Your connection to all things in GCPS...

Your connection to all things GCPS. | July 29, 2022
Get ready for a successful 2022-23 school year!
Gwinnett County Public Schools welcomes all students to the 2022-23 school year on August 3, with a staggered start for in-person learning. Students in grades K, 1, 6, and 9, and students who spend the majority of the day in a small-group setting will start in-person learning on August 3, with all other students participating in digital learning at home. On August 4, in-person learning will begin for all other grades.
To help students and families prepare for the 2022-23 school year, please review GCPS’ 2022-23 Virtual Back-to-School Backpack for Families.
Our Blueprint for the Future: Building the Bridge from Empathy to Excellence
To sustain the legacy of the past in this exciting context, GCPS has developed a new strategic plan – Our Blueprint for the Future. This Blueprint defines the transformational work of the next five years, incorporating feedback from the community gathered during Dr. Watts’ Look, Listen, and Learn tour, the Transition, and Planning Team, and the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council. This strategic plan also incorporates feedback from the Teacher Advisory Council, Business Advisory Council, Local School Councils, Local School Administrators Association, advocacy groups, and school and district leaders.
The Blueprint synthesizes the findings and recommendations from prior continuous improvement and strategic planning efforts. This strategic plan is organized by the four strategic priorities: empathy, equity, effectiveness, and excellence. Each strategic priority includes three goals, with objectives and district key performance indicators (KPI). KPIs are the way we will measure success for each goal. The 2022 data will be the baseline year for this five-year strategic plan, and each KPI will have annual targets set from 2023 - 2027. These strategic priorities, goals, and objectives will be the basis of departments’ and divisions’ operational management plans (OMP). The Blueprint defines the “what” in terms of high-level goals and objectives. The OMPs will detail the “how,” including specific initiatives and action steps that align with this strategic plan.
Our district will demonstrate excellence in our work – that notable standard to which we should all aspire, behaviorally, academically, and operationally. We invite you to learn more about our Blueprint online and through upcoming Board of Education meetings.
GCPS invites community, staff members to apply for GEMS committee
GCPS is inviting parents and guardians, community members, and school district employees to apply for the GEMS Oversight Committee, a group of community and school system representatives charged with the annual review of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum standards.
If you are interested in serving, please complete the online application no later than Aug. 12.
GCPS Tech Tips
All GCPS students will have a Chromebook assigned to them for the 2022-23 school year. Students can also checkout a hotspot for internet access based on demonstrated need. Families may contact their schools to discuss options. If a GCPS technology resource is assigned to a student and taken home, it is the family’s responsibility to monitor the use of the device to ensure the student is following the Student Conduct Behavior Code and to ensure that the device is returned in the condition in which it was received.
School nutrition in Gwinnett schools for 2022-23
Gwinnett County Public Schools’ award-winning School Nutrition Program provides tasty, nutritious meals to students at an economical price. GCPS cafeterias serve many of the brands families use at home including Tyson, General Mills, Kellogg’s, and Land O’ Lakes, to name a few. In addition, students are served a variety of fruits and vegetables through Gwinnett’s Farm to School program which has been in place for more than 10 years.
In all, 135 school cafeterias will offer breakfast and lunch daily. Students and parents can check out menus using an app—search for “NutriSlice” on Google Play or the App Store—or they can find menus online at www.gwinnett.nutrislice.com.
- Title 1 schools – all students will receive breakfast at no charge
- Non-Title 1 schools – Free and Reduced-Price students will receive breakfast at no charge. Students with Full Pay eligibility will be charged $1.50
- All students will be charged for lunch based on their current eligibility status (Free, Reduced, Full Pay)
- There have been no changes to meal prices. Meal Prices for lunch are as follows: Reduced - $.40 cents; ES Lunch - $2.25; MS/HS Lunch - $2.50
- As a reminder, SY21-22 Free and Reduced eligibility status will carry over for the first 30 school days of SY23 (through 9/14).
- Parents must fill out a new application for SY23 in order to maintain their Free or Reduced-Price meal benefits.
- The online SY23 Free and Reduced application is now available – SY23 Free and Reduced Online Application
What thoughts/ideas/suggestions do you have regarding the proposed policy Board's Theory of Action for Change to Improve Student Behavior and Outcomes?
Our Board of Education values the input and feedback it receives from students, families, staff, and members of the community regarding matters pertaining to the work of the Board and the operation of Gwinnett County Public Schools. With that in mind, the Board wants to hear from these groups as it continues to review its policy that addresses public participation in its meetings.
Please take a moment to review and share your thoughts on the Policy: Board's Theory of Action for Change to Improve Student Behavior and Outcomes.
Your feedback will help guide the Board as they determine how best to engage the voices of our diverse community in their decision-making.
This Thoughtexchange is open now through August 10! Please share your thoughts and then rate at least 20-30 of the thoughts that others have shared. Your participation is confidential, so no one will know who shared or rated which thoughts.
In Case You Missed It....
And much more at www.gcpsk12.org!
Coming soon in GCPS....
- The next regular Board meeting is August 18, 2022
- Next Friday, August 5, look for our first new episode of Coffee with Calvin! A new monthly video series with our Superintendent Dr. Watts.
- Keep Connected with news from GCPC TV, the next episode airs August 12!
- Stay tuned for our next issue of GCPS Links coming to you on August 19!