Hawk Happenings: Nov. 1st
Holy Rosary Regional School/Juan Diego Academy Community
Message from Sra. Farias - Nov. 1st
Welcome to November and the chilly weather ahead. Just a reminder to send your students to school with a warm jacket even though it may look like a sunny day. Temperatures as you well know can suddenly change in the Fall and we want all the children to be able to go out for recess on a chilly day. Parents, please note that teachers will ask students to remove their jackets in the classroom. The expectation is for the students to be in full uniform and that they are wearing their school sweaters. The rooms are well heated.
It has been a lively week so far and still more to come! Trimester 1 ends this Friday, Nov. 3rd. We are having our first all school Trimester Assembly to recognize deserving students with awards. We will also highlight Electives as Middle School students will celebrate their learning by presenting short presentations about their Elective Activities this past Trimester. The following awards will be presented:
Hawk Star Student Award! Teachers selected a few students that showed "soaring good behavior" this past Trimester. As you well know, we have implemented an All School Discipline Plan called "Hawks Soar!" Soar stands for S-Stopping and listening attentively, O-Opening our minds to making good choices, A-Acting Responsibly and R-Respecting ourselves and others.
Perfect Attendance with No Tardies: This award is for students that have not missed a day of school and have been on time every single day during Trimester 1!
Chocolate Sale Award Winners: The first, second and third place winners will be presented with their prizes by Leianna Perkins-Muse who chaired this very successful fundraising event for our school. Thank you Leianna!
Elective Presentations:
1. Service Club with Ms. Berenice
2. Dance Club with Ms. Erika Garibay
3. Drama Club with Mr. Downing
The Assembly will begin at 1:45 p.m. and will end at 2:30 p.m.
Parents are welcome to attend!
Sra. Farias
Upcoming Events:
This Week:
- Wednesday, Nov. 1st- All Saints Day Mass at 9:00 a.m. by 4th grade.
- Thursday, Nov. 2nd- Spirit Day Dress--PSC MEETING AT THE PARISH OFFICE at 8:00 a.m. Parents are welcome to attend. (Parent Service Committee)
- Friday-Regular School Mass at 9:00 a.m. Trimester Award and Celebration of Learning Assembly will begin at 1:45. Parents may attend. Form for your selection of electives for Trimester 2 is due today!! Don't forget middle school students!
- Saturday- Please come to our Annual Hispanic Heritage Celebration at 6:00 p.m. Purchase tickets at the door.
- When you go to bed on Saturday night don't forget to move your clocks back for Daylight Savings time. Fall BACK!
- NEXT WEDNESDAY, NOV. 8TH-Please check lost and found for articles of clothing between now and then. The unclaimed items will be sent to Goodwill this day.
Our fabulous Hispanic Heritage Festival is SATURDAY!!!!!
Volunteer Tracking Sheets Are Now Due!
Scenes from the School...
Fall Festival Fun!
Beautifying our School with Nature!
Bewitching Fun!
Thanks for the Fall Festival!
Just a note: If you are able to snag some "After Halloween" decorations or blow-ups for 70% percent off and would like to donate it to the school, Nina would greatly appreciate it since some our decorations need replacing for next year. No candy please! This is a great idea!!!! Thanks Nina.
Thank You Volunteers For Tree Planting!
A huge thank you to all our families who came and helped last Saturday plant the beautiful trees you can now enjoy in our school backyard! It was a beautiful crisp Fall Day and we had help starting with kids from age 2 all the way up to old folk like myself. We were able to finish in an hour and 1/2 thanks to the great turn out! Your support and help for this event was a blessing for all our students who will be able to sit under some shade trees next Spring!
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Sign Ups are Now Open!
Please sign up for Parent -Teacher conferences. The slots are 15 min. Fall conferences are mandatory, so we appreciate you doing your best to find a time that works. Just click on the link and check the times for Monday, Nov. 20 and Tuesday, Nov. 21. You will be able to sign up and the site will even send you a reminder as the day approaches.
Pre-K 4A (Ms. Sonia): http://signup.com/go/UZnQTCc
Pre-K 4B (Ms. Juliet): http://signup.com/go/OPnLKYu
KG - A (Ms. Nuria): http://signup.com/go/ixNjhJE
KG - B (Ms. Raquel): http://signup.com/go/GYVQYrU
1/2 - English (Mrs. Holguin): http://signup.com/go/NuzoaaU
1/2 - Spanish (Mrs. Williams): http://signup.com/go/KCFOacX
3/4 - English (Mrs. Silva): http://signup.com/go/RdoWBvC
3/4 - Spanish (Mr. Ivan): http://signup.com/go/wTmkJkL
5 (Mr. Anderson): http://signup.com/go/ZGXJPwz
6/7 (Mr. Downing): http://signup.com/go/bqCVXqV
8 (Mr. Farias): http://signup.com/go/vVwfiNk
Have You Applied for Your Fulcrum Scholarship??
- Scroll down to Tuition Assistance Grants and click on Apply
- Sign in or sign up for your account
- Complete the application (you will need earning/income information, expenses, and tax information) and pay the $24 application fee. Please note that Fulcrum will not be reimbursing application fees any longer.
Remember: In order for families to receive ANY financial assistance for next year, you MUST apply through Fulcrum first. Even if you do not qualify, we can still meet to discuss/negotiate a tuition contract for next year.
From the Development Office:
Hi all. We are in the midst of our Annual Fund Appeal. We are asking all staff and families to participate in this fundraiser. The funds raised support tuition assistance, new curriculum and materials, teacher's salaries, and new playground equipment.
I am asking you to make a donation to the Annual Fund this year. You can choose to make a one-time donation or you can pledge a monthly amount. Please consider giving $25 a month for ten months, which provides a total donation of $250. You may be able to give more than that or you may not be able to give that much. Whatever you can give will be gratefully accepted. This year, we are hoping for 100% support from our staff and school families at amounts appropriate to their individual abilities.
Le pido que haga una donación al Fondo Anual este año. Puede hacer una sola donación o puede hacer una promesa de donación mensual. Por favor considere donar $25.00 dólares al mes por un período de diez meses. Esto último sería una donación total de $250.00 dólares. Puede que usted pueda dar más de esa cantidad o que usted no pueda dar esa cantidad. Lo que pueda usted contribuir es recibido con agradecimiento. Este año esperamos el apoyo del 100% de las familias del colegio y que cada familia contribuya de acuerdo a su capacidad.
To donate securely online here is the link:
Our current family/staff participation rate is less then 11% and we have a lofty goal to meet of $146,000!