Knighthawk Family News
Pleasant Knoll Middle School -January 2020
Message from Mr. Young
I hope all of our Knighthawk families have had a great start to 2020. We are so fortunate for supportive families and awesome students that are prepared to learn each day. As the second semester is underway, we have a busy few months ahead of us. The end of the year will be here before we know it. As many of our families know, our state testing will take place in May. We will send you those dates for each grade level in the next few weeks. Our 8th grade students are starting the process of getting ready for high school by meeting with our counselors for Individual Graduation Plans. Winter sports are winding down and spring sports are getting started. To say the least, we have a lot to look forward to over the last few months of school.
I want to remind our parents and students of several procedures...
- Car Rider Line - Please remember that we require all parents to pull through the car rider line. Please do not pull into the front parking lot and drop off students. This is a safety risk for you and our staff as they enter the building. It also slows down our car rider line as we have to stop traffic to direct students across the cross-walk. Thank you for your understanding.
- Cell Phone Policy - Electronic devices including cell phones may be brought to school and used before or after school to communicate with parents. They must be turned off and placed in the student’s locker from 7:40 AM until 3:10 PM. A cell phone may not be used during the day unless an employee of PKMS gives permission, even to call or text parents. Earphone usage is only allowed with the students Chromebooks and with teacher permission.
- Tardy Policy - Please remember that all students must be in their classroom by 8:10AM each morning. If you are dropping off students in the car rider line and you do not see an adult, please sign your student in at the front office. Adults must walk in with their child to sign them in.
Thank you again for all you do for PKMS!!!
Grey Young, Principal
Congratulations to our Knighthawk Flyers for November! These students were recognized for showing great character and being great role models. Front Row: Danny Perez, Tyler Otwell, Elijah Burcham, Ada Kavuzlu, Luisa Koeppe, Addison Lynn, Drew Lumpkin Back Row: Jake Macheski, Caden Masek, Mary Dober, Courtney Clancy, Kailyn Cabana
December/January TOP Knighthawk
8th Grade Washington, DC Trip
Tuesday, March 3rd @ 6pm in the cafeteria
A meeting with chaperones only will follow.
Polar Plunge
Counselors' Corner
Important Dates for 8th Grade – High School Transition Timeline
If Attending Nation Ford High School:
January 28th – Parent Night at Pleasant Knoll Middle School for Nation Ford High School Rising 9th Graders at 6:30 pm in the Cafeteria
February 6th – Curriculum Night at Nation Ford High School at 6:30 pm
If Attending Fort Mill High School:
January 29th – Parent Night at Pleasant Knoll Middle School for Fort Mill High School Rising 9th Graders at 6:30 pm in the Gym
February 6th – Curriculum Night at Fort Mill High School at 6:30 pm
If Attending Catawba Ridge High School:
Parents can attend either the Nation Ford HS (January 28th) or Fort Mill HS (January 29th) parent night
February 5th – Curriculum Night at Catawba Ridge High School at 6:30 pm
All 8th Grade Students Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) Timeline:
January 29th – Counselors will be going into 8th grade classrooms to discuss the IGP Process and give students a copy of the High School course selection sheet and Program of Studies book.
February 7th – High School Course Selection forms are due back on this day.
February 13th- Middle School and High School counselors will complete IGP and course selection process with students and parents. Parents will receive notification in the mail as to the time of their IGP Meeting. Meetings are scheduled in 15 minute appointments.
School Counselor Assignments
- All Students (Last Names A-G)
Allison Davis -
- All Students (Last Names H-N)
Margaret Causey -
- All Students (Last Names O-Z)
January Band News
PKMS Band: Knighthawk Notes
We hope each of you had a wonderful Winter Break and a great start to the New Year! Here are a few band items to note in January:
January Reminders:
Allstate Honor Band Auditions
Saturday, January 25th (bad weather Feb. 1st)
Lexington High School, Lexington, SC
~eligible students~
York County Honor Band Clinic
Tuesday-Wednesday, January 28-29
Northwestern High School, Rock Hill, SC
(Registration fee & permission slip)
~eligible students~
PKMS Symphonic Band Rehearsals
Weekly before/after-school practices
(see schedule sent home)
~eligible students~
February Dates to Remember:
Winter Fundraiser Items Pick-Up
TBA (mid-February/after school)
Region Honor Band Clinic
Friday-Saturday, February 21-22
Nation Ford High School, Fort Mill, SC
(Registration fee & permission slip)
~eligible students~
Last Spring Trip Payment (8th grade)
$190 due February 26th
(please check your fundraiser earnings slip)
~eligible students~ire*
Nurse News
It is not too late for the flu vaccine
Why should people get vaccinated against the flu?
The first and most important step in preventing flu is to get a flu vaccine each year. Flu vaccine has been shown to reduce flu related illnesses and the risk of serious flu complications that can result in hospitalization or even death. CDC also recommends everyday preventive actions (like staying away from people who are sick, covering coughs and sneezes and frequent handwashing) to help slow the spread of germs that cause respiratory (nose, throat, and lungs) illnesses, like flu.
For more information visit
Please make an appointment for your child to update their Tdap vaccination before next school year. ALL seventh graders will be REQIIRED to get the Tdap vaccine to protect them against whooping cough (pertussis). One (1) dose of Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) administered on or after the 7th birthday will be required for all seventh graders. It is strongly recommended that adolescents who have not yet received a dose of Tdap vaccine be immunized in advance of this requirement. Students who are not up to date with their Tdap vaccination may not be allowed to attend school. For more information, please visit
Please send a copy of the immunization record to the school nurse once they receive the updated vaccination.
Box Tops
Box Tops Sweepstakes Alert!
Scan your receipt on the Box Tops app for a chance to win 5,000 Bonus Box Tops for our school and a $50 gift card for you!
Sweepstakes ends 2/28/20.
Remember, scanning your grocery receipts is quick, easy, and IMPORTANT! Just download the Box Tops app, log in, and select PKMS as your school—then just scan your receipts within 14 days of purchase (or have your student do it).
Still seeing traditional Box Tops on your products? Cliip ‘em like usual and submit to the school well before expiration.
PKMS Yearbooks!
Yearbooks are now on sale for $40.00. Students may also purchase personalization, such as their monogram, a crest, or their name, for an additional $7.
Click here for link to order yearbooks.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Munn:
School Administrator Assignments
7th GRADE - Daniel McCallum -
8th GRADE - Grey Young -
Parent Communication
We would like to keep all of our parents informed of upcoming events, classroom news, and school news. Please use the PKMS website, It should be a primary source of communication for our families and Mrs. Munn does an outstanding job of updating it on a regular basis. Please also use our Twitter and Facebook pages for information as well.
Twitter - @PK_Knighthawks
Facebook -
Pleasant Knoll Middle School
Location: 2320 Pleasant Road, Fort Mill, SC, United States
Phone: 803-835-3770
Twitter: @PK_Knighthawks