Cougar News Family Newsletter
Week 9: October 26-30
October 26-30
Virtual Book Fair 10/26-11/6
Monday 10/26- "Peace Out to Drugs"- wear peace signs & tie dye; School Board Meeting- 6:30 pm; Internet Safety Presentation for Parents (virtual)- 6pm
Tuesday 10/27- "Hide From Drugs"- wear camouflage; Football vs. Everman Baxter- 7th @ KMS, 8th away
Wednesday 10/28- "Team Up Against Drugs"- wear a team jersey; PSAT- 8th grade only
Thursday 10/29- "Superheroes Don't Need Drugs"- wear a cape or superhero shirt (no costumes); Volleyball @ Weatherford Tison
Friday 10/30- "Too Bright for Drugs"- wear neon; no Halloween costumes allowed at school
Internet Safety Presentation
This 30 minute to one hour presentation for parents and guardians of children ages 5 to 17 years old focuses on how to facilitate conversations with children and teens about the internet.
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Oct 26, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Instructional Delivery Method Change Window
Beginning October 19th, all Burleson ISD parents who want to change from on-campus instruction to virtual instruction or from virtual instruction to on-campus instruction for the 3rd six weeks can log in to Family Access and complete the “2020 - 21 Instructional Choice for 3rd Six Weeks” form. Please complete this form by October 25th for each student who you wish to switch.
If you do not know your Family Access Login/Password, you can click on the “Forgot your Login/Password?” link to have this information emailed to you. For additional help, please email ONLINEFORMS@BISDMAIL.NET for assistance.
If you wish for your student to remain in the same method of instructional delivery, you do not have to complete this form.
No response on the form means that your current choice continues for the third six weeks.
Kerr Book Fair
Our Online Book Fair will begin October 25 and run through November 7.
Supporting a love for reading is critical to student success. Explore our online book fair and help your child find their next favorite book.
Now everyone can participate! Encourage your child to create their online wish list and share with friends and family.
Our eFair code: Z258K
Orders due by: November 7th 2020
For every purchase made, we will earn up to 40% back in rewards to help support our school!
Flu Shots
Just a reminder that the Huguley Mobile bus will be at BHS on Tuesday from 2:30-5:30 p.m. and CHS on Thursday from 2:30-5:30 p.m. with FREE flu shots for our students and families. They were able to confirm the vaccine that they will be bringing so the attached form is the only one that needs to be completed. They will have forms on site as well. Please ask your administrators to share with your families via parentlink, social media, etc.
Free Flu shots for BISD Students & Families
Texas Health Mobile Bus
Tuesday October 27,2020
2:30-5:30 p.m.
Burleson High School Parking Lot
Thursday Octobter 29,2020
2:30-5:30 p.m.
Centennial High School Parking Lot
School Pictures for Virtual Students
Virtual Student picture info:
November 6th, 2020 @ Kerr MS
Gym (enter concession stand area by Football field)
4-6 pm
Schedule an appointment: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4BA8AB23A7FDC07-virtual
December 5th, 2020 @ Glamourcraft
9-12 and 1-4
No Appointment Necessary
Address: 7375 South Hulen, Fort Worth, Texas 76133
Phone –817-292-8989
Message from the Counselors
Need advice on how to support your teen during COVID? Check out the link below!
Your counselors are here for you! Please let us know if you need to talk!
Maurie Yeoman
6th grade A-L
Heather Dees
6th grade M-Z
Safe Stop App
To complete the registration for the Safe Stop app, you will need the following pieces of information:
1. School access code: 1160
2. Your student's ID (also known as their lunch code). This can be found in Skyward.
3. Bus # your student(s) ride
If your student needs tutoring in a specific class, please reach out directly to the teacher to set up a mutually agreeable time for both the student and the teacher.
Teachers are able to do Zoom tutoring sessions for virtual students.
Athletic Event Ticket Sales
We will not be selling any tickets at the door at any of our athletic events.
Guidelines for athletic events:
-Every other row must remain open
-Families can sit in pods up to 10
-Each pod must be socially distanced at least six feet from another group or individual
-Masks are expected to be worn unless you are eating or drinking
-All student spectators must be accompanied by a parent to games
Thank you for abiding by these expectations so we can continue to host athletic events and allow our student athletes to compete!
10/27 Football vs. Everman Baxter
7th grade A-team will play at KMS starting at 5:30 pm.
8th grade A-team will play at Everman HS starting at 6:00 pm.
Information about ticket sales for both sites is listed below.
Sunday before the scheduled game the ticket window will open at 9am and remain open until Tuesday at 12pm noon for parents and immediate family. Any remaining tickets will go on sale at 12pm noon, Tuesday & remain open until sold out. The price for an ADULT ticket is $3 & for a STUDENT is $2. If the game is cancelled due to covid19 there will be NO REFUNDS!! If you do not have a ticket you will not be permitted into the stadium.You will show your ticket to the gatekeeper upon entry. Upon entering the stadium you will be asked the Covid19 Screening questions.
Coach Dix will send the code for ticket sales to football families.
Dress Code Reminders
You will find the 2020-2021 BISD Student Dress code here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wg8o0xJB80HVjEd3EHKnuuHCGRH5_-QC/view
A few reminders about dress code:
-All skirts, shorts, holes/rips in pants must be below the fingertip.
-Crop tops are in style right now, but these are not allowed in the dress code. Shirts and blouses must coverthe entire torso at all times, even in movement.
-No spandex or leggings allowed. Pants are defined as having seams and pockets.
-No hats
-Pajamas and zip up onesies are not allowed
Cell Phone Policy
Our desire is for all students to be engaged in learning and connect with each other in meaningful, appropriate ways during their time at school.
We believe that middle school students are very social by nature, and we strive to provide ways for students to be social at school. We encourage students to have conversations and connect with those around them in classrooms, passing periods, and during lunches.
Students are not permitted to be on their cell phones during the school day. We understand that there are times where a parent needs to relay a message to a student, or when a student needs to contact their parent during the school day. We encourage parents to call the front office and we will deliver messages to students, or we encourage you to email your student information needed.
If there is a circumstance where a student needs to step out and call or text their parent, they just need to ask the teacher's permission and we will all them to do so.
Our cell phone policy is below. Please reach out to any administrator if you have questions about this policy.
We appreciate your help and support!
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
We have adjusted our original drop off plan that was sent to you during the few past weeks. We are no longer allowing you to drop off your student in the second outside lane. The second lane is now designated for exiting the property. I attached a map showing the adjustments we made. I thank you for patience as we navigate balancing social distancing and kids safely exiting cars.
As a reminder of our morning drop off strategy, I have listed a few procedures that will help.-
Students should be prepared to exit the car immediately when the car stops in the drop off zone. This is different than last year. We only allowed cars to pull to the side of the school for drop off.
Unlike last year, we are using all three entrances to aid in social distancing, so students can exit the car at any time the car stops within the drop off zone.
If the student is not ready to exit, please pull around to the parking lot using the left lane.
After the student exits the car, you can pull forward to exit or move to the left lane to exit.
Healthy Practices for Healthy Cougars
If your student has a temperature of 100.4 or higher or is exhibiting COVID-like symptoms, please do not send your student to school.
Please send your student to school in a mask that covers their mouth and nose. We will have additional masks on hand for any student who needs one; however, we encourage students to wear a mask they have selected and feel comfortable in. Everyone has different preferences for design, style, and comfort.
We will also be encouraging frequent hand washing and hand sanitizing throughout the school day.
Please see the BISD Health Protocols page for more information.
Thank you for helping keep our Cougars healthy!
Teacher Hours & Response Times
Our goal is to always be prompt and responsive to your questions and concerns; however, an immediate response is not possible in most all situations.
Per BISD Board Policy, please note that teachers will respond to you within 24 hours of an email or phone call.
Setting an appointment with a teacher, counselor, or administrator is strongly encouraged to ensure the person you need to visit with is available during your call/visit. We are happy to set up virtual meetings or phone calls as well.
Aggie Homework Helpline
Need Tutoring? Check this out from Texas A&M!
Education major students at Texas A&M are offering free tutoring for students K-12 Monday-Friday (over the phone or Zoom) through their program, the Aggie Homework Helpline.
A parent/guardian would have to sign up for the student.
They have two options:
They can sign up for a Regular Homework Helper (set days and times every week), or
Sign up for an On-Demand Homework Helper (last-minute request for tutorial)
Kerr Middle School
Email: kalee.mcmullen@bisdmail.net
Website: https://www.burlesonisd.net/kerr
Location: 1320 East Hidden Creek Parkway, Burleson, TX, USA
Phone: (817)245-0750
Facebook: facebook.com/KMSCougars
Twitter: @KMScougars