Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 21st October 2022
Reflections on Hope - Worship by Year 3
At the end of the worship they shared a prayer that they had written. It was lovely to have so many parents and carers who came along to enjoy a wonderful worship!
A brilliant time at Piglets Farm - Nursery, Reception and Year 1
What a fabulous time Nursery, Reception and Year One had at Piglets Adventure Farm! There was a super buzz of excitement on the 'big bus' and squeals of delight as we arrived. The children couldn't wait to get exploring and loved seeing all the different farm animals, with clear favourites being the super-cute, four-day old little piglets! Of course, no farm visit would be complete without a tractor-trailer ride, so this was next on the agenda and proved to be a highlight of the visit. The ride-on tractors were also great fun, and it was lovely to see great sharing and turn-taking with these. Not only did we get to explore the farm, but we also managed to visit the seaside too! Great fun was had in the giant sandpit using teamwork to explore the pulley systems and dams. After an action-packed and fun-filled day, we returned to school on a significantly quieter bus than on the way! Well done to all of the children for behaving so well and for representing our school brilliantly.
Invitation to Worship
Dates for Class Worship Autumn 2022
Wednesday 2nd November - Year 2
Wednesday 9th November - Year 6
Wednesday 16th November - Year 1
Wednesday 30th November - Year 5
Fabulous Forest Schools in Year 5
School Update
It has been lovely to have so many parents and carers in school to look at the children's work and at parent consultations. We hope these were useful opportunities to find out how your children have settled into their new classes. If you do need to discuss any issues in more depth, please do contact your child's class teacher to make a suitable appointment.
Be on Time at Quarter to Nine
Learning starts at 8.45am each morning. Please do try to be on time as just missing 5 minutes each day for a school year equates to a whole week of lost learning.
Holidays in Term Time
If parents and carers are planning to take their child/children out of school for a holiday, they should ensure that they complete a request form which is available on our school website.
The school is only allowed to authorise absence in very exceptional circumstances. Where the absence is greater than 5 days over a four month period, North Yorkshire guidance states that it is expected that the school will submit evidence to the Local Authority, who will make a decision whether to pursue a penalty notice.
Have a lovely half term holiday and we look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 31st October.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 31st October - School opens
Wednesday 2nd November at 9am - Year 2 Class Worship (Y2 parents welcome to attend)
Thursday 3rd November - Community Day
Wednesday 9th November at 9am - Year 6 Class Worship (Y6 parents welcome to attend)
Thursday 10th November - Year 3 visit to Bradford
Wednesday 16th November at 9am - Year 1 Class Worship (Y1 parents welcome to attend)
Thursday 24th November - Year 6 visit to Crucial Crew
Monday 28th November - Riding Lights Theatre Visit for Reception/Y1/Y2/Y3
Wednesday 30th November at 9am - Year 5 Class Worship (Y5 parents welcome to attend)
Friday 2nd December - Money Day
Friday 16th December at 10.00am - Key Stage 1 Nativity
Friday 16th December at 3.15pm - School closes for Christmas Break
Wednesday 4th January - School reopens for Spring Term
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Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool
Twitter: @riponcathschool