Dublin High School
Week of December 11, 2023
A Note From Dr. Overstreet...
Early Dismissal December 15th: Please be reminded that next Friday, December 15th is a half day for Dublin City Schools. To accommodate shared buses, Dublin High School, Dublin Middle School and Moore Street School will dismiss at 11:00 AM, while Hillcrest Elementary School, the Irish Gifted Academy and Susie Dasher Elementary will end the school day at 11:45 AM. Next Friday, breakfast will be served as normal, and students will receive lunch before they leave. Thank you for your continued support of Dublin City Schools! We’re looking forward to finishing strong next week and then enjoying a restful Christmas Break.
DHS Fine Arts Department Presents Hometown Holley: Mark your calendar! Dublin City Schools' Fine Art Showcase, Hometown Holly, is happening on Thursday, December 14th at 6:00 PM in Dublin High School's Auditorium! Students from across the district will display their talents, and you're sure to leave a bit more in the holiday spirit. Plus, the Big Guy from the North Pole has officially RSVP, so your child can tell Santa what they'd like for Christmas AND see a spectacular show! Plus, it's ALL FREE!
A Big Irish Shout Out to Paris White and DHS Finalists for the Superintendents Christmas Card Contest: Congratulations to Dublin High School Senior International Baccalaureate student Paris White, our 2023 Superintendent’s Christmas Card Contest winner! White’s design will serve as the official card for Dublin City Schools, which will share the greeting with more than 200 communities, state, and national partners this holiday season. Students were asked to create a card that celebrated the season, but also incorporated aspects of our mission, vision, and core beliefs as a Charter School System.
White, along with other DHS finalists, will take home a host of prizes from 19 area sponsors. Our finalists are encouraged to attend tonight's Board of Education meeting to receive their prize packs, and be recognized by the board for their artistic handiwork. Students and their parents should arrive no later than 5:45PM to the Board office located at 207 Shamrock Drive.
Here’s the list of DHS finalists:
Paris White - DHS
Khalil Young - DHS
Car’Vandryah Bell - DHS
Kennedi Tommie - DHS
Dajah Taylor - DHS
Camilla Simmons - DHS
PLEASE COMPLETE & SHARE This Survey! We know our school community is strongest when all voices are heard! So, we’re asking all families to take a few moments to share their thoughts about the quality of services currently being provided to their children. Responses are being collected NOW - Wednesday, January 10th! Click on the link below to respond to the survey.
21st Century After School Program: The 21st Century Afterschool Program is available to all students. The 21st Century Program is an after-school program for students who are in need of extra help or tutoring for core academic subjects they are currently enrolled in this semester. Students can also recover credits for courses they may have previously failed in order to get back on track for graduation. The afternoon program is Monday - Thursday from 2:30 until 5:30. Bus transportation along with an afterschool meal are provided. For more information, please contact Ms. Madison, the school's Graduation Coach at 478-353-8040.
“Don’t Stop Believing!”
Go Irish!
Michael Overstreet
December Scholarships: Please review the December Scholarships by clicking on the link below:
StudentScholarships.org - The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web
12th Graders: The Gates Scholarship 10th, 11th & 12th Graders: GSBA's Student Video Contest
11th and 12th Graders: United States Youth Senate Program - Due September 29th
12th Grade Only Coco Cola Scholarship https://www.coca-colascholarsfoundation.org/apply/ the deadline to submit is 5 pm Eastern on Monday, October 2, 2023.
12th Graders: GEORGIA MATCH Initiative
11th & 12th Graders: Horatio Alger Scholarship - March 15, 2024
StudentScholarships.org - The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web
Students Scholaship.org. The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web: https://studentscholarships.org/scholarships.php
· The Heisman High School https://apply.mykaleidoscope.com/apply/a0DHq00000leoNrMAI/a1PHq00000BlyySMAR
Upcoming Events
Thursday, December 14th: Dublin High School LGST Meeting @5:30
Thursday, December 14th: Hometown Holly at 6:00 PM at Dublin High School’s Auditorium
Thursday, December 14th: Dublin High School Governance Team Meeting at 5:00
DHS Wrestlers Alumni Night Duals, December 14th @ DHS Time TBA
Friday, December 15th: 1/2 Day of School - DHS Dismisal 11:45
Friday, December 15th: Dublin High School Basketball AWAY @ Swainsboro {4:00 PM Junior Varsity Boys; 6:00 PM Varsity Girls; 7:30 PM Varsity Boys}
DHS Shamrock Scuffle, December 15-16 @ DHS Gym Time TBA
Monday, December 18th - Monday January 1st: Christmas Break; No School for DCS Students or Staff
Tuesday, January 2nd: Family Meeting for DCS Staff; No School for Students
Wednesday, January 3rd: Students Return; All Members from the Fighting Irish Family are Back!
DHS Wrestling Team Competed at Onion City Invitational at Vadalia High School This Past Weekend
The Dublin High School Fighting Irish wrestling team competed in the inaugural Onion City Invitational at Vidalia High School this weekend. The Irish placed 6th as a team and individual placers include:
113 pound CHAMPION - Tank
120 pound Runner Up - Kye Young
144 pound Third Place - Taj Carswell
165 pound Runner Up - Lucas Coley
We are in action next Thursday at HOME for alumni night, then Friday and Saturday for the Shamrock Scuffle. Come see them compete for the Green and Gold
Join us December 14 as Dublin Fighting Irish Wrestling hosts their home opener, and honor the legacy of Fighting Irish Wrestling with “Alumni Night.” The Quad event starts at 5 p.m., and admission is $7. To purchase tickets, visit the link below. Support our Irish, and celebrate wrestling history right here at home!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year From The Dublin High School Family
The Lady Irish Basketball Team
The Lady Irish Basketball Team is 7-0 with Victories Over Wilkerson County and Twiggs County Last Week to Remain Undefeated!
The Boys Basketball Team
Early Dismissal Friday, December 15th
About Us
Email: michael.overstreet@dcsirish.com
Website: https://dhs.dublincityschools.us/en-US
Location: 1127 Hillcrest Pkwy, Dublin, GA 31021, USA
Phone: 478-353-8040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhsirish
Twitter: @dublinhighga