Growing in Faith Together
From the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
Season of Advent
Young Adult Bible Study
Deacon Dennis Donahue is hoping to start a new bible study for young adults in Auburn at the parish office building living room space on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m., hopefully in the coming weeks. Young adults interested in possibly attending should contact Deacon Dennis here or at 315-406-1538.
Drop-in for Donuts
Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
St. Thomas More
Whenever there's Drop-in for Donuts young adults will meet up for the 11:00 a.m. Mass, grab a donut and coffee, and then have a little conversation in the gathering space with a young adult host. If you'd like to sign up to BE the host, email Nora here. The Drop-in for Donuts dates for the rest of the year are: 12/3, 1/7, 2/4, 3/10, 4/14, 5/5, & 6/2.
Christmas Caroling & Cookie Exchange
Holy Day Mass & Cookie Decorating
Young Adult Christmas Party
Converge Young Adult Ministry hosted a "Friendsgiving" on November 16th! God brought 32 young adults together to encounter one another through great conversation and sharing a delicious meal. Many thanks to those who helped clean/put things away afterwards and to all who attended the gathering. The ministry hopes that these new friends will join them at upcoming gatherings!
Triduum of the Dead Series
In late October/early November, Converge Young Adult Ministry hosted "Triduum of the Dead". The three-day opportunity gathered young adults together for prayer and fellowship on All Hallows' Eve, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day. Triduum of the Dead included "Boo-wling", a holy hour, Mass followed by saints and sundaes, a cemetery prayer walk, and more!
Weekend Family Rosary Opportunity for Young Adults
The young adult community in Auburn is evolving and with that evolution comes a new prayer opportunity! The community is offering a weekend family rosary. This opportunity is great for young adults, especially those with children. The family rosary gatherings include light refreshments. For more information about these weekend family rosary gatherings, please email Kieran here.
Young Adult Coffee After Mass
Every Third Sunday of the Month
St. Mary's Church
The young adult ministry from St. Benedict Parish in Bloomfield/Canandaigua has a monthly Young Adult Coffee After Mass! Coffee After Mass happens every third Sunday of the month following the 9:00 a.m. Mass at St. Mary's Church in Canandaigua. It is a great way to find community with other young adults and dive deeper into what was heard at Mass. Please email DeAnna Brennan with any questions here.
Young Adult Gathering Idea- Encountering the Advent Scriptures Anew
With the new liturgical year and the season of Advent comes some incredibly rich scripture readings at Mass.This young adult ministry gathering idea from Young Adult Ministry in a Box provides a unique approach to a seasonal small group that can facilitate a fresh encounter with these familiar scriptures of Jesus’ birth. Check out this Encountering the Advent Scriptures Anew idea by clicking the files below.
GIVEN Forum 2024 - Applications Open!
Young adult women between the ages 21-35 seeking leadership training, faith formation, community and support to better understand and pursue their particular mission and vocation, are invited to apply for the 2024 GIVEN cohort.
GIVEN's year-long program of faith formation, leadership development and dedicated mentoring includes attendance at the Catholic Young Women's Leadership Forum June 8-12, 2024 at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC and 1-on-1 mentorship with an established Catholic female leader in the Art of Accompaniment Mentoring Program until May 2025. Participants will grow in relationship with Christ and understanding of their gifts as they implement a unique Action Plan that helps them follow God’s call. GIVEN is also accepting applications from lay and consecrated women aged 36+ who would like to serve as mentors or volunteers.
For more info, click the button below.
This 7-session study series that unveils the beauty of our Eucharistic faith and invites participants to discover the true power and promise of this incredible gift. The study is a great way for young adult communities to connect in a cozy small group setting while hearing from some of the most brilliant voices in Catholicism. For more information and the resources for the study series, click the button below.
What Do Attending Mass and Receiving the Eucharist Mean to You?
The Catholic Courier wants to hear directly from faithful young adults across the Diocese of Rochester for its social media series "Mass Matters!" Young adults can submit brief videos of themselves addressing what attending in-person Masses and receiving the Eucharist mean to them. People can also share their thoughts in writing if they prefer! The first 50 people to submit usable videos will be rewarded with some Courier-themed swag. To learn more about the Mass Matters series, click the button below or here.
Diocese-Wide Perpetual Adoration for the Eucharistic Revival
Perpetual Adoration (continuous exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) is taking place in the chapel of the former St. James Convent, now known as the Adoration Chapel at St. James (123 Whittington Road, Irondequoit, NY 14609). If you or a young adult you know is interested in spending time with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration, there are two options. Young adults can join a "no commitment needed" sub list, which consists of one weekly email with open slots, or commit to a consistent weekly one-hour time slot. For more information, please contact William Rein here or click the button below.
Check Out Ways to Grow in Faith Together!
Check out the young adult ministries in our Diocese, upcoming opportunities to grow in faith, and resources to help you in your journey by clicking the button below!
Office of Evangelization and Catechesis
Location: 1150 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: (585) 328-3228