Timber Talks
River Mill Elementary - June 2, 2023
Dear River Mill Families,
What a great week! Walking through the classrooms, students are working hard and having fun. They continue to work toward achieving their grade level essential learning standards, persisting through each day and giving their best efforts. REID Day invitations have been sent out today. If your child has been invited to the June 9th (or upcoming, June 16th session), we ask that you make it a priority to come. This is our final chance to do some very direct teaching with your student, correct any thinking errors they might have, and set them up for continued learning over the summer.
Many of our end of school year traditions are on the horizon. Things like Career Fair, Field Day, and Sports Challenge are high interest activities for our students and we are so thankful to the people who help us to make them happen. Field day is one of the events that requires some additional hands on deck. If you are interested in supporting field day and you have taken the steps to be a volunteer in the school setting, please reach out to your child's teacher.
Lastly, if your child has a school district device at home (maybe even from last year), please return it and the charger as soon as possible. We want to ensure we collect the devices in order to have the time over the summer to provide any updates and double check that everything is working properly. By having technology on hand in the summer, we are more quickly able to redistribute at the beginning of next year and confidently know students will have the tools that they need for success.
Additionally, if you have any library books at home, please send them back to school right away. Thank you!
Corinne Johnsen
Principal, River Mill Elementary
This Week's Schedule
This Week:
- June 5th: Regular School Day - S is for Superhero - dress like a superhero!
- June 6th: Regular School Day - T is Think about the Future - dress like the career you want (Career Fair Day)
- June 7th: Regular School Day - U is for Uniform - Wear your favorite sports uniform
- June 8th: Regular School Day - V is for Vacation - Share or write about where you'd like to vacation
- June 9th: REID Day (by invitation only)
Upcoming Events:
- June 9th: REID Day
- June 13th: Field Day
- June 14th: Staff vs. Kids Sports Challenge
- June 15th: Last Full Day of School
- June 15th: 5th Grade Promotion - HomeTown Fan Invite Coming soon
- June 16th: Last REID Day
Thank You, Volunteers!
Please return all school library books. Thank you!
ABC Countdown
Our Attendance for May was over 90%, keep it up!
Please return Technology Devices & Chargers
Illness & Returning to School
My School Bucks - Meal Service Payment System
My School Bucks is an online payment service that provides parents the ability to securely pay for meals, monitor student cafeteria purchases, and receive email notifications for low account balances.
Please note: currently, a convenience fee of $2.75 will be applied for each transaction.
All transactions are processed and applied to students' accounts nightly.
To enroll, please click the link below and have your student's ID number handy.
My School Bucks can be accessed via the link below: https://login.myschoolbucks.com/users/register/getsignup.action?login_hint=&clientID=schoolbucks
River Mill Elementary
Principal Corinne Johnsen
Go Timbers!
Email: johnsenc@estacada.k12.or.us
Website: www.rmes.estacada.k12.or.us
Location: 850 North Broadway Street, Estacada, OR, USA
Phone: 503-630-8517
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverMillElem
Twitter: @RMTimbers