Wayland Union Schools
Board of Education Regular Board Meeting Summary
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Wayland Union Schools Board of Education held their regular meeting last night at Wayland Union Middle School. New teachers and staff members were introduced by Building Principals. There were two new student board members, Haylee Jasinski, 12th grade, and Summer Morrison, 11th grade, who will attend this year’s meetings.
There were three public comments.
One item on the agenda included a recommendation by the Allegan County Health Department to recommend universal masking at the high school for two weeks. The letter sent to the Superintendent on September 13, 2021 stated “ACHD strongly recommends universal masking of all students and staff regardless of vaccination status at Wayland Union High School in order to reduce the risk of further transmission. ACHD recommends universal masking for at least 14 days from the last known exposure in the school setting.” This is due to ongoing transmission among students within a 14 day period. The high school has had 18 students test positive for COVID, as well as one staff member, and one coach since the start of the school year. The board voted down the recommendation 6-1.
Pat Velie, Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations, reported a successful summer meal program, serving 42,873 meals this summer, which includes 19,815 breakfasts and 22,968 lunches. This is the sixth year for the Summer Fun-Tastic Series. Thank you to the community partners who help make this program a success.
The Superintendent’s report covered an update on the Strategic Plan Retreat this past Saturday, celebrating the District’s success of the Feeding America Food Drive, collecting 3,111 pounds of food, and addressing the behavior of students at football games. Superintendent Hinds also mentioned she will begin holding a Community Coffee Hour at Simply Celia’s in Wayland on Friday, September 17 at 8:30-9:30am.
Other items covered were the approval of the non-affiliated pay scale, the 2021-2021 building administrator salary recommendations, the 80/20 insurance resolution, and the contract renewal for the District Accountant.
*Please note: This is a summary of the meeting. Official board minutes will be approved at the next regular board meeting on Monday, October 11, 2021.
About Us
Website: waylandunion.org
Location: 850 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: (269) 792-2181