SHMS Family Newsletter
March 27, 2022
Principal's Message
Greetings Stuart-Hobson community,
We are working hard to maintain a positive school climate and culture for and with students. Updates about current focus areas are below. We will continue lessons with students about ways that they can maintain a safe school community for everyone, including discussions about appropriate language and protecting everyone from hate, bias, and discrimination. Further, we are excited that the school store has relaunched and students are able to cash in their LiveSchool points for different experiences and treats. We expect that the upcoming Spirit Week, pep assemblies, and town halls will help set the tone for a safe and joyful experience in school this Spring.
We will be continuing to work on plans for next school year when we begin a series of focus groups with families on Wednesday night. Additionally, the Panorama survey will remain open through the end of the week and we hope that everyone in our community provides our school and DCPS with feedback there. Data from that survey informs our annual comprehensive school plan (CSP) and drives focus areas and initiatives for staff, families, and students. Your should be able to access the Panorama survey (info below) and family focus group sign-up if you have not yet completed either.
Have a great week everyone!
Warm regards,
Eric Fraser
Upcoming Dates: March 28 - April1
This Week:
'The 3-week DCPS meals menu can always be found here.
- A great instructional day!
- A great instructional day!
- 6th Grade Town Hall
- A great instructional day!
- 7th Grade Town Hall
- SHMS Mission & Vision Building Family Focus Groups, 6:00-7:30
- A great instructional day!
- A great instructional day!
- PTA Morning Coffee (8th grade), 8:15-9:00, front steps or library
- SY22-23 Lottery Results are Released/Enrollment Season Opens for SY22-23
Upcoming Dates
April 4-8, Spring Spirit Week!
April 6, Pep Assembly Practice (during electives)
April 8, Pep Assembly!
April 22, Capitol Hill Cluster PTA Annual Auction
April 23, Enrollment Saturday!
April 26-May 13, PARCC Testing (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays)
April 27, SHMS Mission & Vision Building Family Focus Groups, 6:00-7:30
May 18, SHMS Mission & Vision Building Family Focus Groups, 6:00-7:30
Athletics Schedule
Students that are 12 years of age and older must be fully vaccinated or submit medical or religious exemption forms to be eligible to participate. If exemption is approved, a weekly negative COVID test must be submitted to remain eligible.
Head Coach: Joi Robins- joi.robins16@yahoo.com
Outdoor Track & Field
Monday: (Practice ) 4:00pm -5:30pm
Wednesday: ( Practice) 4:00pm - 5:30pm
Thursday: (Practice) 4:00pm-5:30pm
Boys Head Coach- Taurus McGhee - taurus.mcghee@dc.gov
Girls Head Coach- Mark Smith- mark.smith3@k12.dc.gov
Tuesday: (Practice) 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Thursday: (Practice) 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Head Coach: Scott Campbell - Scott.Campbell@k12.dc.gov
Tuesday: (Practice) 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Thursday: ( Practice) 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Head Coach - Richard Strong - Ricahrd.Strong@k12.dc.gov
Monday: (Practice) 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Friday: (Practice) 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Head Coach- Coach Stancil - sstancil1@gmail.com
Intramural Soccer
Cluster Basketball Skill Developmental Sessions, Grades 4-7 (see table below)
*Students interested must sign up with Mr. Troy Henderson (email: Troy.Henderson@k12.dc.gov)
If you have any questions regarding student eligibility, medical clearance, or interested in supporting Stuart- Hobson athletics. Please contact Richard Strong (Health/PE Teacher / Athletic Director ) at Richard.Strong@k12.dc.gov.
Click on the link below to submit athletic forms online.
DCPS Calendar
***March 25, 2022 UPDATE***
After further consultation with the OSSE, we have determined that we have met the full threshold of required instructional days and can end the school year for our students on that Friday, June 24 barring any unplanned school closures. The last day of school for staff will be the Monday, June 27 Records/PD Day. Updated calendars are available at this link.
Shout Outs and Celebrations
As we wrap up Women's History Month I want to make sure we lift up, celebrate, honor, and thank the countless women in our school community who make students' lives better. Mothers, grandparents, aunts, cousins, sisters, neighbors, and educators provide all of us with support, love, and direction. Thank you all for your selfless contributions to the lives of our students and for maintaining high expectations for all of us. I hope that everyone finds the time to thank and honor the women who have had and impact on their lives before the end of the month!
Use this form to shout out a staff member or team. Shout-outs will find their way into staff meetings, newsletters, and mailboxes. Thank you!
New Information and Important Updates
Panorama Family Survey - Open Until April 1st!
Advisory Lesson Content
We have been incorporating opportunities for students to learn about appropriate language into our daily advisory lessons. We expect that these lessons will help students learn about ways that their communication and exploration of new subjects can be done safely. We encourage all adults in our school community to support students in learning and using language that is free from any harmful -isms, e.g. racism, sexism, ableism, genderism, etc. Attached to this newsletter you should find two brochures that outline DCPS' approaches and policies for supporting our LGBTQ+ community. We will continue this work throughout our time with students and thank everyone for supporting us outside of the school day too!
As a reminder, Mr. Thrift facilitates our Panther PRIDE group and is our school point of contact for LGBTQ+ programming and questions. You can reach him at john.thrift2@k12.dc.gov
PTA Updates: Cluster Auction
Hi Cluster families!
We know many families are still feeling “new” to the Cluster after the past two years, so here’s some 101 on the upcoming Auction/Party on Friday, April 22nd outside at The Brig.
(If you’re already jazzed and know you want to attend, buy tickets here now and ignore the rest of this email!)
What’s up for auction?
We have the usual silent auction items (gift cards, tours, booze, tickets) in addition to great classroom specific gift baskets and teacher experiences, so your kid can spend bonus time hanging out with their favorite teachers. All bidding is done online.
What are Cluster Parties?
Cluster parties are popular and fun ways to get to know other families! They are themed parties hosted by different Cluster families and you can purchase tickets to the parties on the bidding website – past years have included dinner parties, trivia nights, wine tastings and more.
Who will be there?
Families with students at Peabody, Watkins and Stuart Hobson will all be there along with some Cluster teachers and other community members.
I just had an amazing idea of something to donate to the auction! Who should I tell?
Email auction co-chairs Kristi Lowe or Laura Odato!
Thanks for reading this far! The website is here and email us with any questions – we can’t wait to see you!
Analyzing maps in geography!
Stuart-Hobson Panthers
6th Graders Speaking for Social Justice!
Previous Announcements & Resources
**The information below is new or an updated version of something announced previously! **
All Newsletters
You can find previously released newsletters and information here.
The most current version of the Student & Family Handbook is linked on our website.
Summer CTE Programs w/DCPS
This summer, DCPS CTE is offering a new and exciting summer enrichment program for middle school students. Students will have a chance to explore four types of tech including Apple coding, Raspberry Pi, Robotics, and graphic arts at three different middle schools across the district. We look forward to hosting your young scholars this summer and are excited to give them this opportunity! Please see the flyer below for more information as well as course descriptions.
There are only a limited number of slots available, so encourage your students to sign up soon using this link, https://bit.ly/3KTp7iY. or they can visit https://dcps.dc.gov/summer.
Summer Acceleration w/SHMS Teachers
We are excited to share some emerging plans for summer learning and support at SHMS. Please see below for some in-person offerings that we have planned for rising 6th, 7th, and 8th graders in Math. Please note that these are not mandatory and are aimed at supporting students in getting a jump start with content that they will encounter during SY 2022-23. We are currently planning for each day to allow students to attend one of two 90 minute workshops that will begin in the early or mid-morning.
Session 1 (w/Mr. Broome): 2 weeks, 7/11-7/22
- Math 7 Readiness (for rising 7th graders and rising 6th graders interested in taking Math 7)
- Math 6 Readiness (for rising 6th graders)
Session 2 (w/Ms. Rosera): 2 weeks, 7/25-8/5
- Math 8 Readiness (for rising 8th graders and rising 7th graders interested in taking Math 8)
- Equations Boot Camp (pre-Algebra 1 or rising Math 8)
Please note that students must be enrolled for SY 2022-23 to participate in these opportunities. Please complete this interest survey so our team can begin planning for these sessions. Lastly, should we have any capacity challenges we will use date of enrollment / re-enrollment to prioritize students for participation.
Updated English Learner (EL) Exit Criteria
As OSSE announced in on Jan. 28, 2022, the English Learner (EL) exit criteria will change from a proficiency level of 5.0 on ACCESS to a proficiency level of 4.5 for students in grades 1-12, beginning with the 2021-22 ACCESS assessment (to affect EL statuses beginning in the 2022-23 school year). The exit criteria for students in kindergarten remains the same at 5.0, as the kindergarten assessment did not significantly change. This policy change will not be retroactive.
The full announcement can be found on our English Learner Exit Criteria page.
National History Day Updates
Thank you to everyone for participating in National History Day and for the excellent effort, dedication, and hard work. We are proud of the projects that our scholars have produced and the dedication they have shown. Over the next week, the project will enter its final stage. Here are the major dates to look for:
- March 08 – March 13: Teachers will gather projects and grade them.
- March 14: In some classes, students may present their projects in class and compete for moving on to the district-wide National History Day based on peer and teacher review.
- March 15: Student winners announced at the end of the school day. The students whose projects will move on to the district-wide competition will receive a certificate and a family email from their teacher with instructions on how to proceed to next round.
- March 18: Deadline for submission of projects moving forward in the NHD district-wide Competition.
- Date TBD: Stuart-Hobson Showcase: All projects will be on display for our school community to see and celebrate our scholars’ hard work!
Thank you again for your efforts and hard work over the past few months. We look forward to seeing Stuart-Hobson’s representatives at both the DC National History Day and at the Stuart-Hobson showcase! Best of luck to all our participants.
The Social Studies Department
PTA Morning Coffee Events!
Now that the weather is starting to turn in our favor, grade parents at Stuart-Hobson will be hosting informal morning coffees at Stuart-Hobson starting next week!
Please bring your own morning beverage of choice and we will have donuts/bagels/morning treats of some sort.
Coffees will be 8:15am-9:00am. Location will either be on the front steps (weather permitting) or in the library.
Friday March 18th --- 7th Grade
Friday March 25th -- 6th Grade
Friday April 1st -- 8th Grade
** Please know that if you can't attend the date of the grade your child attends, you are more than welcome to come to the one that works for
your schedule. The goal of the coffees is to build community in an informal setting and meet each other in person!
Thank you!
Danielle Drissel & May Curry (6th Grade)
Catherine Davis (7th Grade)
Lona Valmoro (8th Grade)
Impact Aid Survey - due April 30th
DCPS submitted the initial Impact Aid application in January for all surveys received to date. Everyone is encouraged to complete one survey per child in their preferred language. Surveys collected through April 30, 2022 will be included in our application amendment. Eligible students and families will be able to generate additional federal funds for DCPS. Surveys can be found on our Impact Aid Webpage.
SHMS Mission & Vision Building Family Series
Because of the generous donation of an anonymous member of our school community, we will be able to engage with parents and families with a specific focus on how race and equity show up and influence our work with students. Using the affinity group format, we will have three facilitated discussions where we will discuss how our mission and vision building, with race and equity in mind, can improve all students' sense of belonging and well-being at SHMS. We are so excited to begin this work and hope you will save these dates so you can join us:
March 30, 6:00-7:30
April 27, 6:00-7:30
May 18, 6:00-7:30
We are so excited to begin this work and are grateful to the PTA, our anonymous donor, and the Race & Equity Committee for supporting us here. We will share more details in upcoming newsletters.
PTA Spring Updates
Peabody, Watkins and Stuart-Hobson Families,
Two of our biggest and most amazing PTA community events are coming back this spring and we need your help!
Our 2022 Spring Auction will be in April! The auction planning team is actively planning the event, including a final date and outdoor location. Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey we sent out last week -- the feedback was amazing! If you are interested in volunteering, please email our 2022 Auction Chairs, Kristi Lowe and Laura Odato. There is a place for everyone on the team! (ClusterAuctionChair@chcspta.org, laura.odato@gmail.com)
The Capitol Hill Classic is BACK -- please mark your calendars for Sunday, May 15th! The CHC is truly one of the best community events on Capitol Hill but it takes a huge amount of work to put together. If you would like to join the Capitol Hill Classic Team, please email Race Director Jason Levine or Lona Valmoro. (jason@queso.com, lvalmoro@yahoo.com)
PTA Dates This Spring:
Monday, March 7th -- PTA March General Meeting on Zoom (8:00pm)
Sunday, March 20th -- Kickball Tournament on the field at Stuart-Hobson (Price of admission -- canned/non-perishable item for our Cluster Food Drive!)
April Tbd -- 2022 Spring Auction!
Sunday, May 15th -- 41st Annual Capitol Hill Classic!
Monday, May 23rd -- PTA May General Meeting on Zoom (8:00pm)
Updated DCPS Meal Sites
Challenging Conversations
Please find below some resources that can support educators, parents, and other adults when teaching young people and helping them navigate conversations about topics that can be challenging, unfamiliar, and important to them. Facing History and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are both rich with materials and supports for educators and families. Below you will find links to comprehensive websites to support you in conversations about any number of topics.
Embrace Race Resources for Families
Facing History
DCPS recommended readings and resources about Race
See below for a specific opportunity, brought to us by the Cluster PTA, to engage your student with learning about the Holocaust:
Three Generations of Survivors:
Stories of the Holocaust (on Zoom)
Wednesday, March 2nd, 8:00-9:15 pm
How does the Holocaust continue to affect its survivors and frame our thinking today? Join Hill Havurah members Peter Stein (a survivor of the Holocaust), Kim Fellner and Laurie Solnik (the children of survivors), and Dan Rogger (the grandchild of a survivor) for an evening of memory, reflection, and looking forward.
These speakers will share their perspectives and help us explore. We'll have a chance to hear from each of our speakers and ask them questions. We heartily welcome all teens and adults to attend.
The Capitol Hill Cluster PTA and Race, Class, and Equity Group, which include Watkins Elementary School, are co-sponsoring this event with Hill Havurah.
If you'd like to join us for this special program, you can register here.
DCPS Assessments Guide for Families!
Launching the New Assessment Guide for Families!
The DCPS Assessment Guide for Families is a resource to assist families with understanding their student’s assessment results. This guide provides an overview of the uses of diagnostic and curriculum-based assessments.
Spring Athletic Coaching Vacancies
We are still seeking candidates for teams that will compete in Spring athletics. For more information about the opportunities below, or to express your interest in either, please reach out to our Athletic Director, Mr. Richard Strong (richard.strong@k12.dc.gov).
Boys Lacrosse Head Coach - $950 stipend
Girls Lacrosse Head Coach - $950 stipendCheck Grades in the Aspen Family Portal
Aspen Family Portal accounts have been available since the week of August 23rd. Returning families should be able to access their account using their username and password from last school year. New families will receive an email from Aspen Family Portal when their family portal account is available to use (check your junk and spam folders for the invitation).
The Portal allows you to keep up with progress in school - including grades, assignments, attendance, and more. The goal of DCPS' new digital portal is to create an open line of communication between home and school.
To Access the Portal:
1. Visit https://aspen.dcps.dc.gov
2. Make sure pop-up blocking is disabled for your browser
3. Your user name will be provided via email
4. Your temporary password will be provided via email
NOTE: Both user name and password are case sensitive
5. Click Log On to access the system. You will be prompted to fill out some information to change your password so that in the future you can click "I forgot my password" to receive a new password.
How to Navigate the Portal:
This flyer gives you the Parent Portal basics:
- What you need to know about the Parent Portal
- Lo que necesita saber sobre el Portal de Padres
Also, we recommend that families download the Grade Corner app to their smartphones or other devices. This app was created by an SHMS parent, requires an Aspen login, and allows you to see all of your student's grades in one place. In addition to seeing report cards, it is a quick and easy tool for keeping tabs on your student's progress.
Staffing Support
1. Teacher, Science
2. Teacher, Special Education (CES)
3. Aide, Special Education
4. Teacher, Substitute - Apply here!
Thank you all again for your help, feedback, and patience while we have navigated the different staffing challenges this school year!
Panther Pride School Store: Additional SHMS Clothing & Gear!
Social distancing doesn't mean fashion gets thrown to the wind. Show your Panther pride during your next class, meeting, or virtual friend meet-up. Check out the clothing and gear that are available at our new school store!
Families, staff, and students will be able to buy custom Stuart-Hobson Panther gear. You can find the latest name brands on your custom SHMS gear.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Howard, devin.howard2@k12.dc.gov
Policies & Daily Operations
DCPS Attendance Policy Updates
This is a reminder about updates to DC Public Schools’ policy regarding unexcused absences related to COVID-19 and Virtual Learning Program for school year 2021-22. If your student has unexcused absences related to COVID-19 or Virtual Learning Program this school year, please review the information below to determine whether your student's absences are eligible to be excused. If you believe your student to be eligible, you must submit a note to your school’s Attendance Point of Contact (Ms. Hargrove) for absences to be excused.
COVID-19 Close Contact: You may now submit a note for an excused absence if your student was absent from school because the student, or a member of the student’s household, was determined to be a close contact of a person who tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Students whose absences were not previously eligible for excusal for this reason can now have those absences excused.
Virtual Learning Program Expansion: If your student is approved for virtual learning under new requirements set by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), their previous absences related to COVID-19 can also be excused.
Please complete and submit the excuse note provided below if your child has been absent from school this school year due to one of the following reasons:
1. Your child or a member of your household was determined to be a close contact of a person who tested positive for COVID-19; or
2. Your child has recently been approved for the Virtual Learning Program and has had COVID-related absences between the start of school and November 30, 2021.
Notes must be submitted via email, text, or hand-delivery to your child’s school on or before December 17, 2021, so that your child’s absence can be recorded as excused. For the rest of this school year, please submit excuse notes to your school within five days of your child’s return to school from an absence.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact your school’s attendance Point of Contact, Ms. Hargrove.
Attendance Corner
Attendance Corner:
Welcome to the Attendance Information Corner for Stuart-Hobson Middle School. My name is Ms. Hargrove and I will be providing attendance updates to families in this corner. Parents, it is crucial that you get your child to school on-time and attending all classes. Please take a moment and read the 80/20 rule below. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me and I will be able to discuss it with you.
80/20 Attendance Rule:
This rule states that a student must not miss more than 20% of their day to be marked present. If a student misses 2 classes in a day, that student has missed 20% of the day and will be marked absent without a valid excuse. Please do your best to have your student present and on-time for school. If your student has a valid excuse for being late, please provide documentation to Ms. Hargrove by email:Clara.Hargrove@k12.DC.Gov, by text: 202-494-9747 or by calling the main office at 202-671-6010. If you need additional information on DCPS Attendance Policies, please go to the see the attached website: https://dcps.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/dcps/publication/attachments/Attendance-and-Truancy-Policy-SY%202021-22.pdf.
Attendance Celebration:
At Stuart-Hobson Middle School, we like to celebrate our students’ achievements for attendance. We will host a monthly attendance celebration for perfect and improved attendance by our students. Perfect attendance is described as no tardies or absences from classes for the month. I want to thank the students that had perfect attendance and participated in the Jeans & Jersey Day on November 1, 2021. Our next attendance incentive will be our Annual Perfect Attendance Pancake Celebration on Tuesday, November 23, 2021. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Supports for Students & Families
Mental Health Supports
Molly Smith, Social Worker, molly.smith@k12.dc.gov
Jessica Thompkins, Social Worker, jessica.thompkins@k12.dc.gov
Kimberly Harrington, DBH Social Worker, kimberly.harrington@dc.gov
Montrice Williams, CIS Social Worker, mwilliams@cisnationscapital.org
Jessica Schimmerling, Guidance Counselor, jessica.schimmerling@k12.dc.gov
Tomicula Willams, Guidance Counselor, tomicula.williams@k12.dc.gov
Kristin Dezen, kristin.dezen@k12.dc.gov
Craft & Chat Club!
Craft and Chat started in Spring 2020 during distance learning and continued strong last school year. We are ready to start in-person and are excited for any and all students to join us! No art or craft experience necessary! Students are welcome to bring their own project but we will have art supplies available. This is an opportunity to slow down after the school day, be creative, and have community with others at Stuart-Hobson MS.
Craft and Chat will meet on Tuesdays from 3:45-4:30pm in classroom #G03 (Ms. Kensey’s room) starting Tuesday, 9/21/2021.
Any questions? Contact DBH Social Worker Kimberly Harrington (kimberly.harrington@dc.gov). See flyer above for more information.
Students can drop in as they can and we look forward to growing a joyful and creative community of students as the school year continues.
Stuart-Hobson Middle School
Email: eric.fraser@k12.dc.gov
Website: www.stuart-hobson.org
Location: 410 E Street Northeast, Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 202-671-6010
Twitter: @StuartHobsonMS