Champaign Pre K/ CECC Newsletter
Friday, January 16th, 2023
Happy Friday CECC Families!!
Hello Families!
Please remember that on Monday, January 9th, there is NO SCHOOL for our PM students.
You should be hearing information soon about an upcoming event called the Literacy Lunch Bunch! We are very excited to bring this event back to CECC as we have not been able to hold it for a few years due to Covid. The local Kiwanis Club is very generous to our program, and they donate money for us to purchase books for our students to keep and help sponser this event. Your family will be invited to attend with the rest of their class on either January 27th or February 3rd (half of our classes attend one day, and the other half attend the other day) to enjoy a pizza lunch provided by the Kiwanis Club, as well as literacy activities and a book for your child to keep. Please watch for information from your child's teacher, and be sure to let us know if you plan to attend. We hope to see you all here on your child's assigned date!
I have included the information that I sent in the previous newsletter about guidelines for when your child is sick, as well as how a weather emergency day will be handled in case you did not get a chance to read that last month.
If you ever have any questions or concerns for me, you can call our office at 217-351-3881 or email me at prekoffice@u4sd.org.
Thanks and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Cheryl Dearing
CECC Principal
January 9th-Early Out Day (NO School for PM Students- Remote Learning Activities will be sent home)
January16th- NO SCHOOL- Dr. Martin Luther King's Birthday
January 18th-19th- Dental Clinic at CECC (watch for forms to come home)
January 20th- Picture Retake Day
January 23rd- Early Out Day (NO School for AM Students -Remote Learning Activities will be sent home/PM STUDENTS ATTEND 8:50-11:20)
January 27th- Literacy Lunch Bunch Event #1(watch for info to come)
February 3rd- Literacy Lunch Bunch Event #2
February 6th- NO School for PM Students- Remote Learning Activities will be sent home
February 13th- NAAPID Day (more information to come)
February 13th- NO School for AM Students -Remote Learning Activities will be sent home/PM STUDENTS ATTEND 8:50-11:20
February 20th- NO SCHOOL (President's Day)
Letter to Families About Illness
Dear Families:
The cold and flu season is upon us. To prevent widespread illness in our schools, we recommend that your child stay home from school if experiencing symptoms of an illness, even if they have tested negative for any listed COVID symptoms. To decide whether or not to send your child to school after a negative COVID test, please review the following guidelines:
Consider keeping your child at home for an extra day of rest and observation, or repeat testing after 24 hours, if they have any of the following symptoms:
Very stuffy or runny nose
Mild sore throat (no fever, no known exposure to strep)
Mild Headache
Mild stomach ache
Definitely keep your child at home for testing, treatment, and observation if he or she has any of these symptoms:
Fever (temperature equal to or greater than 100.4. May not return until fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication) **
New onset of moderate to severe persistent headache **
Shortness of breath **
New Cough **
Sore Throat **
Vomiting (even once) **
Diarrhea **
General feelings of fatigue, discomfort, weakness or muscle aches
Lots of nasal congestion with frequent blowing of nose
** Symptoms marked with ** require a negative COVID test before returning to school.
To help prevent the flu and other colds, teach your children good hygiene habits:
Wash hands frequently.
Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth.
Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, use a paper tissue, throw it away and then wash hands.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Colds are the most contagious during the first 48 hours. A child who has a fever should remain at home until "fever free" for a minimum of 24 hours. A child who has started antibiotics needs to be on medication for 24 hours before being considered non-contagious and able to return to school. Often when a child awakens with vague complaints (the way colds and flu begin) it is wise to observe your child at home for an hour or two before deciding whether or not to bring them to school. Your child should be physically able to participate in all school activities upon return to school. Keeping a sick child at home will minimize the spread of infections and viruses in the classroom.
Thank you in advance for helping make this year at school as healthy as possible.
Cheryl Dearing, Principal
Gretchen Clavey, School Nurse
Snow Days and E Learning Days- A Note from Unit 4 District
Positive Guidance for Children: Be Consistent- Tip Sheet in English, Spanish, and French
CECC Mission Statement
We believe all students can learn.
Our mission is…
To ensure that each student develops the academic, social, and emotional skills needed to succeed as an active learner in school and in a diverse society.
To fulfill our mission…
We will partner with families to provide an equitable, individualized, developmentally appropriate, multi-modal approach to learning with an emphasis on social emotional skills, language, communication, and emergent academic skills.
Fundamental to our mission are…
A commitment to equity, collaborative decision-making, a highly-trained and dedicated staff, and a valued partnership between caregivers and community in a child-friendly, inclusive, nurturing environment.
How to Contact Us
Email: prekoffice@u4sd.org
Website: cecc.champaignschools.org
Location: 809 North Neil Street, Champaign, IL, USA
Phone: 217-351-3881
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057086784805