Longfellow Elementary
December 2022
Notes from Mrs. Heckenlaible...
It’s that time of year again when all the hustle and bustle of Christmas gets everyone excited for a break. We hope that everyone can take a moment to reflect on all the positives that happened in the 2022 year. This time also offers a great opportunity to settle into a good book or two. The students will be completing their winter benchmark testing when they return to school and sharing this reading time with their family and friends is an excellent way for the students to showcase their first semester progress!
Family is such a precious gift and we want to thank all of our Longfellow Families for sharing their children with us. It has been a great first semester and the students have made leaps and bounds in reading and math. We can’t thank you enough for encouraging and reading with your child/ren. It truly makes a difference in their education, and we feel very fortunate to have your home support.
As we return to school on January 4, 2023, it will bring with it opportunities for families to be involved in school sponsored events: One School One Book program and parent/teacher conferences, which will be held on February 2, 2023. We hope everyone has a blessed Christmas break and fabulous start to 2023!!!
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Mrs. Heckenlaible
Mrs. Heckenlaible has been blessed with not one but 2 grandchildren this year. There's nothing like the blessing of watching your family grow.
Thank you to our Veteran's
NO PTO meeting in December-See you in January
December 23-January 3rd
Have a blessed Holiday!!
Winter Gear is a MUST
As the temperature drops, make sure you're sending along warm clothes, hats, gloves, boots, coats and snowpants each day. We stay inside only if the windchill is below zero. We no longer keep extras on hand of most of these items.
YES to Texts
At times throughout the year, school can be affected due to inclement weather. You shoud listen to radio stations KORN, KQRN or KMIT, or watch television stations KDLT/KSFY, or KELO.
Text YES to 875-69 to receive alerts
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***Please make sure you have updated any emergency dismissal procedures for your child so that we know how to dismiss your child in the event of an early dismissal.***
Internet Safety
The lives of our kids are vastly different than ours were at their ages. The internet was not as easily accessible for us as it is them. Please take a moment to look over these internet safety suggestions.
Las vidas de nuestros hijos son muy diferentes a las nuestras a su edad. Internet no era tan fácil de acceder para nosotros como lo es para ellos. Tómese un momento para revisar estas sugerencias de seguridad en Internet.
Get Me Your Digits!
New Numbers? Address?
Please contact the school office to make sure we have the most updated information on how to reach you in case of an emergency.
*Striving for Accuracy*
*Questioning & Posing Problems*
December Students of the Month
BK-ASPEN TOMASI - Aspen always tries her best and strives for accuracy. She takes her time when completing assignments and makes sure to fully complete her work. I am so proud of her! Way to go Aspen!
KDH - THEO SIEVERT - Theo is always striving for accuracy when he does his work and will go back and fix work if need be. He is a great helper if a classmate needs help completing an activity. He loves to learn and is always asking questions and solving problems!
KH - EMELIA LANNERS - Emelia is always striving for accuracy when she does her work. She takes her time and fixes work she is not happy with. Emelia is also amazing at helping her peers. She is one of the first ones to volunteer to help when other students have questions or need help. Way to go Emelia!
KR - HAZEL BUNKERS - Hazel takes her time on assignments and that is reflected in her submitted work. When she is stuck on a problem, she knows how to ask questions that will help her figure out the answer. Way to go Hazel!
1H - LONDYN SHOENFELDER - Londyn always takes her time with her work and strives to do her best. She is thoughtful with her answers and her work. Londyn asks questions when she doesn't understand or when she wants to know more about a topic. Way to go Londyn!
1S - TONY NOWLIN - Tony keeps working on his school work until he gets it right. He participates in class discussion and asks great questions to make others think. Awesome job Tony!
1V - GREYSON HARDY - Greyson works very hard on his tasks to make sure he is doing things accurately. He comes up with great questions in response to what we are working on. He's a tremendous role model in this way for his classmates. You rock, Greyson!
2B - KELLER STYER - Keller works hard to complete her work accurately. She is always digging a little deeper and thinking about her thinking. She is a great example to her classmates. Keep it up Keller!
2J - JORDAN STANGE - Jordan is always double checking her work and asking questions to dive deeper into her learning. She helps others strive for accuracy in a kind manner and is such a positive leader in her den. Keep it up, Jordan!
2M - BECKHEM GREENWELL - Beckhem always takes his time to strive for accuracy on his daily assignments. He double checks his work to make sure that he is accurate. When he is reading or listening, he takes the time to ask and answer questions to better understand the topic. When there is a problem, he tries to think it through so he can solve it himself. Great job, Beckhem!
3B - LILLY MILLER - Lilly is always striving for accuracy. In her school work, specials, and even out at recess playing games with her friends. She does a great job asking questions and getting her classmates to think outside the box on a problem. Keep up the great work Lilly!
3G - TRISTIN MAGNUSON - Tristin works hard on all of his assignments. He isn't afraid to ask questions when he doesn't understand something. He is also great about teaching his fellow students when they need help with something. Our whole class is so proud of you, Tristin!
3K - JACE STEMPER- Jace is always striving for accuracy and always makes sure he has done his best work before turning something in. He does a wonderful job of exploring all the different possibilities of how to solve a problem. He is not afraid of a challenge and will ask questions to learn more about things. Way to go, Jace!
4F - ASHER KAUS - Asher does an awesome job asking deeper questions to strengthen his learning. He's never afraid to raise his hand in class when he is perplexed! Not only is Asher great at asking questions, he also does a very good job striving for accuracy. Asher will push himself in his learning until he gets it right! I am so proud of you Asher!
4K - MOLLIE SMITH - No matter what task is at hand, Mollie is consistently striving for accuracy. She pushes herself to be the best she possibly can be! Mollie is great about posing thought-out questions and resolving problems through hard work and being on task. It is also great to see her posing questions to those of her classmates when she is helping them solve a problem. She reminds me of a mini-teacher :) Keep it up, Mollie!
4O - RYLEIGH HEINZMAN - Ryleigh always strives for accuracy on her work and wants to make sure she's doing it right before completing it. When she tries to make sense of a new concept, she always asks more indepth questions to better understand it. She's always wondering if there's more to something, or if she can find another way to problem solve in various situations. Way to go, Ryleigh!
5A - RECCE WILLIAMSON - Reece is ALWAYS striving for accuracy and trying his best on everything he does. He doesn't settle for wrong answers. He will always put in the time and effort to keep going until he gets it right. Recce is also great at questioning and posing problems, especially when he is helping others with assignments or activities. He knows how to ask the right questions without giving answers. You are incredible, Recce!
5E - BROOKLIN LAUTT - Brooklin is always striving for accuracy in the classroom. While working, she takes her time and makes sure she answers all the questions thoroughly. When she makes a mistake, she not only fixes them, but learns from them as well. Brooklin asks questions when she does not understand a concept. I LOVE when learners ask questions to better understand! Way to go Brooklin!!
5M - CALEB CASTILLO - Caleb is a prime example of striving for accuracy and problem solving difficult questions. I often find myself in awe of how hard he works at everything he does. He can be found at the prove table in Den Math, and will strive for accuracy until his test is complete! Caleb has such a positive attitude when it comes to learning, and he never turns a challenge down, nothing is too hard for Caleb, he will problem solve his situation and complete it with accuracy all the way through to the end! I really enjoy teaching Caleb, and watching Caleb mentor others in our class as well as our Den. He is a great leader and a kind person to the core, we love you Caleb, keep up your great work!
Our first graders made Stone Soup and then Mrs. Heckenlaible read the book to them. It's all about everyone working together for a common cause.
Turkeys in Disguise
Longfellow staff, what are you most thankful for?
Staff Night Out
Longfellow Staff had a chance to go out for an evening of fun. We had such a great time at Board & Brush! They did a great job of making us look like talented artists.
School Board Meeting
Mon, Dec 12, 2022, 05:00 PM
Mitchell High School, North Capital Street, Mitchell, SD, USA
Book Den Staff Picks
Enjoy these favorite book picks by some of our awesome staff at Longfellow!
Mrs. Rehorst-Kindergarten Teacher
Titles: The Wonky Donkey & Llama Llama Loves to Read
I love all the rhyming words and how they remind me of animals I grew up with on my parents' farm.Mrs. Rehorst
Miss Osthus-4th Grade Teacher
TItle: Bridge to Terabithia
It sparks creativity in the students. I like how the characters in the book create a land of their own like what we as readers do when we read fictional stories. It also shows that friendship can come out of relationships you'd least expect.
Mrs. Abts - 5th Grade Teacher
Title: Out of My Mind
It shows that everyone is capable if they put their mind to it. Disabilities don’t prevent you from accomplishing your dreams.
Mrs. Roy - Speech Therapist
Title: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
This book was one of my favorites when I was in elementary school. It is a hilarious story of a boy named Peter and his pesky brother, Fudge. Although there are some sad parts, the ending is happy. If you know me, you know I like happy endings to books and movies, so this one is perfect for me!
Book Den Classroom Picks
Mrs. Schnabel's First Grade
Title: Elephant and Piggie Books
They are cool and easy for us to read. The elephant gets annoyed with the pig! It is funny!
Mrs. Hofer's First Grade
Title: 7 Ate 9
We like 7 Ate 9 because it's a good math book. It has lots of funny jokes.
Miss VerSteeg's First Grade
Title: The Book With No Pictures
We like it because it is funny and it makes Miss VerSteeg say lots of silly things and make ridiculous sounds.
Mrs. Schnabel's class. You look different!
Awesome artists
First grade had some fun painting.
Growing Readers
Miss Jira's class continues to grow their reading skills!
The Longfellow Lions had so much fun being active with turkey games last month! We hunted for turkeys, stuffed turkeys, and pulled turkey feathers.
November also included endurance and strength building with the following: dancing, climbing our awesome rock wall, and our favorite Sink the Ships game!
Everyone continues to do a great job of showing super-duper sportsmanship!
Our Lions are the BEST!
Kernel Klub Begins
Kernel Klub Basketball Practice begins December 6th and 7th at your school building for those who already registered. 6th graders will go to their previous Elementary Building. If you have any questions, please contact your coach.
Thank you!!
Lisa Heckenlaible - Principal
Noel Ahlers - Administrative Assistant
Ph# 605-996-3092 Fax# 605-995-3084