lake Shore and our local library!
Lead teacher Mrs. Fain is proud of this program. She said, "It helps develop strong positive relationships with employers and facilitates ongoing employment opportunities." Mrs. Fain and Mrs. Sue carefully place students in programs that fit the students. Jay, a quiet kid, thrives in the library's relaxed environment. These teachers put the time in to make sure their student's find on-the-job success.
Looking forward, we are excited to celebrate FORGIVENESS (2/3-7) and LOVE (2/10-14).
Stay Safe
OK2SAY Student Safety Program
See something? Say something.
OK2SAY is the student safety program which allows students to confidentially report tips on potential harm or criminal activities directed at school students, school employees, and schools. It uses a comprehensive communication system to facilitate tip sharing among students, parents, school personnel, community mental health service programs, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, and law enforcement officials about harmful behaviors that threaten to disrupt the learning environment.
Anyone can report tips on criminal activities or potential harm directed at students, school employees, or schools. Tips can be submitted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
While continually evolving and reviewed annually, on this Safety and Security webpage you will find a list of recent and current safety measures implemented by Lake Shore Public Schools to provide the safest environment for our students and staff.
Rollerskating Unit
We watch Mrs. Pecoraro lead these 1st graders by example and a few 5th graders assist with putting on skates, knee pads, and helmets at Violet Elementary.
It was controlled chaos as every 7-year-old needed help at the same time. We observed 5th grader Helena Trudeau race over to one friend to help buckle a helmet while her classmates encouraged another who seemed a bit timid. Helena said, "I was chosen to help because I am kind and respectful. I love helping my little sister, who is in Kindergarten, learn to skate."
Once equipped, helpers weren't finished. They were busy teaching their friends how-to skate, building confidence, and ensuring safety measures were followed.
Thank you, Shorians, for demonstrating your care for others and we also appreciate The Lake Shore Foundation for awarding a grant for all 3 elementary schools to purchase new roller skates in June 2023. New helmets were gifted from PTOs, too!
Elementary students also enjoy skating nights at Great Skate where they roll to the Hokey Pokey under disco lights. According to Health Fitness Revolution, skating for an hour can burn 300 to 600 calories. Along with the health benefits, students forge friendships as they speed, fall, and complete fancy tricks on the floor. Helena developed her passion for skating at these parties and was really excited to begin the skating unit.
Video clips from holiday skating and progress over time: https://x.com/MrPittinato/status/1870178023431160233
We look forward to our next Great Skate Party scheduled for Wednesday, April 9th from 6:00 to 8:00pm.
Pinewood Derby Cars
We are excited to feature our teams of Pinewood Derby Car engineers at Kennedy Middle School.
We visited Mrs. Clow and Mrs. Kemner's Physical Science classes and watched as students drew a basic shapes, clamped their wood down on their tables, and used a hand saw to cut it. These 8th graders brainstormed vehicle names such as Troll and The Cheesy Champions.
Emily Grinnell, Jessykah Cavanaugh, and Amelia Thomson loved building and designing their car. Amelia said, "The Cheesy Champions' goal is to beat Mr. Gaffigan's car! We created a cheese and pepperoni design and the name was inspired by Pinterest."
William Hemmert, Brody Seamans, Xander Baldwin, and Jacob Marchionda are a competitive team as 3 of 4 members have raced before in Scouts. William is currently a Star Scout and will become an Eagle in a few years. Their vehicle named Troll is aerodynamic and as the boys claimed, will find success on the track. We love the confidence!
The car body adhered to the following guidelines:
-Weight not to exceed 5 ounces
-Length not to exceed 7"
-Width and height not to exceed 2.75"
-Center rail width no less than 1.75"
Fast forward and we see small, driverless wooden cars powered only by gravity. Students studied Newton's 2nd Law and were able to design their own Pinewood Derby Car, from the kit provided, to compete in the Kennedy Pinewood Derby Championship. Principal Mr. Johnson and Assistant Principal Mr. Gaffigan usually participate in this challenge, too. But the Cold Days prevented this 2025 epic race.
Video clip of races: https://x.com/myLSPS/status/1882445459798761973
A can/bottle fundraiser paid for the Pinewood Derby kits this year. Mrs. Clow explained, "Students brought in cans and bottle during the months of October and November. Our goal was $300.00, and students exceeded our expectations with a collection of $530.00. The amount collected allowed us to purchase our Pinewood Derby car kits from the Boy Scouts and additional tools students will use during the constructions of their cars. Shout out to our counselor Bob Plotkowski who made multiple trips to return all our collections."
Elementary Playgrounds
The need for and benefit of physical activity and fitness is important for a student's overall well-being. That's why we love our playgrounds in the sun and snow.
Masonic Heights Elementary, Rodgers Elementary, Violet Elementary's student campaign managers made creative pitches, drawing buzz and momentum from their peers, to kickoff a two-week playground election campaign in February 2023. They worked with their influencers (friends) to spread the word about the benefits of their favorite playground structures.
Tigers, Rockets, and All-Stars selected Lunar Landing from a list of 7 cleverly named playground structures.
Lunar Landing's unique geometric configuration creates multiple circuits for play movement. This encourages exploration and a new way and shape to play. The features include multiple entry points and interconnected experiences, ADA compliance, can be utilized by all ages, large piece of equipment designed to handle many students doing a variety of activities, and color scheme to match school branding and student preference.
During the initial planning phase in October 2022, 3rd graders met with our Construction and Architecture teams from Partners in Architecture, Barton Malow, and Viridis to give input in the development of a plan for areas of play. We are thrilled to see this student-led project come to fruition at Masonic Heights and Violet. The geese love to visit our playgrounds, too!
Video clip from snowy playground fun: https://x.com/myLSPS/status/1882841685534916680
Rodgers Elementary's playground is scheduled to be completed at the beginning of the 2025-26 school year.
To learn more about the bond, please visit https://www.lakeshoreschools.org/bond_information.
Solo and Ensemble Festival
Our 7th & 8th grade band members participated in the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association Solo and Ensemble Festival held at Rochester High School and did an outstanding job!
The students performed solos, duets, trios, quartets, and quintets in front of professional musicians/music educators. All of the students were adjudicated and given ratings. Students who performed at a "Superior" or "Outstanding" level were given medals.
Music teacher Mr. Malabed wrote, "I am proud to say that almost every performance by our KMS Students, 5 events (8th grade) and 40 events (7th grade), received high enough ratings to receive medals. Mr. Alter and I are very proud of all of them."
The students who participated were:
7th Grade Band Members
Caden Phillips, Calise DeKaiser, Nyla Abdul-Aziz, Camella Card, Sydney Jones, Jordan Summey, Hayden Ward, Mackenzie Lamberger, Lily Moore, Dennis Tikkanen, Madison Allen, Mackenzie Allen, Skylar Neely, Arianna Alston, Sarah Niemann, Soloman Aguirre, Harmony Powers, Ayssa Davis, Dylan Elberson, Lorelei Vitali, Raelyn Palke, James Fronimos, Gavin Lopack, Caleb Ruemenapp, Adrianna Poleni, Olivia Bunjac, Bailey Jackman, Christian Dawkins, Cash Osbourne, Johnathan Catenacci, Haylee Livings, Hannah Livings, Johnathan Gates, Morgan Hill, Avery Strubank, Kade Jesse, Calie Alarcon, Ben Wronski, Addison Probert, Jace Chapman, Shyla Green
8th Grade Band Members
Erica Robbins, Marilyn Kirk, Alex Sparks, Sage Jeffers, Jacob Troy, Lucas Lynch, June Brand, Charles Smith, Jude Reohr, Colt Schmelze, Montez Patterson, Maxon Pojeta, Mya Akins
Huge congratulations to the students who participated in MSBOA District 16 Solo/Ensemble Festival at Rochester HS! The events with a Division 1 will be performing at MSBOA State Solo/Ensemble Festival on March 15th at Cousino.
- Aunighya Rhone/Kayla Patterson - Division 1 Superior Euphonium Duet
- Nathan Larivee - Division 1 Superior Trumpet Solo
- Megan Morell - Division 1 Superior Tenor Sax Solo
- Vincent Brannon, Parker Pojeta, Jacob Barker, Jameson Adams, Elizabeth Adams, Jawan McClain, Lukas Nowlan, Alex Moody - Division 1 Superior Percussion Ensemble
- Lilly Benson - Division 2 Excellent Clarinet Solo
- Nathan Larivee/Logan Morell - Division 2 Excellent Trumpet Duet
- Ashton Kirk/Megan Johnson - Division 2 Excellent Clarinet Duet
- Rini Zelenak - Division 1 Superior Bass Clarinet Solo
- Lilly Benson/Eva Wilks - Division 1 Superior Clarinet Duet
- Alexis Gress - Division 1 Superior Trumpet Duet
- Mariah Swanson/Dailyn Angeles - Division 1 Superior Trombone Duet
- Lilly Benson/Eva Wilks/Haley Perez/Sophie Wicker/Rini Zelenak - Division 1 Superior Clarinet Quintet
January P2 Recognitions
Congratulations to our January Slurpee/Smoothie/Shake Surprise Positivity Project Honorees:
Lake Shore Early Childhood Center
Louise Hunt - Kindness
Masonic Heights Elementary
Noah Murray - Kindness
Londyn Coleman - Kindness
Bobby Florek - Teamwork
Rodgers Elementary
Ruby Angst - Perseverance
Zayn Edge - Teamwork
Ashley Osborne - Curiosity
Violet Elementary
Addisun Argue - Prudence
Ashten England - OPM
Maylee Gerback - Kindness
Kennedy Middle School
William Hemmert - Leadership
Ava Pate - Humor
Nyla Abdul-Aziz - Teamwork
Nico Delise - Perseverance
Lake Shore High School
Mason Sullivan - Kindness
Navaeh Daykin - Kindness
Mr. Akerley - Kindness
Jayden Lindsey - Kindness
Jeff Valken - Integrity
Arleana Passalacqua - Brave
North Lake High School
Londen McMurphy - Kindness
Thank you 7-Eleven Store Owner Virgil Johnson, EOS Cafe, Coffee House Store Owner Tony Zarife, and North Shores Nutrition Owner Ashleigh Larimer for their generosity and sponsorships!
Athletics Website
We have built an online home for our athletic department. Our goal is to bring our athletic programs to life by sharing schedules, scores, and social media while ensuring our athletes get the promotion they deserve. Visit the Shorian Sports website for 24/7/365 access to the information you have always wanted and follow along with our sports action.
We have partnered with Kroger to help fund our athletics. Please read this letter from our Athletic Coordinator Rich Bowers.
- Featured Boys' and Girls' Varsity Basketball Story: Nothing But Net: Highlights of Varsity Basketball Teams
We believe a balance of academics and athletics creates a well-rounded student. Students who participate in sports not only gain the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, they also learn lessons about sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, cooperation, respect, and knowing how to win and lose.
Athletes of the Week
D'varon Galloway
Congratulations to AOTW D'varon Galloway, member of the Varsity Wrestling team at Lake Shore High School. Coach Hendershot shared his contributions with us:
"He placed at the 7th county tournament! Went 5-0 and helped lead the team to a first place finish at the Grosse Ile Duals."
Ava Parkinson
Congratulations to AOTW Ava Parkinson, member of the Junior Varsity Bowling team at Lake Shore High School. Coach Villasurda shared her contributions with us:
"Ava Parkinson contributed to the girls varsity team finishing 4th at the LCN Bakers Dozen Tournament. Ava was brought up to the varsity event on very short notice to cover a very sick varsity bowler. Being only a freshman, Ava accounted for herself very well. She had many timely strikes and spares when the team needed them. She really excelled in match play in wins over higher seeded Dakota and Roseville. Was also part of their highest baker game with a 213. Ava is the epitome of what our program strives to be, and that’s no one is bigger than the team or program. Ava proved herself to be one who can be counted on when the program needs somebody to step up. She has a bright future."
Freeze Frame - Once a Lions Fan, Always a Lions Fan
Lake Shore Public Schools will provide an exceptional education for all 3,339 students in a safe and nurturing environment.
Our guiding principles, Inspiration, Innovation, Celebration, are woven into the fabric of everything we do and will be the focus of every update. Expect an eNews email biweekly update as a reliable way to communicate with our stakeholders.
Connect With Shorian Nation
Email: social@lsps.org
Website: http://lakeshoreschools.org
Location: 28850 Harper Avenue, St. Clair Shores, MI 48081
Phone: (586) 285-8481
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/myLSPS/
Twitter: @myLSPS