STEAM Art Lessons
from Tricia Fuglestad's elementary art room
Science*Technology* Engineering*Art*Math
See my Packaged STEAM Resources at the Fuglefun Store
- Transdigital Art
- Animation
- Augmented Reality
- Digital Collage
- Fugleflick Films
- Lego Murals
- Green Screen
- Integrated Circuits
1. Artist Statements
Lesson guide
Resources for making these on iPads
Students' iPad examples
Student examples made on using photoshop and keynote
2. Not Christina's World Anymore
Blog post of resources
Student examples
Download lesson plan
Tip: Use the Superimpose app to eliminate the green screen. See my tutorial.
3. Veggie Monsters
4. Six Words About Me
Blog post with resources
And this one with step by step photos
Monochromatic Painting Blog post
Download the 3/4 portrait PPT lesson
Monochromatic Fugleflick (music video to teach concept)
Student examples
See also my Wish for the World project.
5. Surreal Healthy Choices
Blog post with lesson resources and video
Students' digital spoofs of Son of Man
Students' painted Son of Man portraits
Supplement with Connect a Concept game where students use their social skills and knowledge of art concepts to make connections
6. The Digital Scream
Bundled Lesson Resources
Blog post of resources
Students' painted examples
Students' digital examples
Spooky Scream video
Download your custom
photo booth-your face in the scream
Tip: Use the Superimpose app to eliminate the green screen. See my tutorial.
7. Running Aliens
Student examples
(screenshots from movie)
Class movies of Alien Invasions
Original lesson blog post with resources and tutorial
Download my lesson plan here
8. Tech w/ George Washington
(art, history, technology, storytelling)
Blog post with resourcesEven more fun with George and Tech
Facing the facts: history and art
Student paintings
Download my PPT lesson plan
9. Rotoscope Animation
Notes from my Rotoscoping project
Our very silent movie
STEMie Award
View our (cute) Fugleflick about contour line drawing
See also this new post with new ideas for workflow.
10. Cat-in-a-Hat-ify Yourself
11. American Gothic Spoof
12. Superhero Silhouettes
iPad directions and resources with video tutorial
Keynote directions and resources with video tutorial
Student art
Download the art/character education lesson
13. Front of Wheaties Box
Find all my lesson resources, template, tutorial, and examples on this blog post.
14. Light up Robot w/ Paper Circuits
Find all my lesson resources and examples on this blog post. Here is another post with slightly different design.
15. Symmetrical Butterflies
Find all my lesson resources and examples for doing this project digitally and with a mix of physical/digital on this blog post.
16. Photoshlopping Art and Pop Culture
(photoshop techniques, art history, popular culture)
Find all my lesson resources and examples on this blog post.
18. Fugleflick Filmfest w/ QR codes
Download the eBook with 48 Fugleflicks and printable PDF
See this idea for creating independent learning stations with QR codes linking to student-created art-related videos.
See this post to view a quick vid of our Fugleflick film fest.
19. Anti-Litter Bugs
Find all my lesson resources and examples on this blog post.
20. Lego Mural
Explore over a dozen black history Lego Designs on Tpt
Find all my lesson resources and examples on this blog post. See also my article in School Arts Magazine about our Rotational Symmetry Lego Wall.
See our Character Counts Lego Mural.
See our Black History Month (round two) lego mural.
21. Inquiry-Based Learning
See this post and video explaining the process.
Find all the other info on this project in this post.
Explore all of our Fugleflicks in this eBook
22. Movement over Movement
See the post of finished artwork and animations.
See the post about our stop-motion green screen animation stations. Download the green screen stop motion lesson from TpT here. See this movie explaining the process.
See the updated version of the lesson here.
24. Fairy Fun
View this post explaining how to make the fairies.
View this post showing students animating their fairies.
Tie this lesson to Fairy Evidence from the Fairy Scientist.
This post shows a more streamlined way to make fairies.
25. Digital Tessellations
View the project blog post with tutorial, handouts, and photos of students creating on their iPads.
View the article I wrote for School Arts Magazine about this project here.
26. Audioboom and Tweet a Field Trip
(reflect on learning, communication, publish)
See my Musical Tutorial of Audioboo.
27. Using ThingLink for a Quiz
I assembled my drawings into an interactive Thinglink to make a quiz. View it here.
Extra: I use Chatterpix to make the images speak here.
Both are on this blog post.
28. Photobomb Edward Hopper
View my post with examples, a video tutorial, written steps, and other resources.
29. Animated Superhero
See this post that combines animated video & green screen through or around a silhouette.
This would be a great scene in a video about how students use their everyday superpowers to make a positive change in this world. See also the superhero silhouette project.
30. Monochromatic Triptyphs
See this post shares the step for creating this digital triptych from one original image, handout, and student examples.
See how we made the monochromatic portrait here.
31. Illustrating Idioms
There's nothing fishy smelling about this idea.
Find my lesson examples, student made video, and resources in this post.
32. Comic or Poster Design
Students can organize their original art, photos, or a combination of both into a pic collage collage. See an example.
33. Visual Notetaking
Use an app like brushes to take notes visually. See this post where you can play back the drawing as a video to see the creative process. See this movie I made from my visual notes from a workshop on innovation in D.C. Read this article about the power of the doodle.
34. Kindergarten Digital Snowmen
This is a great intro to using iPads to create. Find my template, photos, and student examples here.
35. William Wegman Dog Collage
Find examples resources and a tutorial at this link.
Find our finished work and students working here.
36. Interact with Art
Learn how to create interactive art with your iPad with this post (includes tutorial).
37. Hopping into Hopper
Three ways to do this
38. Read Across America Bookmarks
View my tutorial and templates for making a Cat-in-the-hat bookmark for March's Read Across America and Dr. Seuss' Birthday here. See also how we celebrated via our local PBS station here.
39. Class Presentation about their Learning
Students jigsaw together a class movie about their learning using the Green Screen app and a keynote slide graphic design, photo, artwork, or animation. See this example.
40. Discussing Art with a Grid
Students wrote coordinates and found them on our tile wall. See photos of our wall and how you can make one too here.
41. Downton Abbey Positive Negative Images
See this post and tutorial to learn how students can imitate the Downton Abbey logo with their own b/w line art.
42. Making Memes
See this post with many choices and original examples for how students can make memes on iPads.
43. Warmest Way to Build a Snowman
See this post where students used a free build a snowman app while basking in the glow of a youtube fireplace video.
44. Lima Bean Monster eBook
1st grader all contributed a piece of art and their voice to an interactive eBook. Learn how to download and view it on your iPad here. Update: Check out this bundled resource
45. Really Spooky Landscapes
See this post that shows how 2nd grade students created semi-transparent animated ghosts over a digital image of their artwork.
46. Hour of Code using Scratch
Students used the tutorial provided by SCRATCH to play with code to animate and add audio to artwork during the Hour of Code observance. See our video and resources here.
47. Digital Portrait Drawing
See this post to find my google hangout tutorial
where I go through the steps of creating a portrait in sketchbook X on the iPad starting with this template. Student examples here. UPDATE: Download my TpT handout for extra help in setting up this lesson in Brushes Redux
48. Fugleflicks eBook
Download this eBook for your iPad. It links to 18 of our favorite Fugleflicks. Great tool for inspire young movie-makers or giving students a chance to independently explore and learn in your classroom. View this newsletter to see all the ways this book can be used with students.
49. Appalachian Mountians
Find the tutorial for how to make this project on this post.
View the mixed media version of this lesson here.
View the Appalachians on my motorcycle ride here.
View this video to teach the concept of Monochromatic
50. Exquisite Corpse Shared Drawing
Students contribute their art to a a collaborative monster drawing using a template as a guideline. See this post for examples and resources.
See also this physical version using cardboard boxes with a digital extension where students replicate the boxes using perspective in the superimpose app.
51. Let the Artwork Speak for Itself
Students made clay bears then used an app to add their voice/lips to their artwork so they could explain how they were made. View the video and links to resources here.
Don't have iPads? Look here at the way we did this lesson using Photo Booth and an iPevo in Keynote.
52. Silhouettes in Superimpose
This post isn't exactly lesson specific but it includes a tutorial for creating silhouettes in the superimpose app and many art examples.
53. Green Screaming!
Students created a piece of surrealistic art called the impossible door, entered it with the Green Screen app by DoInk, then told the story of what happened when they opened the door. See some of the clips here. Here are some more ideas for using this app.
54. Clay Bears
Use this link to find photos, resources, and a lesson plan you can download from TPT guiding you through all the steps needed to make these clay bears by dividing clay in various way. View other clay lessons here.
55. AudioBoo QR codes
Students can create informational audioboos, print the automatically generated QR code, and create interactive exhibits anywhere. See this post for more details.
56. Interact with Your Animation
Students can use the DoInk animation app and Green Screen app to combine live video with drawn animation. See this post for more details. Here are more ideas for this app.
57. Newsweek Cover Design
Here are the google slides and iPad resources
Use this link to find my post with directions for making this project. Take a look at these Newsweek designs using our Light up Robots and Phonto for text.
58. Long Red Fingernails
See this idea for archiving a story online, attaching an image, and embedding it into your website. My students loved this story that went along with our spooky landscapes so much that they went home and found the post to listen over and over again.
59. Make a Commercial
Student created a commercial for my art program. This little video quickly shares with students and parents in an entertaining way about the benefits of our online digital art gallery. See this post to watch the video and more.
60. Face/Vase Figure-Ground Illusion
See this post to view my tutorial for how to make this iPad lesson. See student examples here.
See my original post on this lesson here.
61. Two Frame Animation
Use this link to see my tutorial for how to make a two farm animation on the iPad. This method is a fun and free way to make animated gifs for your website or ppt presentations. See these bobblehead caricatures on my old website.
62. Landscape in SketchbookX
Use this link to watch my tutorial and see the steps needed to create a landscape in SketchbookX. See this gallery of 1st grade student work. See this gallery of 3rd grade student work.
63. Photo Collage in SketchbookX
See this post to learn the steps for creating a collaborative photo collage on the iPad.
64. Crown Fountain Public Art
See this post to learn a couple ways to enter Chicago's Crown fountain. View student examples here. See this post to try entering it with The Green Screen App by DoInk.
Use this post for an updated photo template.
65. Godzilla's Perspective
See how to make this digital animation on the iPad here.
Use this godzilla educational movie to introduce concepts.
66. How to Animate your Dragon
See my example and tutorial for creating a piece of art that moves across another piece of art in a simple animation here.
67. Digital Lima Bean Monsters
Use this link to find my post with examples, instructions, handouts, resources, and a lesson plan for making simple animations with your youngest students. Update: see this bundled resource.
68. Keith Haring Figures
Use this link to see my resources, tutorial, and examples for creating this digital iPad piece using Wooden Doll 3D app and sketchbookX.
69. Deep and Shallow Thoughts with Dali
Use this link to see my examples, template, and ideas for how students can manipulate space digitally.
70. Inspired by the Man of Steel
Use this link to see my resources, template, lesson plan, and examples for making a superhero emblem design inspired by the Man of Steel. Do this lesson completely on the iPad by using Superimpose app to remove the green screen. See this tutorial for help.
71. Audioboos about Tech and Art
Students each contributed one audioboo message about how we use technology in art class (info they collected for the their Skype presentation with Canada). Use this post to see the presentation organized into a board and embedded on my blog so it flows as one audio presentation. Learn more about Audioboo from my tutorial.
72. I'll Explain Everything
See this link to see my animated video and how it was made in the Explain Everything app. I drew the scene, characters, and props then animated them while telling my story. Very much like puppet pals. See this example.
74. Jeopardy Review
Use this link to download and customize the interactive ppt into a fun review game on a screen or an interactive whiteboard. If you use my game be sure to reference the video links (at bottom of post) that serve as great clues for answers.
75. Digital & Physical Abstract Cats
Students created Laurel Birch Styled cats both physically and digitally. See this post. View their paintings (physical art) here. View their digital paintings here. See this art featured in a national magazine here.
76. Digital Citizenship PSA
This animated movie was created with animated still images using Keynote on a desktop. See the post. Learn more about the process from my tutorial here.
77. Burning Digital Portfolios
After 6 years in elementary school student burn their files to a keepsake CD and review their growth and learning in art.
View this post. See this video about the day. View our informercial about digital portfolios here.
78. Flying Animations inspired by Tar Beach
Use this link to see how student animated their art in a fifth grade flying video inspired by the book Tar Beach. View also this tutorial for animating in Keynote.
79. Clay Mask Monsters
Normally you can't wear a clay mask, but with the magic of digital devices students could pose hands free as a clay mask monster. See this post. HINT: Do this project on the iPad using superimpose app. This tutorial will help.
81. Different is Good
Students created a surrealism themed movie that challenges the view to consider that different is good.
View this post to see the video, behind the scenes, & more. See if you can identify all the art featured in the movie with this quiz.
82. Painting with Pattern
See this post to learn how you can use the Drawing with Karl app to paint with shapes to imitate a paper collage experience like this one.
83. Automatic PopArt
Use this link to learn how to turn any image into pop art on a mac using Automator (already on your machine). Hint: on the iPad use Crazy Photo Booth (free). See gallery here.
84. Make a Logo or Illustration
Design a logo while learning how vector drawing programs work on the iPad using Inkpad app. See my post for examples.
85. Custom Photo Booth FX
Create a custom Photo Booth effect and allow the students to tell stories, share history facts, or give options. See this example. Learn how to do this on your Mac here.
86. Mathematical Snowman Sculpture
This downloadable ppt and tutorial shows you how to lead your students through a sculpture project (use Model Magic) beginning with one lump of clay. See this post.
87. Cat-in-a-hat-ify Yourself
Student used this Photo Booth FX to snap a picture that was printed out and used to help make physical artwork of themselves reading their favorite Dr. Seuss book while dressed as the cat in the hat. See this post to download my FX.
88. Digital Snowflakes
Students watched a Brainpop video about snowflakes then created their own digitally on iPads. Use this link to find resources, videos, and student examples. Don't have iPads? try it this way with an interactive website.
89. Historic Seascape
Use this digital lesson for instruction while student create physically. This post also contains links to videos and resources for art and history related topics.
View: Observational Drawing
View: Opaque Man-vs-Transparent Man
See this post to learn how I made the ship sail.
90. Digital Collages with Faces iMake
Try this digital collage project with your youngest learners to help them think about objects differently. See this post full of resources to teach this lesson. See students at work and what they created here. Use this commercial to introduce the concept.
91. Simon's Cat
Take a fun drawing break with this "How to draw" sheet, video, and fun musical app based on the Simon's Cat cartoon. Try playing this Memory Game based on Simon's Cat images that I put together.
92. What is Art Digital Collage
Look at this mix of physical and digital introductory art lesson for kindergartners on this post with a video tutorial and clip from the movie, Daddy Daycare. Show them this Fugleflick first, I AM ART.
93. Clay Sculpture and 123D Sculpt
At the end of a session working on our clay mask sculptures, we cleaned up and worked collaboratively on a digital clay mask. View this post for a tutorial and picts of students working.
94. Time Lapse of Art Class
One day I decided to test iMotionHD (free iPhone/iPad app) time lapse function on a tripod in the back of the art room during class. See this post. I complied and played it back before the kids left so they could see how hard they work. This footage was a great clip to add to our all-school video, Common Core Crazy.
95. Show of Hands
Students used some innovative techniques to put together this amazing fugleflick about Visual Literacy. This is my favorite behind the scenes video because of how students are collaborating. The cut version won a NextVista.org contest.
96. Shark Dog: A Brilliant Mistake
Students collaboratively transformed a mistake into something so brilliant they wanted to celebrate with this musical tribute: Watch the theme song/video here.
Hear the story of Shark Dog here. Get the Shark Dog gear here. See this pop art post for more information.
97. Cloud Painting on iPads
This simple idea of drawing over a photo might be a great way to share creativity from class to class or school to school. See my post.
Idea: cloud images can be tweeted from all over the world, kids could paint what they see, and reTweet to all. Here is one I did randomly from a pict in my twitter feed.
Update: New technique using Keynote. See tutorial and lots of cloud photos to choose from here.
98. Old Guitarist Interactive Puzzle
To encourage my students to look closely at the Old Guitarist before they recreated it as a paper sculpture, I turned it into an interactive whiteboard puzzle. See post with tutorial, pics, and the file for you to download. You can also download the art lesson here.
99. Pencil Exchange Video +more
Solve some problems, set expectations, and visually communicate to your students through videos. Here is a post featuring some of these fugleflicks including the huge time saver, noise avoider, entertaining vid, The Pencil Exchange. Go directly to The Pencil Exchange and Push up Your Sleeves.
100. iExpress
This lesson can be done on the desktop using Keynote as described in my SchoolArts magazine article. Or, you can try it using Superimpose and Sketchbook Express on the iPad as my video tutorial demonstrates below or at this link.
Here is a video tutorial for making this project in Photoshop Express on the desktop.
Here is a screencast video for making this lesson in Keynote on the desktop.
101. LED Accessories
(portrait, circuit, electricity, design)
102. Layering the Past & Present
This blog post shows you how you can use Google Maps street view, historic photos from your community, and layer them together in the Superimpose app on your iPad.
103. Instant Alpha and Outlines
This quick tutorial shows you how to use the instant alpha tool to add outlines that hug the contour of your images to create a cool graphic effect using Keynote (both iPad and desktop versions).
104. TIME Magazine Cover
This post leads you through how to create a TIME magazine cover with my templates and tutorial.
105. Drawing with Shapes
106. Contour Line Portrait
View this post to see examples and a keystroke video of students' contour line portraits made from their photos on the iPad. See kids at work here.
107. Karaoke Party
I set up some of our Fugleflicks for Karaoke on my wiki. Here is REPEAT (includes a video of 1st graders singing). Elementary Musical, Allow us to Illustrate, Art Room Anthem, and 9 others here.
108. Secret Superhero
This step by step project with resources, tutorials, and examples helps you reveal your secret superhero using Keynote animation and iMovie.
109. Collaborative Radial Design
View this time-lapse of students participating in a digital collaboration using an interactive whiteboard in Mimio studio to prepare for individual radial designs.
110. Inflatable Sculpture
2nd graders were asked to turn garbage bags, a box fan, and tape into an inflatable spooky ghost. See this post for the video and resources.
111. Clay Animation
Watch this super short video of students making their clay bunnies boogie. They created this with still images. (Use iPad for quicker results)
112. Making the 60 Minutes FX
This tutorial shows you how to reproduce the look of the 60 minutes video FX using apple software. See also the Mac World article. See final video: Careers in Art.
113. Picasso Carnival
I set up my room in centers and had students explore the art work of Pablo Picasso using multiple intelligences. Take a look at my write up here. See my video here. Here is a link to three of my Picasso lessons on TpT.
114. Don't Let the Pigeon...
1st graders painted a Mo Willem's styled pigeon based on "Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus" and created a spoof based on class rules. See this post for lesson tutorials on desktop and iPad and resources. See gallery of images.
115. Nag-O-Matics and Gimmicks
I wrote up this post showing my Nag-O-Matic, T-Shirt man with art songs, Mrs. Fugleclone for behavior, and more.
116. Compare-a-Twist
I set up a few compare-a-twist games for students to compare artists' work like Matisse vs Picasso and distinguish between primary and secondary colors. View my post for resources and a tutorial.
117. iPaint
Use this powerpoint on my TPT site to lead your students step by step through a lesson that will turn their printed photo into a cartoon cell styled painting.
118. Bobblehead Animation
View my post with iPad tutorial for creating an animated bobblehead, download my resources, and access my ppt of how to create a caricature.
View this page of student animated bobblehead gifs.
119. LIFE Magazine Cover
See this post with 6 ideas for creating a LIFE Magazine cover design from student art, photo, via photoshlopping, drawn animation, or using green screen effects. (Includes my templates.)
120. The Giving Tree
See this post with ideas and templates for recreating the Giving Tree story and book cover.
See this post for an art lesson idea inspired by The Giving Tree as well as video reading of the book and song.
121. Illustrated Movie in Keynote
This post leads to the animated introduction of my original story, The Snow Flurry Fairy, demonstrating an animation using keynote with voice narration and music.
122. Bubble Gum Artists
Students layered their photo, a bubble, and text into my empty keynote book cover template to celebrate Bubble Gum day and our author visit. See post here for templates and lesson extension ideas.
123. Illustrating Idioms
In this collaborative video students illustrated idioms then used voice narration, music, and their caricatures to explain the real meaning of the figurative language. See this thinglink-an easy way to make this a guessing game.
124. Curricular Commercial
Students created a commercial to "sell" our art program to the school community filled with evidence of why art is important.
125. Retro TV effect
Students can use the green screen app on the iPad to create a retro-styled commercial message. See my post for directions and resources.
126. Word Cloud Self-Portraits
Students create a word cloud display and layer themselves over it in a graphic design. See my post to learn how to create these on laptop and iPad.
127. Corn Flakes Box
See this post with three ideas for creating a corn flakes box and use my template to try it yourself. Have students explore anything from marketing to life accomplishments.
128. iMove Keynote Animations
This is an animation extension of the iExpress lesson (#100 above) using the Keynote app animation tools. View this post for examples and resources.
129. Bobblehead Blossoms
This app smash gives students a chance to reflect on their growth while creating a metaphorical animation with audio or writing. Learn more here.
130. Superhero Yourself
Students can use the Create Your Own Superhero online app (doesn't work on mobile devices) to re-imagine themselves as superheroes. Follow this up with writing a hero's story or animating (like in lesson #108).
131. Mono-chromatic Fish
This lesson is designed for young learners to explore monochromatic painting while learning about the parts of a fish. See my post with student examples, literacy resources, and a link to download the step-by-step powerpoint. This post will help you guide your students through a Make it Move it lesson where the fish swims.
132. Positive & Negative Portraits
This lesson takes students through three free apps to create a high contrast contour line drawing in the style of a notan.
133. Landform Painting
This powerpoint lesson on TpT takes students step-by-step through the creation of a monochromatic landscape inspired by the Appalachian Mountains. See also the Digital Version of this lesson.
134. Rotational Symmetry Playing Cards
This lesson challenges students to draw a portrait twice to create rotationally symmetrical playing cards. View the post for resources, examples, and to see the animation lesson extension.
135. iPaint Pop Art Cell Painting
This lesson challenges students to think in reverse as well as offer an opportunity for creative expression. Find all the resources and examples here.
136. Monster Collage
This monster paper collage is based on the book, Go Away Big Green Monster. Learn about how it teaches math, art, and see its technology extensions for instruction and art production here.
137. Low Tech Animation
Have your whole class contribute to one or more frames of an animated gif with very little technology needed. Find out how here.
138. Dance Giraffe!
Students learn to draw dance poses by manipulating a 3D object (stuffed giraffes), photographing, and drawing/painting over the image. Explore this technique in this Dance Giraffe post.
139. I AM ART
Watch the Fugleflick movie, I AM ART and take the quiz here. Then think of how you can do something like this with your students.
140. Offline Draw Something
When Draw Something first came out I saved my drawings and made an offline version to play with my students. You can download the PPT of my drawings here to practice visual literacy as a game.
141. Reflect-o-vison
Students wrap up their school year by reflecting on their art creation, process, what they learned, and how they'll improved. These thoughts are captured in video for their digital portfolios. See post.
143. Animated Anagrams
See this post with examples and a tutorial for creating these animated anagrams on the iPad using the DoInk app.
144. Rotoscope using DoInk
See this post with examples and a tutorial for creating an individual rotoscope animation over video on the iPad using DoInk Animation App. See also lesson extension for Green Screen app.
145. Drawing from Life
See this post with examples and tutorial of how to combine a line drawing with a photo to create an image that seems to emerge from the paper. Great for bringing your stories and art to life.
146. Digital Micrography
View this post to see how students can create a digital micrography portrait on iPads.
147. Blend Mode
Explore the possibilities using blend mode in iPad apps to create photographic effects that can bring the background forward in layered photos. Create visuals complement introspective writing, scientific concepts, or design.
148. Animated Robots
See my post with examples and tips for creating animated robots using DoInk animation app on iPads.
149. Vintage Animations
View this post to learn how to turn a vintage illustration into a moving picture using three different approaches on the iPad.
150. Make it then Move It
View this post to see ideas for how student could make art then make it move through animation techniques.
151. Periodic Table Scrabble
View this post to download templates to get you thinking differently about the periodic table of elements.
152. Seuss-ish Creatures
View this post to download the resources needed to have students create a Dr. Seuss inspired creature for their zoo and put it on a book cover.
153. Layers of Animation
View this post to see how you can use layers in animation to teach SO many concepts.
154. Falling Animation
View this post to learn how to do this concept rich lesson.
155. LOVEly Appsmash
View this post with examples, instructions, and a tutorial to make this appsmash using sketchbook express, wordfoto app, and superimpose.
156. Easy Abstraction
Help your students extend their learning from physical to digital with a simple app, Percolator to make it abstract. See this post. See this student gallery of images.
157. Green Screen FXs
View this post to learn some quick tricks using the Green Screen App by DoInk to do imaginative video effects for storytelling.
158. Knufflebunny Pigeons
This is an extension of project #114. See this post to watch a video of the book that inspired it and a gallery of examples.
159. Drawn Animation Tips
This blog post has tutorials that will help you get started with animating in DoInk Animation App.
161. Musical Memes
View this post to learn some fun ways to make your rules, quotes, or memes into music videos.
162. Flying Animations on iPad
View this post for template, tutorial, student examples, and other resources to help your students fly using their iPads.
163. Movement
View this post to see the student created film that teaches how to show movement in your art.
164. Dancing Silhouettes
View this post to learn how to use the Green Screen app to create dancing silhouettes like the old iTunes ads and ideas for how to use this FX for storytelling.
165. Light up Relief
View this post to learn and find resources for how to make a light up relief sculpture using a switch, wire, battery, and LED.
166. Monster Dance Party!
View my post from the all school STEAM night where families had a monster dance party.
Find examples and directions here.
167. Tree Silhouettes
Students added a colorful background to their tree silhouettes digitally. See this post.
The tree project is based on this physical lesson inspired by The Giving Tree book. View resources and video here.
168. Campaign Slogans and Graphics
Give students a chance to use graphic design techniques to "sell" their ideas as a candidate during an election. See this post for examples and resources.
169. Keith Haring Action Poses
(figure drawing, movement, positive/negative space, complementary colors, color balance, line pattern)
See this post that includes a template and step by step directions to make a physical painting. It also includes a digital extension where students use the template for stop motion animation. See also idea #68 for completely digital results.
170. Quiver Dots
See two ideas for using the Quiver Dot Day coloring page and app to explore art concepts on this post. Or see more details about the kindergarten color wheel idea here.
171. Wild Things with Visual Texture
View this post to find a resources including an interactive whiteboard game, eBook, and more to encourage 1st graders to creatively draw a wild thing based on the book by Maurice Sendak.
172. Rotational Symmetry Game with Legos
Use this link to find directions, examples, and an article about how we collaboratively created a lego wall full of rotationally symmetrical designs.
Make your results ROTATE with animation. View this post.
173. Haunted Classroom
Students can haunt the classroom (a page from a book, painting, or any photo they take) using DoInk animation app while learning about transparency. View my post.
174. Digital Keith Haring Painting from Sketch
Students created a digital painting of their action pose to prepare for their physical painting. See my post for the collaborative gif and steps for creation.
175. Thumbtastic Collage
View this post to see examples and resources for how students can transform their hand into a creature and give it a personality and voice digitally.
176. Animated Glow
Take a look at this post with ideas for how to create an animated glow that interacts with an image from underneath a physical drawing.
177. Process Animations
Students can tell the story of their artwork while viewers watch the art making in a process video created in the drawing app. See my examples in this post.
178. Carousel Horse
See this post where 3rd graders learn to draw, paint, collage, and ultimately animate themselves riding a carousel horse.
179. Alien Band
See my post about integrating music and art with aliens playing instruments.
180. Alien Beatboxing
See my post about integrating beatbox music with animated aliens.
181. Progression Animation
Find out how to use progression or replacement stop-motion animation technique to show change, movement, or growth, in a magical way with this post.
182. How to be Kind
Kindergarteners did a simple animation combined with a clip live footage in the green screen app where they shared how to be kind. See this post.
183. Stop Motion Figures
See this movie and this post to learn how to use my Keith Haring inspired stencil to create a fun and fast stop motion creativity challenge.
184. Bedroom at Arles
Students make their bedroom using principals of perspective then enter their artwork using drama skills and the magic of green screen. See my post.
185. Me and My Shadow
View this post to learn how your students can dance with their shadows using the Green Screen app by DoInk.
186. Anthropomorphizing the Art
Students used the point of view of their artwork on display in the hallways to create this clever story mixed with GS FXs, animation, and live video, "Don't Crush my Dreams". View post here.
187. Art Bot STEAM Challenge
This challenge asks students to collaboratively create an automated abstract art-making machine (an artbot). See my post.
188. Paper Cut Stop Motion Animation
See this post and watch the finished stop motion animation using paper cut and animated.
189. Layered Video Silhouettes
See this post to learn how to turn a green screen video into a layered silhouette that interacts with an image (or video) to help students tell as story.
190. Drawing Insects
See this post to learn how to combine science vocabulary with creative drawing, digital coloring, and animation with young artists.
191. Nesting Dolls
See this post for resources and examples for making a nesting doll drawing and animation that gives students a chance to work with size, overlap, and an infinite loop animation.
192. Cat-in-a-hat-ified Bookmarks
See this post to find out how students can use the green screen app by Do Ink to make a resource for observational drawing then digitalize it again to color on the iPad and print as a bookmark.
193. Rotoscope in a Mutoscope
See this post to learn about the flipbookit that helps you make a retro-style mutoscope from your digital animation.
194. Make a Mutoscope Viewer
Have students repurpose an old box into a mutoscope viewer with a motor to flip the flipbook inside. See my post for more details (look at extension idea at bottom).
195. Custom Hologram
Customize a hologram video, make a pyramid template from a transparency, and haunt your classroom. View my post for template and tutorial.
196. Class Dance Video
Have your students contribute a couple seconds to a collaborative dance movie. See my post to find out how.
197. Mannequin Challenge
This challenge isn't new or even mine, but I wanted to share our results and encourage you to give this a try.
198. Stand up Light up Cardboard Robot
See my post to learn how students can design their own stand up cardboard robot that lights up. Then animate it or make a graphic to describe its wonders.
199. Wildthing Bookmarks
Students turned their Wild Thing paintings (see project #171) into bookmarks using my lesson and template. View the post for all the information and resources.
200. Flying Critters
First graders used their insect drawings (see #190) to make animations over a photo they took on the iPads. See all the class movies, examples, and resources on my post here.
201. Time-lapse Draw & Animate
Take a look at my post to find out how you can draw something then make it move digitally.
202. Animated Superhero or Sprite
This post will guide students through the steps of using the Do Ink Animation App to make themselves into a superhero or sprite that can be used for animating over a background or for a custom hologram (see #195).
203. Cardboard Whirligig
See my post for resources, template, directions, and ideas for how to transform a piece of cardboard into a whirligig that moves with stop motion animation.
204. Dancing Sketchbook Drawings
Use this post to have students make an individual rotoscope animation that they can loop or layer.
View this video for ideas to make Animated Sketchnotes.
205. Haunted Masterpieces
Students can combine art history, digital video effects, and creative writing as they haunt a masterpiece. See this post.
206. Animated GIFs from Artwork
Use this post to learn how to use free apps to create a simple animated GIF from your own art.
207. Running like Scooby-Doo would do
Use my post called Running Like Scooby-Doo would Do to make a running animation where the background loops and the character remains in the center of the frame. See tutorial here.
208. Fly like Mighty Mouse Might
Use my post to see how you can create a looping cloud-filled sky animation to make your superhero character appear to fly like Mighty Mouse might.
209. Magic Carpet Ride
Use my post to learn how to make a patterned carpet that you can magically fly over the wonders of the world like Aladdin. This post show two approaches: Digital drawing over a digital animation and a paper cut stop motion animation.
210. Creative uses of Keynote
Download my loaded keynote file found in my post to practice over 15 ways to creatively use Keynote on a Mac.
211. Exquisite Corpse: Physical & Digital
See this post full of resources for creating a collaborative exquisite corpse game from cardboard boxes and reproducing it digitally with perspective. See #50 for a different take on this lesson.
212. A Nest for Celeste: flying
See this post full of ideas for making art, technology, and character counts connections with the story, A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole.
213. Moving Postcards
See my post to try this Harry Potter styled effect to create your own moving postcard with the Green Screen app by Do Ink.
214. Art Matters Memes
See my post to learn how to make Art Matter Memes with your students.
215. Small as a Mouse
See my post for creative ways to explore relative size.
See my post for ways to connect with the book A Nest for Celeste by shrinking yourself to a mouse's point of view.
216. Animate Your Art with Code
Use the program Scratch to program your series of artwork in a running sequence. See the post for examples.
217. Moving Memes
Create a moving message that really moves using this animation technique found in my post.
218. Lip Sync Rotoscope
In this post, students collaborate to make a lip sync video where they draw over their own video saying a word or phrase that combines to recite a piece of literature.
219. Jumping off the Pages
Make a character from your favorite book jump off the pages with the magic of animation. View this post to learn how.
220. Animated Fishbowl
Students draw a fishbowl in a patterned interior space inspired by Henri Matisse then animate a fish in the bowl.
221. Dance Party Animation
Learn how students can collaboratively create an animated dance party here inspired by the Peanuts characters.
222. Snow Globe Effect
Students can put themselves in a snow globe as they learn about layers, green screen, and transparency. See my post for a tutorial and resources.
Here is how I used the effect for a first grade snowman snow globe lesson.
223. Swap and Share Animations
Students can create the illusion that their animation is jumping from one iPad to the next using the DoInk Animation app. See my post to learn how and practice with my Do Ink data file.
224. Spin into the Art
Students can create the illusion that they are jumping or spinning magically from the foreground into a painting. View this post to learn more.
225. Try Your Best
Students collaboratively created this short video to encourage the viewer to switch from a fixed mindset to growth. See my post to view and learn some of their video FX tricks.
226. Clay Penguins w/ Math & Tech
See my post to learn to make a penguin using one lump of clay and simple division. Then make it move through stop-motion animation.
227. Make it and Move it Figures
Here is a new twist on animating a physical piece of art. View my post for examples and a tutorial that will help you lift a figure off the paper and start to dance.
Download the green screen lesson
228. Color Mixing Scientists
View my post to find out how to make this bubbling scientific STEAM project.
229. Silhouette Blends
Re-create the silhouette blend videos first seen on Electric Company explained in this post.
230. Reading a Poem through Art
Kindergarteners used Chatterpix app to speak through a digital version of their self-portrait painting to collaboratively recite a poem about learning in art class. See this post.
231. Transdigital Display
Put your students' animations in a flipbookit.com to share digital art in a physical format. See this post.
232. Stop Motion Creativity Challenge
Challenge your students to harness the magic of stop-motion animation to create an illusion. See this post for examples of progression animations and magical videos.
233. Digital Display Kiosk
When my students finished their Kindness Campaign (project #217) we purchased an iPad kiosk on display to share their work with the school community. View the post to learn how.
234. Animated Shadow
View this post to learn how to make your animated character have an animated shadow.
235. Book Cover Photo Shoot
Students can pretend that they are posing for a book cover photo shoot using this lesson and book templates.
236. Drawing in Keynote App
See this post to learn how to use the Keynote app to create beautiful portraits.
237. Make a Robot then Animate it
View this post and download the lesson guide to make a robot physically then animate it digitally.
238. Using Photoshop Fix to Animate
Make a portrait then make it move by modifying the image in Photoshop Fix app on the iPad. See my post.
239. Veggie Tales
Learn to use Do Ink animation app with this post to add eyes and mouths over anything to help tell your stories.
240. Characters Emerging
See this post where students create artistic book reports featuring the characters that emerged from the stories they read.
241. Color Mix & Mingle
See this post for how to play this color all-class active learning game about color.
242. Art Ed Karaoke
Inspire your students to write songs that embed curricular content with our Fugleflick Karaoke page (or just sing along and learn about art.)
243. Interactive Art with Littlebits
See an idea for creating an interactive piece of art using littlebits, cardboard, and creativity.
244. Visual Literacy Creativity Game
Learn how students can practice visual literacy and parts of speech through this fun guessing and drawing game.
Updated: I Packaged up the lesson with printable cubes all ready to play. Learn more here. Download now
245. I'm Here - Empathy & Green Screen
Packaged lesson with tutorials, template, media & steps
Students fly on their own paper airplane as the boy in the story, I'm Here, as they learn about friendship, animation, and green screen effects. Learn more from my post.
246. Op Art Falling Animation
This is a revamp of lesson #154. Learn in this post how students can paint an op art piece of art inspired by the color wheel then fall into it with Do Ink animation app.
247. Wishtree Silhouettes
Students read WishTree by Katherine Applegate and made a wish under their own tree. Find out how from this post.
248. Blinking Portraits
Learn about this simple way to make blinking animated portraits using keynote app and the ezgif.com website.
249. STEAMy Hot Chocolate
Transform shapes into forms to make a steamy cup of hot chocolate on a snowy day using both physical and digital methods. View the post here.
250. Whoville Animation
Inspire your students with the community of Whoville from Dr. Seuss' story of How the Grinch Stole Christmas as they collaboratively share files to make one animation collaboration. View this blog post.
251. Group Value Painting
Find out how students can use mini canvases to build a collaborative value painting of people who have added value to our world with this post.
252. Aliens in their Habitats
Students make a running alien over a constructed landscape habitat while considering color, style, composition, and the illusion of depth. Learn more here.
253. Robot Paintings that Move
Students created robot paintings, then used a simple animation technique with free apps to make it come alive.
They can also be viewed in AR with HP reveal. Learn more.
See my emotional robots lesson for similar technique.
254. Putting AR in ARt
Find out how to make art, make art move with animation, then make the animation appear with augmented reality in this post.
255. Colorscape Portrait
See this post to learn how to draw a portrait and color it using the colorscape app.
256. Undo Button
What if life had an undo button. Students made this magical movie where they can undo your mistakes in the artroom.
257. Lorax-ify Yourself
Grab my file from this post so you and your students can Lorax-ify themselves as they celebrate Dr. Seuss' story of the Lorax.
258. UV Cityscapes
Learn how to make one-point perspective cityscapes that glow under black lights with this post.
See my tweet exploring a way to mount a black light novelty toy into a public display.
259. Expressive Robots w/ Animated Glow
Use this post to help students learn how to draw expressions on paper and animate a symbol that glows through from the iPad.
260. Chatterpix Poems
See this post to learn how to teach students to create a portrait that they speak through as they contribute to a class recitation of a poem.
Oh the Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss
Fans by Douglas Florian
Invitation by Shel Silverstein
261. Speaking through art with Do Ink
See this post to learn how you can use the Green Screen app by Do Ink to layer and isolate your lips to speak through your artwork.
262. Time Lapse Drawing Video
Create a time lapse of a drawing to share the creation process with viewers. See my post for examples.
263. Transform a Photo and Fly
Make yourself into a superhero and fly over your city scene (see #258) with Do Ink animation app and Brushes Redux.
264. Pop Art Legos
See this post to learn how we turned our art room into a factory (like Warhol did) to mass produce pop art in the image of Marilyn Monroe.
265. Animated GIFs Using Keynote
See this post explaining how to use Keynote to make animations that explain or digitally illustrate ideas using builds & actions.
266. Using Augmented Reality to Make Art
See this twitter thread full of ideas to make art that is both physical and digital with the ARMakr app and Do Ink Drawing app.
267. Creativity Challenge with Augmented Reality
Download and print this book of vintage illustrations. Have students discuss/predict the story then scan the art to see it move.
268. Augmented Reality Business Card
Learn here how to make your business card come to life with augmented reality using a green screen video overlay over art.
269. Augmented Reality Book Covers
Make your books come to life with by animated the cover designs and triggering the animation using eyejack app. See this post for ideas and codes.
270. Dancing with the Stars
Inspire your students to make giraffes that dance under UV painted stars they glow with blacklights. See my post.
271. Learning through ARt
Use augmented reality to have teacher examples and art prints explain or demonstrate art concepts to others. See my post.
272. Haunted ARt Room
Experience a haunted art room as these famous pieces come to life with Augmented Reality in kinda spooky ways.
273. Making Art with Dominoes
This isn't my idea, but you can explore this idea on my blog with links to resources and our examples.
274. Stop-Motion Emotions
Students learn about feelings, colors, and movement in this Color Monster inspired lesson. Learn more here.
275. Giraffes CAN Dance
Students remove the background of their giraffe paintings (see #270) and move them digitally to enhance their dance moves. See their class movie with 5 different dance moves https://vimeo.com/377374542
276. Mona Lisa with Legos
See how students recreated the Mona Lisa collaboratively using legos in this post.
277. Grinch Fest
Celebrate a Grinch Fest with a photo booth that puts students on the cover of Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas. See this post for many other cool resources.
278. The Snowman Story
Students fly with their snowman like in the story by Raymond Briggs. See my post for all the steps and resources.
279. Kindness Campaign 2.0
Students present their kindness messages with augmented reality as they appear to come to life like the moving paintings in the Harry Potter stories. Learn more. See the previous version of this lesson (#217) made with a still image photo.
Learn more here.
Download the lesson here.
280. Augmented Reality Bobblehead Animations
282. Augmented Reality Kindness Gallery
Students responded with this seesaw lesson.
Learn how to make these here
283. Class Mantra Video
284. Virtual Art Show for Physical Art
They responded with this seesaw lesson.
285. Lip-Sync Stop-Motion Animation
See the post for tutorials and resources
286. Emotional Robots
See my blog post with directions, tutorials, examples, and a set of posters for your classroom.
Download the lesson and posters here.
287. Make it Move it: Clay Fish
Download the lesson here.
288. Cardboard Emotional Robot
Move it with stop-motion animation.
Animate it with the Do Ink apps.
Download the lesson here.
289. Simple Rotoscope Lesson
290. Karaoke Party
302. Drag and Drop Portrait
303. Magazine Cover Template
304. Wild Thing Bookmark Template
305. FREE Transdigital Animation Course
306. How to Teach an Apple Still Life
307. Guess Something Game
This guessing game came from my DrawSomething days in 2012. I saved my drawings and reversed it.
Students guess the word I'm drawing using based on the art and how many letters are in the word. They practice their visual literacy and spelling as they play.
308. eMotional Robot Mini Course
Help your robot express their feelings with this step by step animation mini course designed around the iPad app by Do Ink. Connect this lesson to your SEL program and my book, PETER O'METER about a robot who becomes emotional when his buttons are pushed.
309. 3D Augmented Reality SEL check ins
(FREE) Print, color, and scan the 3D augmented reality coloring page (powered by Quivervision) to interact with PETER O'METER, an eMotion Bot who expresses different emotion when his buttons are pushed.
310. eMotion Bot Stop Motion Kit
(free) Introduce stop motion animation to your students with this kit and animation guide. Try adding sound and animated effects using Canva. (Great for Chromebook users). Download it from the PETER O'METER resource page.
311. PETER O'METER, my interactive augmented reality SEL Children's book
This book is unlike anything you've ever experienced. It's a moving story that actually moves with augmented reality as you interact with PETER, a robot who becomes emotional when his buttons are pushed. Explore it here.
Tricia Fuglestad
Check out my Interactive AR Children's Book, PETER O'METER
K-5 Art Teacher K-12 Tech Integration KidLit Author https://linktr.ee/fuglefun