The TES Times
May 2023
Dear TES Families,
May was filled to the brim with special days, field trips, and hatching chicks oh my! Our fourth grade students were treated to a visit from farmer Jenna from Haxton Homestead where she explained the chicken hatching process and brought some fertilized eggs for us to hatch. Ms. Forsythe's class lovingly cared for them until they hatched and then they named them: Kyle, Batman, Miley, Nugget, and Oreo are now at their forever home at my house.
We welcomed our newest incoming Kindergarten tigers for Registered Students Day earlier in the month where they spent time with Ms. Perticari, Ms. Gentile, and Ms. Donovan as they acclimated to TES. We look forward to more special days in June with our concerts fast approaching and Field Day and 4th Grade Moving Up Day shortly after. Be well and I look forward to seeing you at TES over the next couple of weeks.
Lisa Moore
Pre-K Corner
Enjoying the Garden
May has brought beautiful weather, and with that the Preschool students have been learning about plants and how to grow flowers. We have planted our own seeds and have enjoyed caring for them while watching our plants grow. Students have also thoroughly enjoyed our garden here at TES. Some of the boys have even discovered fresh dirt in the garden and brought their trucks outside to play. Preschoolers have had fun in all parts of the garden. They have used the tree stump seats to hop on! They have also loved exploring the rocks and searching for beautiful pebbles to keep.
- Mrs. Kovalsky
Kindergarten Happenings
Science Can Dance and Fosterfields!
This month Kindergarten welcomed "Miss Laura", our TEF-funded artist in residence, to present the "Science Can Dance" program. The program ran for four sessions in which the students learned scientific concepts through movement and art. Topics covered were pollination, the life cycle of trees, and the water cycle. It was great watching the children act out these processes through creative movement. The culminating activity was building terrariums to tie all that we learned together.
Later in May, the Kindergarteners enjoyed a trip back in time to Fosterfields Living Historical Farm. The students enjoyed daily farm activities similar to those that took place in the 1920s.They visited the farm animals, witnessed the farmer plowing and planting the fields used antique machinery, and helped perform daily tasks, such as collecting eggs, grinding corn to feed the chickens, and cleaning the horse's harness. It was an eye-opening field trip for our Kindergarten students! The children were able to see many animals and learn about how times were long ago.
- Mrs. Gentile and Mrs. Perticari
First Grade Chronicles
This month has been a busy one in first grade! We continue to develop our personal narratives. We have been working on elaboration and using descriptive adjectives. In Math, we have been working on adding and subtracting to 20 using various strategies. In Reading, we have been learning about suffix endings and how they change the meaning of words. In Social Studies, we have been comparing and contrasting urban, suburbanm and rural locations.
- Mrs. Chapman, Ms. Picardo, Ms. Piesla, and Mrs. Saksa
Second Grade Story
Growing in Grade Two!
May was a busy month in Second Grade. Hundreds of postcards were delivered to our school and many Flat Stanleys made their way back into welcoming hands and smiling faces. The students learned so much about the world around them through this global project.
Favorite poems were selected by students, then illustrated, and now are getting ready to be published into a book. Order forms to purchase your own copies will be sent home soon.
Our little scientists are now engaged in the scientific process as they plant, observe, predict, and chart the growth, or lack or growth, of flowers they have planted. Classes discussed "variables" and chose some to experiment with. The students are eager to see if plants can thrive or survive in conditions such as: with less air, more water, less light, gravel instead of soil, in the dark, and with other liquids like carbonated beverages or vinegar. Second Graders surely have "grown" this year!
- Mrs. Bristow, Mrs. Kelsey, Ms. Piesla, Mrs. Nugent, and Mr. Strange
Third Grade Buzz
From Tadpole to Frog
Third graders made good use of our lovely school grounds as we explored our ponds and collected tadpoles. Afterwards, all students observed, first hand, in each of their classrooms the metamorphosis from tadpole to froglet in amazement. Now we look forward to taking our knowledge of ecology to the Raritan Headwaters to get hands-on experience with a wetland habitat that supports a variety of local plant and animal life.
Featured below is a picture of one of our third graders who propagated the seedlings that were received on Arbor Day. Thank you to the Tewksbury Park and Recreation Department and the State of NJ!
- Mrs. Emge, Ms. Kouzis, Mrs. Fuentes, Mrs. Pill, and Mrs. Nichols
Fabulous Fourth Grade
Preparing to Move Up!
This was a busy month for the Fourth Grade with NJSLA testing, the Pennies for Puppies Drive, Somerset Patriots baseball game, incubating chickens, the TEF Tiger Trot, and preparations for next year’s move up to OTS.
Ms. Fuentes' class celebrated their final writing unit with a Publishing Party on May 11th. Students created and led a short program to share their opinion writing with each other and staff guests. They celebrated their hard work and are so proud of their writing!
Students met with OTS guidance counselor, Marie Cutri-French, to learn about their upcoming transition to middle school. Students also enjoyed a tour of OTS where they could see where their classes will be, where they will eat lunch and have all their specials. Students can barely contain their anticipation for Move Up Day on June 13th where families will share in their special moment as they say goodbye to TES and begin to look forward to their next 4 years at OTS.
- Mrs. DelGrande, Ms. Wade-Taffera, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Forsythe, and Mrs. Fuentes
Artists in Action
A Busy Month and Thank You
Dear parents, it has been a wonderful year working with your children in the art room. I hope you have enjoyed the artwork they created this year. The students' final pieces are displayed all along the front hallways for all to enjoy during the Spring Concerts. Fourth Graders created instrument drawings on spiral painted backgrounds. Third Graders created still life paintings inspired by the artist. Paul Cezanne. Second Graders created landscapes in the style of Grandma Moses. First Graders learned about the printing process and created styrofoam prints of flowers. Kindergartners created farm landscapes and ceramic baskets.
As my retirement from TES quickly approaches, I would like to say that it's been an honor and a privilege to have been the elementary art teacher here for the past 25 years. My hope is that I instilled a love of art in my students and that they continue to develop their creativity.
Have a wonderful summer.
- Mrs. Wadler
Español Express
Growing and Learning en Español!
Third and Fourth Graders are finishing up their food vocabulary unit by creating menus for imaginary restaurants. Second Graders will be bringing home their "arpilleras" with a description in Spanish. This week First Grade students had the challenge to make different ANIMALES with tangrams. This coming Tuesday, Kindergarten will head outside to take a nature walk en español! I have had a great year watching your children grow and learn in Spanish.
- Senora Obercian
The Library Review
Making Connections and Gathering All Books!
It is busy in the TES Library Media Center! With our younger students, we have been reading engaging picture books and making connections with art and engineering activities! (Engineers in action are pictured below.) Our older students are excited to leave their mark on TES Library Media Center. The Third and Fourth Graders have been learning how to craft and write book reviews that future students will be able to read on our online catalog.
The end of May also marks the end of book check out for the 2022-2023 school year. All library books were due back on Friday, May 26th. Please reach out to me, Ms.Rose-Mason (arose-mason@tewksburyschools.org), if you have any questions about missing books!
- Ms. Rose-Mason
The Musical Express
Ready for the Concerts!
We are delighted to announce the upcoming musical performances by our talented
students at TES. We invite you to join us for a morning of melodic delight as we showcase the musical achievements of our elementary school students. Please mark your calendars for the following concert dates:
June 1 - 9:00 AM - Grades K, 1, and 2
June 2 - 9:00 AM - Grades 3 & 4
To ensure a cohesive and visually pleasing presentation, we kindly request that students
adhere to the following dress code guidelines:
For Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade Students:
● Solid white T-shirt
● Choice of pants/shorts (e.g., jeans, trousers, leggings) and shoes (e.g., sneakers, flats)
that are comfortable for movement and suitable for the concert.
For 3rd and 4th Grade Students:
● Solid colored T-shirt (with no logos or designs)
● Choice of pants (e.g., khakis, dress pants) and shoes (e.g., closed-toe dress shoes,
flats) that are comfortable for playing instruments and appropriate for the concert.
We kindly request that all clothing choices align with the school's dress code policy and
are modest and respectful in nature. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that your child is dressed appropriately for this special occasion.
We look forward to witnessing the musical talents of our young performers and
celebrating their hard work and dedication. Thank you for your continued support of the music program at TES.
Please enter at the western end of the building by the loading dock!
- Mr. Shaffer and Mrs. Polinger
Technology Education
This month students in grades two through four have been learning the ins and outs of Google Slides. Students have been creating and formatting a slide presentation while learning all the cool things that can be done with Google Slides. This will be a useful tool for students to use in the classroom and beyond. In addition to learning Slides, students in grades one through four have been working on our TES memories list where we reflected on the past year and typed our memories in a Google doc. This is an ongoing list so that in 4th grade students can create a word cloud that I print and frame for them to keep. Fourth grade parents keep your eye out for your child’s TES Paw Print. Keep practicing Typing using Typing Agent or Typing.com.
- Kristen Rinehart Havens
Health & Physical Education Update
Let's Play Catch!
Baseball/Softball is here! All grades have been learning to throw, catch, bat and field balls through developmentally appropriate games and activities. This helps develop hand-eye coordination. You can reinforce some of these skills at home through a simple game of catch. If you can’t get outside, “ball up” a sock or a piece of paper and let your child show off some of their throwing and catching skills!
- Ms. Mukherjee and Mr. Wooby
From Ms. Morogiello, School Nurse
Medication Pick Up and Required Health Forms
It is hard to believe another great school year is winding up. This year has flown by!
Some Health Office reminders:
Medication Pick up- If your child has medication in the Health Office, please stop by the Health Office on or before June 14, 2023 by 12:50 PM to collect your child’s medication(s). Medication orders must be renewed each school year by your child’s physician. All medication must be picked up by an adult and may not be stored over the summer per TTSD Policy 5141.21. Medication forms for 23-24 will be available at med pick-up and can also be found under Health Services, Health Office Forms on the school website.
For Rising Grade 3 Students: According to our district policy and state requirements, all third grade students enrolled at TES, must have a current physical exam on file at school. If your child is a current grade 2 student rising to grade 3 please send in a completed Universal Health physical form for your child. A current physical is any PE that is done within 365 days of the August 30, 2023 school start date. Please submit PE documentation by June 9, 2023. If your child has a summer birthday/PE, please return the linked PE form by August 25, 2023. Keep a copy of the completed form for your records as you may need it for sports, camps, etc.
For children entering Pre-K and Kindergarten: Documentation of immunizations and a physical exam are a New Jersey State requirement for entrance into school. Specific immunizations are required in each age group. Each child must have a complete medical examination conducted within one year of the August 30, 2023 first day of school. If your child has a medical or religious exemption from immunization, documentation needs to be provided. Please submit PE and immunization documentation by June 9, 2023. If your child has a summer birthday/ PE, please return the linked PE form by August 25, 2023. Keep a copy of the completed form for your records as you may need it for sports, camps, etc.
Wishing you all a healthy and fun-filled summer!!!
If you have any student health-related questions, please contact Nancy Morogiello at nmorogiello@tewksburyschools.org or 908-832-2594 x2011. Report student absences prior to 9:00 AM by inputting to Pick Up Patrol.
Counselor's Corner
Making a Difference for The Seeing Eye, Inc.
Ms. Wade Taferra and Mrs. Palmer's Fourth Grade class organized and led many different activities for their PENNIES FOR PUPPIES donation drive for The Seeing Eye, Inc. These activities included a poster contest, class vists, lunch room skits, morning announcements, and grade level jar filling contests.
We would like to THANK all the Tewksbury Families whose donations to help us support The Seeing Eye programs. The students were thrilled to make a donation of $1015. 26. Our drive culminated with an assembly for the entire fourth grade where we got to see a Seeing Eye dog in action. We learned about the training each puppy goes through and how they are matched with people who need them. We were so proud to contribute to the positive impact of these dogs. We also learned that The Seeing Eye Organization is always looking for homes for their young puppies prior to their service!
Featured below is a picture of two of our students presenting a large check to Mr. Don McGowan, Volunteer Coordinator, of the Seeing Eye.
- Mrs. Donovan, School Counselor
Outdoor Learning Space
Thank you Mr. Contrino and Mr. Quarne!
What's Coming Soon?
Programs for Children and Adults at Whittemore (Including Summer Camps)
Learn about ducks & drakes while skipping stones on the Rockaway Stream this Saturday, June 3rd! Also check out their summer programs for children and adults. Click on the photos below for more info and go to their website for camp sign ups.
YMCA Summer Camp at TES through July
There is an exciting YMCA summer camp program at TES. Click this link for more information:
June 2 - Concert - Grades 3 & 4
Friday, Jun 2, 2023, 09:00 AM
Enter TES at western doorway by the loading dock.
June 5 - Field Day
Monday, Jun 5, 2023, 10:00 AM
Tewksbury Elementary School, Fairmount Road East, Califon, NJ, USA
June 7 - Preschool Move Up Day
Wednesday, Jun 7, 2023, 09:30 AM
Garden behind TES - Preschool Parents Are Invited!
June 12 - Last Day to Sign Up for Summer Enrichment Programs
Please direct any questions to mverderamo@tewksburyschools.org. Thank you!
Monday, Jun 12, 2023, 09:00 AM
June 13 - Fourth Grade Move Up Day
Tuesday, Jun 13, 2023, 09:00 PM
TES Gymnasium - Fourth Grade Parents Are Invited! Please enter at the western doorway by the loading dock.
June 14 - EARLY DISMISSAL - Last Day of School for Students
Wednesday, Jun 14, 2023, 01:00 PM
Dismissal at 1:00 PM
August 24 - Kindergarten Playdate - Time TBD
Thursday, Aug 24, 2023, 12:00 AM
Tewksbury Elementary School, Fairmount Road East, Califon, NJ, USA
August 29 - Sneak Peak at Your New Classroom! Time TBD
Tuesday, Aug 29, 2023, 12:00 AM
Tewksbury Elementary School, Fairmount Road East, Califon, NJ, USA
August 30 - First Day of the 2023-2024 School Year - 8:35 AM
Wednesday, Aug 30, 2023, 08:30 AM
Tewksbury Elementary School, Fairmount Road East, Califon, NJ, USA
2023-2024 School Calendar
August 30th, 2023, is the First Day of School for students!