News from Eli Terry
Week of September 8th, 2023

Top Secret Project Update
Thank you to all the students/families who been filling our box in the Main Office! As of Wednesday evening, we've received 156 submissions.
This is a solid start, however with just a week left, we still have 35 staff members with NO submissions!
Remember we can’t pull off our top secret "Thankful Thursday" mission without YOUR HELP!
Please submit all entries to the “Top Secret” drop box in the Main Office no later than Thursday February 23rd!
If you have any questions or need the information again please reach out directly to Mrs Hammer!
Family Event - Mother Language Day
We are pleased to invite you to join the international community in celebration of Mother Language Day here at ET on Tuesday, February 27th, 2024 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Mother Language Day was created by the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) to celebrate multilingualism and cultural diversity and to inspire understanding, solidarity and dialogue.
Kindly complete the Google Form below indicating whether you would like to attend, volunteer or both for this exciting event!
2024-25 Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration opened on Monday February 5th. If you have an incoming Kindergartner, or know someone who does, please share this information!
Below are the documents that are either posted on the website or given to Grade K parents electronically once they are fully registered.
We look forward to welcoming all our new Kindergarten Terriers!
Shout outs are a great way to express gratitude towards those who have made a positive impact in our lives. Whether it's a staff member, friend, student, or colleague, taking a moment to acknowledge and appreciate their contributions can strengthen relationships and bring our ET community closer together.
So, if you're feeling thankful for someone in your or your child's life, don't hesitate to give them a shout out! Go ahead, spread some love and appreciation to those who matter most to you.
A Peek Inside Our Week
2nd grader Charlotte Yung's mom visited Mrs. Glasser's class to teach students about the Lunar New Year!
3rd grade student, Lucas Matcheson, shared his Chinese culture with Mrs. Bryan's class. On Lunar New Year Eve traditionally a gift is given in a red envelope. It is usually money, but Lucas's family was creative and each friend was gifted a Pokémon card!
Students in Mrs. Williamson's class had a 100th day of school thinking task. They had to pick a building material and find a way to count out 100 pieces. They needed to prove they had 100 pieces before they could start building by grouping the materials in some way so it would be quick for Mrs. Williamson to check. Then they were given the okay to start building something together using their 100 materials! These are their creations!
Fun in Grade 3 music!
Staff LOVED their "Puppy Love" Thankful Thursday treat. All day they had the opportunity to visit different handler/therapy dog duos in the Teacher Workroom!
Global Play Day
PTO Events
Looking for a super easy way to get involved and help your PTO?
Our Fun Run Chair is in need of a few parent volunteers to help solicit donations from local businesses for this years Fun Run! The event is May 17th but we try to start gathering the donations in March!
Reach out if you are interested or would like more info!!
February's Scholastic Book Fair
Eli Terry will be welcoming the Scholastic Book Fair during the week of February 26!
There are many volunteer opportunities available throughout the week and we'd love for you to be part of it! Sign-up directly at this registration link.
For additional information about the book fair, stop by the fair website - there's great information about what books will be featured at this fair, as well as how to set-up your student's electronic payment option (the very popular eWallet)!
THANKS to the success of our fairs over the last few years, we ensure that no child leaves the book fair empty-handed. Also returning this year is Family Night on Thursday, February 29 - stay tuned for more information!
Any questions, contact the Eli Terry PTO via email or on our Facebook page.
Author Sarah Weeks is Visiting Eli Terry!
Courtesy of the Eli Terry PTO and South Windsor Public Schools, Sarah Weeks will be visiting Eli Terry on March 19th to delight students with her stories, songs, and more. She is known for her relatable characters and engaging stories. Her books explore themes of friendship, family, and self-discovery.
Sarah Weeks is offering personalized/autographed copies of her books for purchase which will be distributed to students the day of her visit. To purchase books, please click the link below.
General questions: Please contact Mrs. Parkin (
Ordering questions: Please use the Contact link on the ordering website below.
Mark Your Calendars!
- NO SCHOOL - February Break/Presidents Day - Friday, February 16th & Monday, February 19th
- Mother Language Day Family Event - Tuesday, February 27th, 6:30-8PM
- Scholastic Book Fair Family Night - Thursday, February 29th
- 5th Grade Chorus, Band, and Orchestra Concert - Wednesday, March 6th, 6:30-8:30PM
- Early Release Wednesdays Resume - Wednesday, March 13th
- Sarah Weeks Author Visit - Tuesday, March 19th (during the school day)
Remember...any of the above events can be quickly added to your own Google Calendar just by clicking the blue hyperlink!
Events in the Larger South Windsor Community
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