The Weekly Update #7
August 27, 2023

Mission and Vision
All Living the Pursuit of Excellence for Lifetime Achievement
The Mission of CGUHSD is to inspire excellence by providing globally competitive educational and career opportunities for all students
Message From the Principal
Good morning Cougar Nation…I hope that you have all had a restful weekend thus far. This is going to be a big week for us as we start to implement credit recovery on Sept 5. We are shooting forTuesday to give us and the students the weekend to address concerns or conflicts that arise from the shift. I greatly appreciate your willingness to work with us as we address this challenge we have been presented with. This shift may cause some classes to be collapsed and combined with another class. THIS WILL NOT RESULT IN HIGH STUDENT NUMBERS IN CLASSES. Please keep an eye on your student PowerSchool page for changes.
Parents and students, we need your assistance with pick-up and drop-off. Please follow the directions on this video in regard to the area to both pick-up and drop-off. When parents stop in front of the buildings to let students out / in traffic is delayed all the way back to Trekkel and Rodeo. We are asking for your assistance and cooperation with this please.
All Casa Grande Union students who drive to school must have their parking permit displayed either on your rearview mirror.
Parking violations will be cited, and fines will be assessed at the rate of $5.00/day and per violation.
Please be responsible and get your $25.00 parking permit. YOU MUST PARK IN ASSIGNED SPACES.
If someone is parked in your spot, please let the office know and we will address it.
Our administrative team met with all students to review our behavioral expectations, please click here to see the topics we reviewed.
As this semester continues to move forward, there are a number of important items that I want to share. Please remember that Mrs. Clement, Mr. Raymond, Mrs. Telles, Dr. Johnson, Mr. Robbins, and Dr. Gardner and I remain available to assist you in any way that we can.
Protect the Den!
Dr. Chris Lineberry
Casa Grande Union High School
Great news! We now have 1 full class period of AVID being offered. If you are interested, see your counselors asap so that we can form a second class. For more information on our course offering and the AVID program you can click here and view a video here:n What AVID is
Cell Phones
Nationally, there has been a significant spike in cyberbullying and classroom disruptions from cell phones in the classroom. We know that teen mental health continues to decline across the country from excessive screen time and social media. You can read some of the latest research on this important topic here. Our policy is OFF AND AWAY (Cell phones and Earbuds) during classtime.If there are extenuating circumstances, ex. diabetes and need to monitor, a caregiver with severe illness, etc please send Mr. Raymond an email and he and our staff will work with you to come to a solution.
Between classes and at lunch, there is no problem with students having their phones out or listening to music with their earpods, etc.
Student Fines / Fees
Students must pay any and all fines / fees in order to participate in the graduation ceremony. Any student fines or fees can be paid online. Students can purchase parking passes, pay class fees, technology fines, etc. All of this should be done online. You can access the payment center by doing the following:
You will need a PowerSchool Parent Portal account to access TouchBase.
If you don’t have a PowerSchool Parent Portal account, please call your
student's school office to get an account set up.
Please sign into to PowerSchool to access TouchBase. The steps below
can only be done using an internet browser such as Google Chrome, Internet
Explorer, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, Android browser, etc. (computer, tablet, smartphone) and CANNOT be done using the Powerschool Mobile App.
- Sign in to PowerSchool.
- Once signed in, click the icon in the left panel labeled Purchases and Payments (see image on left).
You will immediately be taken to TouchBase without having to sign in.
Alma Parra - Coming Out From Behind the Counter
Alma Parra received the Stepping Out From Behind The Counter Award this week. Dr. Lineberry says that Alma has offered, without hesitation, to translate for students and families, while continuing to ensure sure her that her duties in the library are fulfilled. Additionally, because of her high level of emotional intelligence, she has availed herself as a resource for struggling students, and has become the to go to person for a few of our students. Her is proud of her for her commitment to kids and to our team. Congratulations, Alma! (Photo Below)
This Weeks Challenges
UPDATE : We will begin both intensive and embedded credit recovery on Sept 1, 2023. Please continue to monitor PowerSchool for changes to your schedule. Your cooperation and understanding is greatly appreciated.
Please click here to read more about our Credit Recovery Challenge and how we intend to overcome it.
Vaping - Repeat from Last Week, However, VERY IMPORTANT
Since we began school we have had a multiple instances of aggression (fighting) between students that have resulted in 12 suspensions. Let me be very clear about this, this behavior is absolutely unacceptable on our campus.
Moving Forward
We are acting within the parameters of our student handbook discipline matrix and are suspending students who are involved in fights. Additionally, we have a few cases where, due to the nature of the fight, we are recommending those students involved not be allowed to return to school for up to 365 days. I want to be really clear about this with all of our students, parents, and community members: violence is not an answer to any problem a student may face on our campus. If you fight on the campus of CGUHS you will be suspended and you may receive the any or all of the following consequences dependent on the severity of the altercation: law enforcement contact and criminal charges, short-term suspension, long-term suspension or in the most severe cases expulsion (you may not attend school in an Arizona public school). If you are having a problem with someone on campus, come to an adult and allow us to help you and the other party to solve the problem peacefully and productively.
Student Academic Responsibilities
CGUHS Student Responsibilities 2023 - 24
This school year we will be discussing academic responsibilities at length with all of our students. It is important that students not only familiarize themselves with these responsibilities, but that they practice these responsibilities on a daily basis. We reviewed these expectations with students this week. If students follow the guidelines below, they will experience tremendous success at Casa Grande Union High School.
- Acquire Knowledge of Content - Students understand the content they are learning in class.
- Come Prepared for Class - Students bring the needed materials for class.
- Take Notes - Students accurately and completely take notes.
- Ask Questions - Students ask questions when a lack of understanding occurs.
- Complete Homework - Students complete assignments on time.
- Attend Tutoring/Seek Help - Students attend tutoring or seek help when they need it.
- Attend Regularly - Students attend class regularly and arrive on time.
- Take Assessment Seriously – Students bring their best effort possible on assessments.
- Appropriate Work Ethic/Attitude/Behavior - Students display appropriate work ethic, attitude, and behavior.
- Put cell phones and ear buds off and away while in the classroom
- Be Kind
Our counselors will be working closely with Mrs. Clement and our students / families to ensure that students are on track to graduate. Seniors must complete 22 credits in order to graduate. Additionally, every senior must take and pass the AZ Civics test, and must complete ECAP (Education and Career Action Plan). This year we will be using the AZ Pipeline program to guide our students through this process. Additional information can be found here. We will be rolling out our ECAP program as well as ensuring that students have opportunities to take and pass the Civics test in the coming weeks.
Scholarship Information
The Pinal Promise is a fantastic opportunity for our students to attain scholarship money and attend CAC. This scholarship is exclusively for students who live in Pinal County. For more information, click here. Additionally, Dr. Flemister and Mrs. DeCarlo will be sharing information with all seniors and senior parents throughout the year regarding scholarship opportunities.
Student Council
Student Council played Giant Jenga this week at lunch with students. Stay tuned for updates regarding homecoming activities the week of Sept. 11, 2023.
JI Teachers Providing Lumpia for Staff
Varsity Cheer
Cougars vs. Corona Del Sol
Alma Parra - Coming Out from Behind the Counter
J1 Teachers Providing Lumpia
Our Fantastic Student Council
Upcoming Activities this Week
Activities this Week:
CGHS Student Senate Meeting
11:05-11:45 AM - Auditorium
Advisors: Dr. Lineberry & Mrs. Telles
DECA to Leadership Camp, Lost Canyon, Williams AZ
Advisor: Mr. Carter
Band Coin Drive
Advisor: Mr. Hebda
Band Cookie Doug Fundraiser
Advisor: Mr. Hebda
Senior Class Meeting
7:30 AM - IFS Room
Advisor: Mrs. DeCarlo
Band Practice
5:45 PM - 9:00 PM
Advisor: Mr. Hebda
Key Club Meeting
7:30 AM & 1:15 PM - IFS Room
Advisor: Mrs. DeCarlo
Counselor PLC in Library Reference room
1:30 PM
STEM Advisory Council Meeting
11:05 - 11:45 - Auditorium
Advisor: Mr. Thompson
DECA Competition Study Session
3:30 - 4:30 - K102
Advisor: Mr. Carter
Band Practice
5:45 - 9:00 PM
Director: Mr. Hebda
Student Council OtterPop Sale
Lunchtime Activity
Advisor: Mrs. Brady
8/29 - School-wide Benchmark Testing
8/30 - Student Council to AASC Spirit Conference
9/1 - First Home Varsity Football Game
9/4 - LABOR DAY - School not in Session/Offices Closed
9/7 and 8 - THE Rudy Ruettiger to CGUHS
9/4-12 - Homecoming Float Building at CG Armory
9/12 - Blood Drive in Practice Gym
9/11-15 - Homecoming Week Activities
9/14 - CGUHS Wall of Fame Honorees' Banquet
9/15 - Homecoming Game & Wall of Fame Honorees' Presentation
Athletics This Week
August 28, 2023 - Monday
- JV Girls Volleyball (A) vs Desert Sunrise
- Desert Sunrise High School – 5:00 pm
August 29, 2023 - Tuesday
- Varsity Flag Football (H) vs Marana
- Casa Grande Union High School – 5:00 pm
August 30, 2023 – Wednesday
- Boys & Girls Cross Country (A) vs Multiple Schools
- Coolidge High School – 3:00 pm
- Varsity Girls Golf (A) vs Multiple Schools
- Lookout Mountain Golf Course - 3:30 pm
- Girls Volleyball (H) vs Copper Canyon
- Casa Grande Union High School - 4:00 pm
August 31, 2023 – Thursday
- Boys & Girls Swimming (A) vs Tucson & Rincon
- Quincie Douglas Pool – 4:00 pm
- Girls Volleyball (A) vs Nogales
- Nogales High School - 4:00 pm
- Varsity Flag Football (A) vs Williams Field
- Williams Field High School - 5:00 pm
September 1, 2023 – Friday
- Varsity Football (H) vs Nogales
- Casa Grande Union High School – 7:00 pm