Dolphin News
Please Sign this Digital Card for Our Clifford Teachers & Staff
Let them all know how much you care about and support them! Feel free to add pictures/videos/memories and just about anything you'd like to send a message of gratitude. We need all the love we can get right now!
TONIGHT AT 6PM! Clifford Parent Education Night!
Message from Principal Noyes
I am proud of the participation, collaboration, sharing of opinions, and the exchanging of ideas during the development of Clifford School's Roadmap to Reopening. On Monday, November 30, our School Site Council unanimously approved our reopening plan for January 19, 2021. This plan will be submitted to our superintendent, Dr. Baker by December 14th for review, then our plan will be submitted to the San Mateo County Office of Education for approval. Once approved, I will share the entire plan with our Clifford community.
Based on family survey feedback and teacher decisions, below is the anticipated schedule for return to school in, January. As we move forward we understand that people are concerned about county health data and we will be reevaluating this schedule when we return from winter break and communicate any updated information then.
We are starting a learning hub on Monday, December 14th for some of our high priority students in grades 5-8th grade. Our hub teacher is named, Manny and he's excited to work with our students! Welcome Manny!
Thank you to our teachers, staff, and families, for the support along the way!
In partnership,
Jude Noyes
Upcoming Calendar Events
- Thur, Dec 10, 4:00 pm – Family Hub Meeting/Parent info Meeting (by invite only)
- Thur, Dec 10, 6:00 pm- Parent Education Night - Link to Meeting / Pass: Dolphins
- Mon-Fri, 12/14-18 School Spirit Week!
- Mon, Dec 14, Hub Program Begins!
- Tues, Dec 15, 6:00 pm- PTO meeting - Link to Meeting /Pass: 577474
- Fri, Dec 18- Minimum Day
- December 21 - January 1 – Winter Break
- Mon, Jan 4 – No School, Teacher Planning & Development Day
- Tues, Jan 5, – Students Return from Winter Break
- Wed, Jan 6, - Social Time Begins weekly on Wednesdays!
Clifford Student Social Time
Clifford is offering a Social Time for All Clifford students. The Social Time is designed for our students to have a safe place to connect with their peers. The social time is open to everyone and there will be links set up for 3 grade levels, K-2, 3-5, and 6-8th grade.
The social time will be once a week on Wednesdays from 10:30-11:00 and will start on Wednesday, January 6th. The social time will be facilitated by a trusted adult.
Fun with Friends, hosted by: Analyn (our StarVista therapist)
Link to the Fun with Friends for K-2
Hang out with the Counselor, hosted by: Tami (School Counselor)
Middle School Hang out with Sam (Our StarVista therapist)
Link to the hang out with Sam for 6-8
Password: PZq8xS
Middle School Academic Support Hour
Starting January 25th, all middle school students who are earning a D or an F in any of their core courses will be required to attend an academic support hour with one of their core teachers. Students will be required to attend this hour Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 1:00-2:00 so they can work on improving their grade and get direct support and intervention from a teacher. Once the student is earning a C or better they are no longer mandated to attend the support hour. Families will receive an alert if their student is required to attend.
Clifford Learning Hub
We are excited to be starting a learning HUB on Monday December 14th here at Clifford. This learning HUB will consist of 15 students in 5th-8th grade who were invited based on equity and priority concerns. They will continue working with their regular teachers in distance learning, but will do so while on campus and supervised by Mr. Braccamontes. We are excited for this opportunity to serve a small group of our students who will thrive in this supervised environment.
**We are also looking to open Hub classrooms for other grades as well. I am working closely with PE+ and other staff to find the right people for this work. I am hoping to open a K-2 and a 3-5 Hub sometime after we return from the holiday break.